I ordered two handbags from bagbinge.com in January of 08.
I received the handbags no problem. Handbags looked nice, the very next day i was going to carry my bag the handle broke. Tried calling them, the said it was Chinese new year the store is closed will get back to you. I never heard from them. I called my bank and did a report and got my money back . July of 08 started getting harassing phone calls from a lady from the company. She told me she was going to put my personal information on the internet, was going to send someone to my house for my kids if she didn't get her money back. I blocked her number and called the police. This is a cell phone she is crazy she called me names talked about my children which she doesn't even know if i have any. Don't buy from this company she is rude and crazy. How do we get this site shut down, this site has to many complaints.