Ballys Total Fitness

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Ballys Total Fitness Reviews

Khyn17 April 12, 2011
Cancellation of Membership
This is a complain concerning cancellation of Ballys total fitness gym membership back in 2008. i was a member of ballys by my work in new york. i was unfortunately let go and couldnt keep the membership anymore as i live in CT and the gym is in NY and i was in a plan that i couldnt use my membership elsewhere. there was also no ballys by me and I WAS UNEMPLOYED. i sent bally's a written notice of cancellation as soon as i was let go from my home address. i explained the situation. i never heard from them again or this membership until i got a letter from a collection agency stating i owe them money. turns out they received my cancelation notice and needed more info but sent it to my WORK address not my HOME address. naturally, i never received it as i dont work there anymore. the letter went back to them as undeliverable. instead of contacting me on my home address or my phone, they just decided to let 2-3yrs pass and give my account to a collection agency. Now. i have spent soo many times on the phone with them and the CA to finally cancel this membership that should have been cancelled 2yrs ago and is still getting nowhere. please help me. please suggest ways on how i can finally clear this issue. this is also hurting my credit and finances. please send me any information that can help me finally get this issue resolved and i also want to file complaint against bally. thank you! [email protected]
Tango April 28, 2010
Stay away
Hello to EVERYONE that have had a Bally's Total fitness problem related to consumer fraud and deceptive business practices. I am in the process of collecting as much information on consumers that have been mislead and abused by those thieves and fraudulent company, ruining consumers credit reports, using tricks and fraudulent promises to make you responsible for a fitness contract you never agreed to. They were reporting me negatively to the credit bureaus for 7 years affecting my credit score and history terribly since I was 18 years old and now they resold the fake debt to an other collection agency after it fell off of my credit report, trying to ruin my credit again.

Please write me to angelusms3 AT if you guys are interested in taking part of this law suit with a brief story about your experience with Bally's (If you don't have the time for right now at least copy and paste it from your consumer complaint website enclosing your contact information such as telephone # and or email address so I can contact you as soon as I have everything ready) This is so I can put a case file together and take it to a few different attorneys I know since I am gonna at least be seeking financial compensation for all the damaged they have done and emotional stress caused. If you are in CA is even better since that's my state. The more people willing to join the bigger, powerful and credible the case will be. I have so much free time right now and I can do this for you! I am just really upset at this company because they also target young adults and teenagers...The vulnerable consumers with no experience and I was one of them.
skip62 March 19, 2010
Will not cancel
In december was notified that credit card was expiring and to contact with card or new expiration date. I called to cancel pay as you go membership and was told by rep that the only way to cancel ws ny written letter. I was told no fax or email. On Dec 21st I mailed a letter canceling. In Jan my card was charged. I called and talked to rep who advised that ther must be some mistake and in Feb the Jan charge was refunded and a new charge was applied. I called again and rep advised no record of 2 previous calls or letter received. Said letter must have gotten lost send again to a DC address attn cancelation dept which I did. My march statement has a charge again. This time I wrote a 2nd lengthy letter to Citi Card which is investigating this scam. In addittion I emailed to Ballys and they now replied that my account is closed and no refund is due. This by email which I was told in December cannot be done. Going to the state consumer complint dept for resolution. This outlaw company needs to be shut down
Ballys Sucks January 13, 2010
Taking Membership Fees after cancellation
I had the same problem. I canceled my membership and they say they never received my cancellation.

I called Bally’s on 1/8/10 to request my account be cancelled as I am not happy with the services or environment at the club.

I asked for a fax or e-mail to send my cancellation so that I can send it electronically and I would have a record of reciept. They said they couldn't give me one.

I was told that I need to request cancellation prior to January 9th in order to avoid being charged for January with a termination on February 9th. I was also told that I could submit this request online by simply filling out a contact request form which contains my member number and request for termination. I did this twice and received confirmation both times that the request was received on the 8th. Their phone system says that calls are recorded; however, somehow this call mysteriously disappeared from their records.

Then, of course, I was charged for January dues on the 11th extending my membership through March.

I am sure that I will never use their services again and I will make sure to let every person that I know now and meet in the future about their unethical business practices.

