Banfield Animal Hospital

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Annapolis, Maryland, United States

Banfield Animal Hospital Reviews

Vickie Wroten March 27, 2011
rip off
Last year I adopted two kittens from Pet Smart and was referred to Banfield animal hospital. They signed me up for the Wellness plan which seemed like a good idea at the time. They actually signed me up for a third cat. Everytime I went there I was charged about $200.00 in addition to the 54.00 I was paying every month. It started to get out of hand...Then they talked me into purchasing First Shield flea medication...Since I have a number of pets including dogs, it cost me a bundle...Two of my dogs had bad reactions to this medicine...vomitting, diarrhea, and paralyis of the back legs. One of my cats got nasty sores around his neck...After calling the hotline and Banfield, they told me they had no other complaints of reactions which is a lie. I decided not to renew my wellness plan but took the cats there for there last wellness check and vaccines... they told me to leave them for a couple hours and pick them up. I dropped them off at 9 and came back at 11 and was informed that it would be another I told them to give me the cats cause I had 200.00 worth of frozen food in the car and lived over the Bay Bridge...They told me as soon as the vet came out she was going to give them their shots. After sitting there another 40 minutes and watching the vet slowly move to room to room, I asked for my cats again. After another 10 minutes I had my cats and returned home with no shots given and spoiled food. I am highly angry and feel because I was not going to renew my Wellness plan, they purposely kept me waiting...What made me the angriest is that I could have had save 40 minutes but they told me she was going to give them their shots.
Ilovedogs1980 February 21, 2011
My friend took her healthy, 3.5 year old black lab to Banfield because he ate a sock and it needed to be removed. She picked him up Friday evening and woke up Saturday morning to her other dog barking uncontrollably. My friend quickly realized there was something wrong with the dog who had surgery the night before. He couldn't move and was lying in a pile of diarrhea and vomit. She got him into the car with help and he died on the way back to Banfield. The vet there was shocked that he had died and offered no explanation. Later that day the vet called and said it "was most likely surgical error". If she was so incompetent or uncomfortable performing a pretty common procedure that she was going to make a mistake, she should have referred my friend somewhere else. The vet is actually calling the corporate offices to see if my friend should need to pay for this. The vet is admitting fault and my friend lost her healthy dog. I hope people read this and never, ever take their pet to Banfield.
tienacious September 13, 2010
Inadequate Neuter Procedure/Follow Up Care
My dog has the Optimum Wellness Plan for puppies with the Basic Early Care option at the Banfield in Phoenix, AZ at Spectrum Mall on West Bethany Home and 19th Avenue. I’ve been enrolled since May 2010 I pay about $25/month including the $139 initial upfront "membership fee". My puppy was neutered on 6/23/10 at about 5 months old. He did well and everything went smooth until about 1.5 months later when I noticed he had a hard piece of plastic string that looked like a suture sticking out of his incision spot. I made an appointment and went in for the doctor to look at it on 8/3/10. Dr. Courtney Steinhauer looked at it and said it was nothing to worry about because the suture is supposed to dissolve and he was fine, just a little scabbing which was normal. I went home and about 3 weeks later, took my puppy to the groomers. When I picked him up, my groomer said, "your puppy still has stitches on his incision area, you should see your vet." I looked at the area again and the scab is now gone and there was a very visible blue outline of a stitch. I made an appointment on 8/23/10 and was seen the same day. Dr. Steinhauer saw my puppy again and this time offered to "speed up" the process by snipping off the tip of the "dissolvable" suture. When he was brought back by the vet tech, the suture was not snipped off at the tip, but the previously present suture was completely taken out and there was a hole where it laid imbedded before. The vet tech continues to tell me that there was some puss that came out when the doctor removed the stitch so now the incision area was infected. I needed to buy antibiotic medication and topical medicated rinse to clean the area now. The antibiotic is Ceftodixime 100MG for $15.73 and the rinse is Chlorhexidine flush for $13.07. So now I'm out $30 and after 2 visits and insisting the suture be taken out...AND my dog has an infection now. When I brought this up, the vet tech proceeded to tell me that the infection could have been from anything...even from the ant bite he has a few centimeters to the right (which WASN'T infected).

I do not understand why it took 2 visit to remove the very obvious stitch that was still there. I can’t say that leaving the stitch in that much longer caused the infection….but I can’t say it didn’t either. Shouldn’t that be the job of my vet? To ensure that my pet is well cared for?!

I am very unhappy with the care I am getting from Banfield as this is not the first time I’ve been blindsided by extra charges after coming to an office visit. I mean, why should I have to pay for medication and treatment because of someone else’s mistake?
cmilo July 8, 2010
$250 minimum visit charge if you use Care Credit financing
As a new pet owner I took my dog to local Banfield in June for rabies shot. Since I already owned a Care Credit card (healthcare financing card) I decided to use that for my $92 cost instead of enrolling into their wellness plan. No problem.

