I had my 45k service at Backer Jackson Nissan, the very next day the AC compressor blew out (Not sure what are the odds), they replaced the compressor and since then I complained more than one time than the AC is not blowing cold air. They checked the AC and said it is fine, just it is hot these days and always turn on the recycle (DAHH!!)
I checked at two other places on the AC and found that the pherion is low.
Also, I had a hit at the bottom of the car and they said that i have to change the control arm for $600 and get a new rim because it is not repairable (Around $475)
Guess what, the control arm is working fine and found it outside Nissan for $75 (Yes, SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS) and I was able to fix the rim for $120 and found that the new rim is for $175-200 not $475 (And this was a special price) and also I was able to find a used rim with the tire for less than $100