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Category: Family & Pets

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Banfield Reviews

E r i c June 29, 2010
Gaming of Vaccinations
I have two dogs, that have always gotten their shots at the same time, ever since I got them as pups. They were on the wellness plan at this location. I noticed that over time, the two dogs were on increasingly different shot schedules. After digging into this, it seems the purpose is to game the timing of shots so you end up paying for shots that would be covered for free by waiting next month under the plan. Some shots are "given early" to one dog but not the other. Also, I was charged for a "test" that does not appear in the dogs chart. It serve no purpose to call he national office as any compliant just goes back to the local store (the Business Officer Manager at the Stafford location rather gleefully pointed this out).
scdo May 29, 2010
REfusal of care
I started with taking my Puppy Charlie to Banfield Pet Hosptial. It looked like a great deal to buy a plan which covered all of my dogs shots and neuter for one base price. I was so thrilled by the idea I signed one of my kittens up too (my other kitten was one day too old to sign up). Both My puppy and my kitten got their fist set of boosters, a week later the vet just disappeared. Although there were "pet nurses" there, they could not offer any vet care because there was no vet, and could not tel me why. I ended up having to take my puppy and kitten to another vet to get their second set of boosters. The vet was disgusted when he saw what vaccines Banfield had given my pets. They had given my kitten the "FIP vaccine" and my puppy the "corona vaccine". Both vaccines have not been used in years by other vets because it is thought they are more likely to cause the infection they are supposed to prevent. Needless to say my kitten now has an extreemly high corona titer. She passed corona on to my other kitten who ultimately developed FIP and passed at the age of 8 months old. I can now not get another cat or kitten until my kitten is gone due to the risk of her infecting another cat/kitten. My poor kitten is so depressed and lonely now because her buddy is gone, and she has no one to play or cuddle with any more, and there is nothing I can do about it.
When my puppy was 6 months old I wanted to get him put on Heart guard because he was to be coming to work on the farm with me. The vet at Banfield refused to sign for the online order of heart guard. She wanted me to buy Banfields version, and assured me it was exactly the same. A few months later I get a letter in the mail stating that the heart worm preventative they sole me was deffective and all dogs needed to be tested for heat worms ASAP. I took my puppy in to be tested and they refused to test him because ofa problem with my kittens account. It took me a few days to be able to get him into another vet. The new vet tested him, and he ultimately tested positive. Banfield refused to treat him because of the problem with my kittens account. Thankfully my puppies breeder came through and covered the heart worm treatment. He will be 2 this year, and although he now has life long health problems from the heart worms and treatment, he is here with me today no thanks to Banfield.
To add insult to injury Banfield is now trying to collect a little over $300 because I "broke my contract" with them by taking my pets to another vet. They refused my pets care and now they want me to pay them because I was foreced to go somewhere else!?

This place needs to be closed down. This whole company is a scam, they are just in it for the money.
annnssss April 14, 2010
horrible service
I have been whit Banfield for over 3 years, i have a small dog and every time i take her there i have to wait at least 1 hour or more is horrible, they always tell me she is really healthy but they find some new procedure they need to do everytime and i ended of paying some money so what my insurance cover?…. And the other day i took her and they told me i had to drop her off cause they didnt have a Vet available at the time, so i leave her ther at 8am and at 1pm i called them and they said they were busy but they will start whit her as soon as they could…. what????…. they are so unprofesional…. unvelibable
thundr101 April 11, 2010
Veterinarian Malpractice/Lack of Knowledge
This is an unfortunate complaint. I had a 4 year old Miniature Pincher - who I took to Banfield starting 4/2, because he hadn't been eating and appeared to be having some serious abdominal pain. I also explained that he liked to eat things, particularly rags or towels... which usually were the ones I put in his cage for him to sleep on. On the first visit, Banfield did a very VERY basic Barium test and sent me home advising that it was an "upset stomach" and that I needed to give him Pepcid before meals.

After 2 more days, he still wasn't eating, and if he did eat, he simply vomited the food up, (whole) and completely undigested. I re-explained to the Vet on the 2nd visit, that his symptoms were getting worse and I was beginning to worry. She again said she couldn't 'see' anything wrong and sent me home with stronger med's for nausea (Cerenia).. I asked why he would all of a sudden start not-eating, or vomiting whole undigested food... and asked why his abdomen would be so painful (to the point where he would bite me if I touched them)... they said he was just having upset stomach and that it would pass after a few days. Never did Banfield offer any suggestions or really take heed that I explained my Dog liked to eat Towels (which if the remained lodged in his intestines would end up killing him)... They kept wanting to run expensive tests, like a Sonogram or Ultrasound, to see if there was debris in his body.. but couldn't tell me if the test would show fabric, nor did they say the test would really help them find anything wrong with my Dog.