Three weeks later I return to same clinic for booster shot and learned my pet had double ear infections. By the time the vet and nurse had given me my instructions and medications and cleaned out the ears, I had been there over close to 3 hrs. I am handed a bill for $192. I give my Care Credit card again and was told I could not use it since the day's charges were under $250. I said Care Credit does not have this policy; nurse told me it was a Banfield corporate decision. I told staff member I used it 3 weeks prior for $92 and they took it. She said it was an error on the office staff's part. I asked to speak to office mgr and while waiting I called Care Credit. Customer Service person said they should be taking it and was confused why they would not. I requested banfield mgr to talk to customer service at CareCredit, and she did explaining how it was a Banfield corporate policy that they had in place with previous card carrier, pet credit. It was clear the Care Credit did not agree with this policy.

After their phone conversation, I strongly stated that I would not pay $250 out of pocket when they do not have this "corporate" policy stated anywhere in the facility -- no sign no rider on care credit application forms, no previous clarification during first visit. I told mgr that I have been unemployed since Oct. 2009 and it amount would be 1/2 of my check. I offered to make payments to them. They do not have payment plan policy. She suggested if I purchased frontline special for $50 it would be enough to put me over the $250. I already had a 6 month supply. Then she suggested that I purchase the Basic Plus wellness plan for one year upfront since my dog would need a dental cleaning and it would cover all services - and put the yearly fee on the Care Credit card. I felt I was coerced into this option because of Banfield's hidden policy. I spent 3 1/2 hrs in a clinic that should have been a 1/2 visit. Waste of my time and $$$$. Both organizations will be getting a complaint letter from me. Care Credit needs to know how one of their providers is operating, as well as the Better Business Bureau. BE ADVISED AND WARNED ABOUT BANFIELD'S $250 MINIMUM CHARGE POLICY
Norma J. Parker June 24, 2010
Pet death
My nephew and niece purchased a care plan for their kitten. They were notified to bring the kitten in for her one year checkup. At that time, they were told that the one yr old kitten needed her teeth cleaned!
They left Marlee there; the next thing they knew was that Banfield called them and told them their little kitten had died, the heart gave out.

Of course they are devastated. I went with them to talk to the veterinarian and office staff. They were told the kitten had shown signs of agressiveness and needed more anesthetic!! Unbelievable--I asked the vet why they did not notify my niece about her "agressive" kitten which was a Siamese--

He just looked at us--

A word of warning---DO NOT TAKE YOUR PETS TO ANY BANFIELD--they kill animals--if they do not know how to take care of a one year old kitten they should not be in business. This was a perfectly healthy animal--I asked the vet how much tarter the little one year had and he replied, "A moderate amount" A kitten that old did not need her teeth cleaned--Banfield just wants to make money.

When leaving the clinic area, my niece and nephew crying and so sad and upset, we were told to "Have a nice day"--

DO NOT go to Banfield.
annissacoan February 7, 2010
Horrifying Experience
This is a copy of the email I sent to Banfield:

Today I took my dog to Banfield ( the Arlington Heights IL location) for a checkup.
It was my first time there. I was interested in signing up for the Banfield program to help keep my vet bills manageable.
My last dog I took to a different vet, and although I was happy with their services, they are expensive.

Anyway, I walked out of the Arlington Heights Banfield traumatized. The least of the problems was the lack of cleanliness there.
There was visible feces on the floor in the exam room that had not been cleaned completely. A dog peed in the waiting area and someone used a couple of paper towels, but did not completely clean it up.

The other point of concern was the lack of knowledge the staff seemed to have. I was telling them what I knew and they would say, "Oh yeah." or "Maybe". I was charged money for a vet tech and a veterinarian (???which I question are Banfield vets really fully licensed vets????) to act very unsure and unprofessional.

As I was waiting to pay my bill, a man with a Bloodhound puppy (she was about 35 lbs) came out of the back room into the waiting room. The dog was in distress and was bleeding all over the place. I asked, "What happened to her?" The person behind the desk said she had surgery on her labia and also was spayed. This poor dog was bleeding all over the floor and not able to stand up without collapsing. The Banfield employees let that dog leave there without so much as a bangage or dog diaper to cover her wound. As the owner was walking her to the car she collapsed again and the Banfield employees were watching and saying "Don't let her sit down on the salt in the road." But they weren't saying it to the people outside, they were just saying as they cringed watching that dog suffer.

They wiped up the blood with a mop and I was horrified to see the blood was just smeared around and not completely cleaned up.

How the Banfield vets, vet techs, and desk employees could have let that dog leave their office in such a state of suffering is beyond me.

