I signed up for their web page and clicked on their offer that if I signed up for Blockbusters free trial that they would give me 350 gems. (Gems on Pogo can be used to buy badge albums and Mix N Match badge challenges or mini items) The value of the gems is 39.99 that Pogo charges. Well I signed up for Blockbuster and used the free trial and even went further and paid for a month of Blockbusters on a plan that was not what I needed because there is not a Blockbuster store in my home town. I have been sending emails for months trying to get my gems and finally they started blocking my emails.
I also signed up for the US Magazine on 3-14-2009. They said I would get it free for a month but I didn't. Two days after I signed up for their free trial the US Magazine charged my checking account for a whole year for $90.00+. This wiped out my money in my checking account. I did what they asked me to do which was forward the verification email that showed where I signed up for the offer. Still have not got a response from them. I was supposed to get 550 gems and that was to be doubled for signing up on weekedn which I was due on this offer 1100 gems which the value would be like 120.00 approximately or more.