I took my dog to Banfield a total of 5 times over 7 Days, each day Banfield not having any other suggestions.. and each time my Dog's symptoms getting 10x worse. He started not having bowel movements and became so sick that I couldn't even hold him without causing him extreme pain.

After getting tired of the Banfield runaround, I opted to pay an extreme premium to have a second vet make another determination of the situation and rerun all the tests, which was a $400+ initial investment. The same Barium test (but done properly with the correct dose) resulted in an Xray finding of a blockage in his lower intestines... The next morning the new Vet called and suggested an immediate exploratory surgery; within 2 hours the Vet called me back, and explained that all the intestines from my Dog's stomach to his Anus were "black" and "dead"... they explained that there was a long piece of Towel and a small plastic Tennis Ball shard, that they recovered, but that they also found on the FIRST xray of his intestines.

End result, my little Jesse was Euthanised on 4.10.2010... all as a result of a mis-diagnosis and poor treatment being provided by the Banfield Vet, Dr. Kucera. Had this been the first time I had this issue, I would truly think of it as an honest mistake, however, a friend of mind nearly lost his English Springer, to the same vet, for 1. a complete misdiagnosis, and 2. an extreme overdose of medication that caused both of his kidneys to shut down and nearly kill the dog.

This vet needs recertification and needs to be STOPPED from practicing any type of medicine. My dog had no history of illness.. he was just over 4 years old and was active, healthy and a happy dog. The neglect from this Vet has caused so much pain and grief... I haven't yet figured out how to cope with the loss of my Dog.

Just wanted to initially share my complaint... this Vet needs to be stopped and does not need to administer any service to any animal. No animal should EVER suffer, the way my Dog suffered for nearly 10 days. Just absolutely terrible.
Aussielvr March 6, 2010
unquakified per care
October 2009 we purchased an Aussie puppy from a very knowledgeable and professional breeder Two days later we had her checked out at Banfiekd At the time of the visit they insisted that she had to be vaccinated even though the breeder (vet tech and nurse) had already done her 6, 9 and 12 week vaccination At the time she was 13 1/2 weeks We took her home and at first everything seemed fine Within a week this perfectly beautiful healthy pup had to be hospitalized and went through extensive tests and procedures as we fought to save her life. Tragically she passed away 3 days later We had only had her 13 days *3 in hospital fighting for her life) I contacted Banfield about the contract and they refused to allow us out Up to this we had already given them approx $500 1 prepayment to start plan, 1 for visit and 1 for ER care (of which they couldnt provide her the care she needed). The best they did was 50% of $300+ balance. Mounds of paperwork later we realized that she died from over vaccination The staff at our Banfield was so unsympathetic and acted like they could care less. We had had our cat there for 5 years only due to some huge financial bills previously and seemed ok w/ them I guess for me the biggest issue is their insistance of procedure- most vets will only allow 2 vaccines at a time I found out later and they hit her with at least 8 shots as well as heart worm and flea and tic As a side note they also gave her Worm Shield, any reputable vet is aware that Aussies can carry the MDR gene and heartworm is a red flag Our new vet will only allow Inteceptor Banfielld seemed to have no knowledge of our dog breed In fact the vet commented about the size of her feet and commented about what a big dog she would be I then asked her if she knew anything about this breed and she did not respond They do have large feet but only get between 50-60 lbs She thought she would end up 100+ I told my husband when I got home that that vet would not care for her again I did not like her Our debt for this was over $8, 000 and an incredible amout of heartache Never again!! Even our cat will not return I will eat the stupid contract costs, cheaper than vet hospital The sad fact is that we thought we could provide affordable healthcare for our pets but the reality is their costs are more expensive and their quality is poor It will be cheaper for us to pay out of pocket for our new pup vs contract and all the addl fees they hit you with Not to mention I feel more secure knowing we wont be looking at some astronomical hospital bill from Banfields ineptness. Just a side note we had not had a dog in about 18 years so we were novices to this whole thing it was only after all we went through all of thisdid we learn more than we ever wanted to about the risks etc of our pup. Really was crushed to find out that the Banfield vet was not the professional we thought she was and our trust in them was shattered.
Mshugge March 1, 2010
Overcharges and Gave Vaccines when told not to
Signed up for this plan for my St Bernard Puppy. <br />
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They gave her several vaccinations at age 4 months and wanted us to come back for more. I did an online study of the Corona Vaccination and could not find a single vet site that recommended this (they all recommend AGAINST this shot!). Told my vet I don't want this vaccination for the dog.<br />
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Went back a month later for her "spay" and was charged an extra $40 fee for the dog being larger than 50 lbs. They said they told me this when we signed up for the plan. THEY DID NOT. They tried to get me to ok extra services (anal expression, toe nail clip, etc). I told them no ... ONLY the spay. <br />
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Got back the details of the surgery ... they gave her 3 MORE vaccinations without my approval ... including the Corona virus! Extra services they charged for included a neurological exam ($25), fecal exams ($36), and eye exam (tonomitry - $23). <br />
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I am very angry. I need a vet that I can trust ... I am not against vaccinations ... but I am against tests and vaccinations that are not pre-approved, and that are actually shown by other vets to be WRONG. I don't want to pay for a one year plan with a vet that I can't trust.<br />
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I called their customer complaint line. Let's see what happens!
ennui February 23, 2010
careless pet car
Took two healthy cats to Banfiels Pet Hospital in Pet Smart be spayed.
There was an "anethesia mishap' on one and she was sent home in pain and blind... no sedative . BANFIELD was closed the next day. I took her to an Animal Hospital where they gave the cat a shot to relieve the pain .. said the cat had been blinded and had a very low temp and unresponsive -- she could not even move her head.
The contacted another BANFIELD location and said to take her there and have her uthenized.
Healthy one day, to Banfield at Pet Smart, dead the next.
Bus Jockey January 21, 2010
I really don't have a complaint but more of a observation more than anything. I have had several pets that I took in to not only Banfield but other vets around town. They all pray upon your concern for you pet that is a given. Most of the time people go to the vet only after the pet is in some kind of stress, that should be avoided as to not give the Vet people a leg up on your problem. Once your in their clutches they will empty your financial means any way they can. I have to say that Banfield seems to better at doing this than the other vets I have gone to. I certainly have like all the other people complaining have gotten fleeced by the money making machine which is not only Vet Services but also, Auto Mechanics, Insurance Company's, Hospitals, Dentists, Doctors ETC. As you can see the list probably would never end. The point I trying to make is that before you adopt a pet or by a used car for that matter you better be ready to pay thru the nose for service. Remember that our whole country is (all about the money) or another name for it is greed. This will never change and Banfield is just another Greedy company that has found a niche to fleece people as much as possible like all the other company's or professions I named above.
dbo December 22, 2009
Wellness Plans
I had been with Banfield for many years and although I find their vets comparable and in some cases better than others it is a large corporate business and the staff is pretty well hamstrung by company policies. Be careful and know what their wellness pplans cover and ignore the savings they claim which are in my opinion inflated. They offer an examination covered by the plan and show up to a $120 saving for a physical, neurological etc evaluation. A normal vet charges 40-50 for office visit/exam and is at least as thorough as Banfields. So that is a pretty false saving.