It continues to stagger me at the lengths a company will go to try and suck and extra $30 from a customer. Even if it costs them future business and any business from friends or family.
usmcNJ December 15, 2009
bad business
Let me begin...
1st. Customer service is a joke. There were times I was patiently standing at the protien bar, only 1 there,
and completely ignored! or until the lazy @$$ got tired of sitting there and figured out the only way to get rid of me was to serve me.
2nd. Unprofessional. I missed a payment 1 time. I remember going home and listening to a voicemail from the old lady at the front desk. "this is ballys, if you dont make your payment, you cant come back"
I was laughing histericly.
3rd. my buddy and I started working out and hitting the gym hard. He was a member longer than me.
So, in the past he hardly ever went. His yearly membership fee was $100. Then we started going more, his fee was raised to $134. Now we are still going 4x's a week. His membership fee is now $
He confronted the GM and he stated, Balleys was bought out by a new company. The new pricing system capitolizes on people who frequently go, not the new comer. So new customer get the better deals, rather than loyal members.
4. Lazy trainers... I never needed a trainer, but when I see those so called trainers, train people its a joke.
The trainers put those poor people on a treadmill and say, "be back in 20 mins"
5. this one is specificly for Springfield, NJ (RT22 east).
Horrible...horrible...horrible... rest rooms.
On the gym floor, there are never any paper towels.

Once my contract is up... I am canceling my CC# and will ask them to remove me from their database.
SatishN July 10, 2009
Collection of Debt which I do not owe
I was a member of Ballys Total Fitness for over two years, when I lost my Job in 2001 I had to go back to India. I called up Bally's customer service and they asked me to send them a proof of utility Bill that I was abroad (Which I did) and also they made me pay $175.00 towards cancellation fee.
I did not hear back from Bally's total fitness for over 11 months, and they sent me a huge bill asking me to pay $575.00 and they also told me that I was still under contract.
When I refused to pay, they handed it over to Asset Acceptance and they are asking me to pay a sum of over $2000.00.

I disputed it in all the credit bureaus, however Experian still has it as a dispute wherease Equifax and Transunion have cleared it. Now I am trying to get a refinance and the userwriter is insisting that I need to get a letter from Bally's saying that I do not owe them. I tried to explain him, but he is not interested in listening.
Pump3R June 5, 2009
Been a member for over 15 years, time to renew again. I need to wait until payday, no biggie. "We can't let you workout until you pay" No biggie, they even let me use their phone to call the automated number that reaches no human. "Speak to the mgr?" Sure. Here he comes, no pleasant nature, no hello sir, no nothing, doesn't offer to shake my hand, .. nice to meet you too. Texas hospitality at its worst. This is the mgr???? The best option to him was for the customer to leave the gym and produce a 2 week pass. If I weren't in the computer already, and was a frail wimpy guy, a safety concern may have been some valid reason I guess, but no... the concern is money that is 10 days away, for which i have a year membership plus for each day in waiting. Customer service guys, I have 19 years sales experience, there is no way I would let an existing customer leave without my product. Here is my question, if you don't appreciate customer loyalty after 15 years, what does it take? The fact is there is a way to produce the temp membership on site and take care of the customer who drove from who knows where. The mgr didn't even look at the computer to see who the heck he was dealing with. Bally's you haven't let me down, I'm sure there is a DM or CM that would like to train this no people skills, no business skills mgr., I've got my temp. membership, still a customer, but provided my experience today, I will hold onto my gym ads.
msandov February 25, 2009
I have been a member of Ballys since 2003. I let my membership go due to several issues I have had with them. About a year ago, I went to Ballys with a friend to get her signed up as a member. Because she did not have a debit card at the time, the Ballys employee suggested I use my debit card just for one transaction so that he could get her started as a member. My friend paid me the $30 so I agreed to use my debit card for the single transaction. Next, the Ballys employee said I had to sign a document for the debit transaction to go through. Being dumb, I signed it without reading what I was signing.
A few months go by, and I get calls from Ballys Corporate saying that I owed them money ($63 to be precise) and I had no idea what was going on because I've always paid my membership dues in full for the year. I found out that the Ballys employee actually had my sign a "Buyers" contract. It seems I am now responsible for my irresponsible friend who has no bank card. I was furious and went back to the Ballys employee who assured me there was some kind of mistake. He even got on the phone or at least acted like he did and told me not to worry that I wasn't the buyer, only a member sponsor. Whatever that means. Once again I think everythings straightened out. Another month goes by and I get another call from Corporate saying I owed money again. I am so fed up by now so I file formal complaints against this employee.
It has been almost a year and I am still dealing with this. Corporate will not let me off the contract but they agreed to let me become the member so my credit doesnt get messed up. I pay all the fees and fines and get the transfer papers in the mail and send them off. Two weeks later I want to go to the gym but was told I do not have a membership. These idiots basically let me pay $200 to bring my idiot friends account up to date. I swear to god I am so totally threw with Ballys. Everytime you call corporate, it is at least a 30 minute wait on hold and then every employee tells you something different. People need to find a new gym to go to as Ballys is completely unprofessional and hasn't a clue how to train employees. BTW the original employee who has continually lied to me still has his job.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Vasserman January 26, 2009
Unauthorized billing
I signed up for a Ballys membership in June 2008. I am a student and go to school out of state, so I was looking for a gym for two months. I was told by the man who helped me sign up that I could work out for 60 days and then I could cancel my membership, as long as I did so within ten days of the 60-day point. If I didn't, I would be signed up for a year contract. He was going to give me the membership for $39.88 a month and waive the cancellation fee to make it appealing to me.