I worked in a vet hospital and NEVER saw an animal that butchered sent on its way without so much as a bandage.

I would rather go broke taking my dog to my more expensive vet than to ever entrust my dog to the people at Banfield.

I hope you investigate this (and every other) location immediately. If this is how you run all of your Banfield locations then you have no business being open.

Word of mouth is what will either gain or lose customers and I will tell anyone who will listen and post on every animal message board I can about my experience with Banfield.

No one should have to endure what that poor Bloodhound and its owners did today.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have this location investigated.

Arlington Heights *
49 W. Rand Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: (847) 253-4433 · Fax: (847) 253-5286
sbissell May 9, 2009
Wellness Plan
Please understand that the Banfield Animal Hospital Pet Wellness plan is a very poor value. For what you spend in a year you can get better services from an independant Vet. Banfield uses the Wellness plan as a way to get you in for your limited free/included services and recommend many other procedures, some needed and others not, so that they can max the profit on your visit. It is purely about profit. I understand a need to be profitable but this is their primary focus. Additionally the 10% discount that is offered on the wellness plan is off of prices that I have found to be 40-70% higher than the independant vets. Do the research and save yourself alot of money. Banfield is not the best place to take your buisiness.
sparkleofthelostxray March 26, 2009
negligence, ignorance, rudeness, unprofessional, etc., etc.
I am doing this as a service to other animals lovers. Stay away from them at all costs. I have a 4 year old cat who is on a prescription diet (suggested by her vet- a legitimate one, not Banfield affiliated) for allergies. She also has heart issues. It was suggested to me that I go to get her prescription diet here... Was told that the cat had to be seen prior to getting a prescription card- had no problem with was reasonable. The vet suggested I get her teeth cleaned (scaled)- again, not a problem. My cat does have issues with her teeth, so this was not new. Here is where the trouble began---- I dropped her off at 7:45am the morning of the 'cleaning'. I was told that I would get an update in a few hours. No one called. I had to call them at 2:00pm to find out what was happening. The nurse said the surgery was 'overbooked' but my cat would be taken back (..never would have left her if I was told the truth). Got a call at 4:00pm saying that my cat is 'out of control', 'very upset'----hmm, you think so, no food or water since the night before...I would be upset too). I get down there- no apology, no explanation-- I had to demand what happened! No one would answer me. From the explanation I got, people were afraid of her...very sad, considering she is only 10 pounds. If you are 'scared' or can't deal with a cat like her...then why are you even working with animals? To top it off-- they gave her pre-anesthesia, while she was angry!- I called the Vet emergency service that I use --- to run this by them. Shocking- those jerks could have killed her. medicine to an agitated cat with heart problems. Even better, I was told to leave her overnight- they 'claim' my cat will calm down once she is used to the environment. I find it HARD to another day with no water/food...and they expect her to calm down? Whatever vet programs admitted these fools need to be fined- they are capable of killing someone's beloved pet. The icing on the cake was that Julie (a doctor?) suggested that if I don't like it, take her some place else... So I said, a professional--- you bet...should have done it in the first place. I just found out that they lied about calling her cardiologist- can't put it into words what I am feeling- liar doesn't begin to cover it.
nailedonacrosss February 3, 2009
Greed & Death from Banfield Animal Hospital.... Please Read! Cocoa's Cause
On December 18, 2008 I was laid off of my job. I filed for unemployment that same day. I hadn't heard anything from them until the week of 01-05-2009. The following week after being laid off, my little boy (Cocoa) became sick. He wasn't eating, and couldn't get up on his rear legs. He isolated himself to my bathroom, and had a distant look in his eyes. I knew something was wrong and I started to panic because he was my life, my child and I had no money. I begged everyone I knew for help, but none could come through.
It was the 29Th of December, and I had only my rent money that was for January, due in a couple of days. He still wasn't eating and was vomiting bile at this point. I called and called every place I could asking and begging for help. I contacted the Banfield Animal Hospital in Grove City, Ohio and explained to them my situation. I explained to them that I was afraid my baby was dying and that I had no money. I broke down and took him to Banfield Animal Hospital in Grove City, Ohio because they said his first visit would be free and that they would speak to the doctor and asked me to also speak with the doctor when I came in. I took him in as soon as they opened (9:00 AM), and explained to the doctor and nurse about my financial situation, and told them I had no money. They looked at Cocoa, only to tell me that he was sick and was dehydrated, they said they could help and gave me a total price of 350.00, which was what I had exactly for rent. My rent is only 400.00 per month. They said they would need a deposit of at least 100.00 to start on him. I told them I would need to run to the bank and that I would be right back with it, and begged them to start on him. I left, went to the bank and came back, about an hours time. Once back, I asked if he was doing OK, and they told me they have not done anything, and that they were waiting on the 100.00. I told them to do what needed to be done to save him, because he was all I had. I even offered to sign the title over to my vehicle.