Their premium plans offer Xray but then add in costs for a vet assistant to stabilize the pet if needed. Well of course it is needed so add a bill for 30 on check out. Teeth cleaning - covered BUT you'll have the vet insist on antibiotics before and after (not covered) plus they will prescribe additional monitoring etc during surgery - again at increased cost. Thus you are faced with a few hundred dollars in addition to the cleaning or you forgo the "covered cleaning". Their price schedule is pretty high unless you belong to the plan and once in the plan there are ways to make sure you in effect save nothing except being locked into them for the duration of the plan.

Just beware of the hidden costs. As an example of their non savings the discounts they give do not apply to flea and heart meds which are available from mailorder but beware Banfield will either refuse to verify a mailorder pharmacy or charge $14 for a prescription. In Medical and Optometry this type of practice (requiring prescriptions to be purchased from prescriber) is outlawed by some states - not so for vets.

Again some very good vets some not so good - just like everywhere else but beware of the "hidden costs" from the corporate monolith that sets the policies individual offices must follow. Shop local buy local and for most of us Banfield is a local office of an out of state company. Support your local vet.
Butchers December 22, 2009
Poor expensive animal care
I took my schnauzer to get his rabies shot.When we arrive home my dogs started acting funny. I examined him and he was red full of bumps, swollen and had welts all over his body. He started scratching and just seemed very agitated. I rushed him immediately back and they said he had an allergic reaction. I questioned why would he have an allergic reaction when he has taken this shot for 4 years without any problems. They charged me an additional fee for some diphenhydramine to conteract the shot. Banfield always changes veternarians everything is about money and they need to be exposed for the fraud they are. As soon as they look at him they quoted me a price which I objected to because they were the one's who had give him a bad dosage of the vacination in the first place. I would advise everyone not to take their pet there if you truly love your animal.

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