I went in within ten days of the 60-day point and told the person at the front desk that I was on the two-month trial membership and I wanted to cancel. I filled out some form and was told it was taken care of.

A month later, $39.88 is deducted from my bank account. I called Ballys and they told me that I was signed up for a year contract. Apparently, the only way to cancel a membership is to write a letter to corporate and send them $50. To get it over with, I just wrote a letter and sent $50.

A month later, $39.88 is deducted from my bank account. I called Ballys and had them stop the electronic funds transfer. I'd rather get bills then just loose money without having any say in the matter. The woman I talked to told me I should have been canceled when I went in the first time, I did not need to write a letter and I certainly didn't owe them $50. I would be receiving a $50 check in the mail shortly.

A month later, I get a phone call saying I owe $39.88. I explain to them what's going on, they look at my account and apologize, telling me they will cancel it and a check is in the mail.

A month later, same story. I insist on speaking to a supervisor, who tells me she is very sorry and she will personally handle it. For the next two weeks, I receive daily phone calls from a computer telling me I owe Ballys money. I call Ballys and ask if my membership has been canceled. They tell me it's in the works and it will be done within 7-10 business days. I tell them that's great, but please stop calling me because I'm in class every morning and it's irritating. They turn off the system that calls me.

That was two months ago. Yesterday, I received a collections letter in the mail. I went into Ballys immediately and they told me they were so sorry, this should have been canceled months ago, and to come back at 9am tomorrow morning when corporate is open.

I went back at 9am this morning and corporate is not open. 'Corporate is in California, ' they tell me, 'so that's noon our time.' The woman at the front desk tells me she's sorry, she'll take care of it, and to come back that evening to get my finalized cancellation paperwork.

We'll see... if this continues to be a problem, they will get reported to the Better Business Bureau and I am contacting my lawyer. I hope all of you out there who have problems with them file a federal report, and that no one signs up for a membership there. They're alright while you're a member, but it's impossible to get out of, and you're credit will suffer because of it.
dst1200 January 6, 2009
Refusal to Cancel Contrat
I joined Ballys total fitness and signed what I thought was a two year contract. After paying on the account for a year with no missed payments, I was involved in a car accident and advised by a physician to discontinue going to the gym. When I submitted my paperwork to cancel the contract I was told that only a portion of the contratc would be cancelled because I had an additional member who I let use my account go to the gym.
The cancellation rights of the contract clearly state, "If the primary member is cancelled then all additional members under him are cancelled as well." The additional memebr was my girfreind who I gave a card to but she has no legal bindings to the contratc and is not legeally obligated to pay, she was just a member who went under my contratc. Now that I am physically unable to go to the gym, , Im being told that I still have to pay so that she can go, , when she is not even a primary member. ballys has notified all three credit bureas and reuse to cancel this contract.
I am receiving harrassing phone calls from ballys everyday and they will not stop.

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