I ordered BACKJOY - ON TRIAL. It did not serve me.
I did not get any relief from the big problem of a scoliosis.
In addition, it was too large; I weigh approximately 100 lbs.
I RETURNED IT and paid the postage, as required.
There should have been NO COST to me.
I received my MASTER CARD Statement, 2/10/2010 which
is paid by direct payment; hence I have paid $36.70 US funds,
which is $39.44 CANADIAN. Transaction date: 12/23/09
I received my next Master Card Statement, 2/21/2010, and
an additional cost is there: $36.71 US or $39.84 Can.
I have paid TWICE, making a TOTAL of : $ 79.28 Can.
I hereby request a REIMBURSEMENT of $79.28 Canadian
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.