After I left, and about 1 hour later, they called and said he had diabetes, and pancreitis, and was in a state of keyacidosis. They said they had a good prognosis on his recovery, but I needed to bring in another 299.00 so they could start treatment. I explained to the nurse that the 350.00 I was going to give them was all I had left and that it was my rent. She told me that they couldn't do anything without money other than have him on a IV for the rest of the day. After hanging up, I called back and spoke to the doctor taking care of him, and asked if he was in a lot of pain and if it would be better if I would put him down. She told me that in her professional opinion, that she thought he would be OK if I could come up with the money they wanted, but the prognosis wasn't that good if I couldn't. She wrote me out a prescription for insulin, and special diabetic dog food, and told me to get him Pepcid AC, and that would help, and he should be OK. I again explained to her that I couldn't even buy what she had wrote out because they took all the money I had. Nothing else was said, other than that was all she could do.

When I picked Cocoa back up that evening and as soon as I got him home, he then couldn't walk on his back nor his front legs. I had to carry him outside and hold him up, just to use the bathroom. The next day, I went on the streets and begged for money to get his medicine. I was willing to do this for him, because he meant that much to me. I tried to give him a little bit of insulin, but it wasn't helping. I posted an ad on craigslist begging for someone to help him. I didn't know what to do. I called every place I could as far as Vet, rescue and shelters asking for help...everyone wanted money. That day, the nurse from Banfield called to see how Cocoa was doing. I told her that he couldn't walk and now he wasn't drinking. She said I could bring him back in, and they would look at him. I explained to her once again that I didn't have any money, but if they could look at him I would give them my vehicle. She told me she was sorry, and that there was nothing they could do, without money.

Three days latter, I was up all night watching Cocoa, restless, and vomiting what appeared to be dark blood. He just kept looking and starring at me. I made the decision that hurt me more than anything in this world. I cried and screamed and begged God for mercy. My heart was ripped from my chest and stomped and stomped on, and then ripped some more. I felt so lost.

I called OSU Vet Hospital at 5:00AM, and they said they would put him down at no cost to me, and that they would right it off. I called my brother, and went in with my boy. I can't even finish this, because it still hurts so much, and I'm bawling like a child again... needless to say, from the video, he dies.

I have sent e-mails after e-mail to the corporate Banfield with no response, other than a Internet coupon for 15.00 off my next visit, with no message attached... this hurt me even worse. I even told them on my last e-mail that they were to late responding, that he died. I sent prior e-mails begging them to intervene and help me.

I felt that Cocoa died in vain and it bothers me knowing that it was all about money. I understand that things in life aren't free, but when it comes down to a life or death situation... even for a beloved pet, that money could be set aside... I was willing to give them my vehicle which is worth a lot more than they were asking, but they turned me down. I tried everything... I tried posting items for sale to gain the money, which none sold, and even tried to get approved for the CareCredit, which I was denied also because of prior debt and bankruptcy. This was my baby... I would have given my life to save his. I was willing to become homeless and without means of transportation just to save him. I felt so alone and helpless. I'm not a bad guy and I've worked all my life, but like most, I lived pay to pay and didn't have extra to sustain me.

I vowed to Cocoa as he was dying in my arms and as I was screaming in pain...crying uncontrollably, that I would do something about him not getting the help he needed. It was all about money to everyone I spoke with. I wanted to start a cause to help raise money and bring awareness for those in need of medical care who were facing a life and death situation where the owner has fallen on hard times and can not afford to save the life of their pet, a part of their family.

I have since, teamed up with PetPromise here in Columbus, Ohio, and they have put up a donation called, Cocoa's Cause, to help people in a need, who otherwise would have their pets die, due to lack of medical care. Please help by adopting...or donating...even if it's just a dollar.

A dollar is not much and even as I am still unemployed I can find a dollar in change laying around. It would help no mater what it was, it would also be tax deductible.

I am asking on behalf of honoring my Cocoa that you would help. Please spread this letter to everyone and all you know. Help me stand in the gap for the ones who can't speak for themselves, and let's together help other animals in need. Please... let's do it for Cocoa!

Here is the tribute video I made on behalf of Cocoa: PLEASE WATCH:

Please, if you can't adopt, or offer a foster home, please consider donating to the Cocoa's Cause, to help save animals needing care to save their life. Click here to donate to "Cocoa's Cause":
dogmom December 11, 2008
price gauging of meds/misdiagnosis
Prices of perscriptions 8x+ higher then if you order it online. The same exact product and mfg. They get you in with a year's contract and the "Free Visits" end up costing hundreds of dollars and misdiagnosis of pet. Too many medications and costly tests to scam up the price of the "Free visit".

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