Banfield Pet Hospital

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Banfield Pet Hospital Reviews

Jan June 20, 2011
I recently brought my puppy to banfield and signed up for the puppy program. I was never told any details about the plan other than what was in the brochure. I ended up not keeping the puppy and went back to un enroll and get my $139 sign up fee back. I was told to call corporate. Corporate told me I couldn't have my sign up fee back and on top of it I was going to be charged another $111 for the full retail price of the services because I had missed the cut off by 3 days!!!

I left a message for a supervisor who never called me back!! Nothing was explained to me before I gave them my ATM information and I didn't receive the packet of information explaining these rules until after I had actually signed up and given them my banking information. I don't mind paying for the services that were used but to keep the sign up fee and then charge me full retail after keeping the sign up fee is totally wrong.
CowboyAppaloosa June 19, 2011
Poor quality and service
I went here to get my 1 year old female pit-bull seen because she was very jaundice, had a loss in appetite, and was sleeping all the time. Upon arrival my dog was covered in bile since she had thrown up in the car and she had peed pure blood in the waiting room. They had us in one of there rooms and sampled the blood and found that she was anemic, had low red blood cell, white blood, cell and platelet counts and they had her hospitalized for about 4 hours and called us saying that she needed 6 radiology scans on top of a numerous amount of labs which cost us around 5$571.76 when she didn't even need x-rays! The staff overall seemed like they didn't care about the health of my dog, and i won't be going back!!
Dorcella June 7, 2011
Poor service
I paid for everything for a dog that I was giving to my boyfriends niece (over $300 paid in full for "ALL" shots, except the distemperment) as a gift and I had her put on the account on my account, because Banfield does not transfer accounts as I was told by Jessica (corporate office) in their accounts department and by Amika (Newport News, VA store). I replied, "If I opened an account and paid all this money, then my boyfriends niece would have to start account and pay again". I felt this is a rip off and this is how Banfield makes their money, which is not right. When my boyfriends niece took the the dog to get information on the dogs shots in order to pay her pet fee at her apartment, she was told my Amy and the Veterinarian (Newport News, VA) that she could not get any information. I could not figure out why, when "EVERTHING" was paid and up to date. This caused her to take the dog to another veterinarian to get shots, the dog already had at the cost of $150. I then went back to the store where I started the account and they told me to call their corporate office to let them know. When I called the corporate office, Jessica stated "I do not know why they told you to call the corporate office". I thought when you have a problem that is who you are supposed to call to get better information. I still have not found out why she was refused information from either of the these people and I am now waiting for the Manager Heather (Newport News, VA store) to call me back.
ktam May 31, 2011
Ripped Off
This place was a total rip off. I took my female cat to get spade and they charged me over $439 I was quoted $360. She was in heat and already had kittens. I had previously called around to other places and "assumed" it would be in the same ballpark of around $150. When I was quoted the amount day of the surgery. I questioned the absurd pricing and wondered if they could knock off any unnecessary items. They said they could not because of the condition she was in. The lady justified the price this way. Then the shock of getting the bill afterwards...$100 for medication, $35 office visit and they also were trying to set up a follow up visit for an additional office fee and possibly more meds. It wasn't till after, when I found out that I had been ripped off by talking to other pet owners and called around to see if what this lady was telling me was true. I will never go there again. The staff was unhelpful and didn't explain post surgery procedure care. Plus, when I was trying to get directions they did not tell me they were located within Pet Smart, all they said was that they were located at the cross streets of 75 and Stacy. So the whole time I was searching around the shopping center for a building office suite 2210. It would've been more helpful if they had mentioned they were within Petsmart. It could've saved a lot of frustration looking for business address and looking for an actual store sign with Banfield Pet Hospital written on it. *****Additionally, I saw a chart on the other side of the counter where there was a list of "up-charges" for competition, it was some sort of incentive sales bonus/benefits for the sales staff. By each name there were tally marks for each individual who could up-sale innocent customers for financial gain whether or not the animal actually needs or requires. I will never recommend this place to anyone. I will never jeopardize the health of my animals or trust the care Banfield provides. As a 'new' pet owner I feel like this company took advantage of the me. I will gladly drive 30-40 minutes across town to a pet vet who truly cares about animals and their owners. After finding this site, at least I don't feel completely humiliated. I realized that I'm one of MANY who have been ripped off by these scam artists posing as respected vets in the field.
catmomma May 30, 2011
Stay away!!/Not a Hospital.. It's a Clinic
I recently found out the hard way, not to trust a name. My cat I had noticed 4 days before sending her to this so called pet hospital; had slowly changed her eating habits; from eating almost continuously to eating very little, but wanting to eat more. I had given her a piece of chicken, one night. Then the next night she seemed to be in pain. She always drank water on a regular basis, and still did even after she got ill. I took her to Banfield for an extensive work up to see what was going on, blood work showed that she was anemic, and needed a transfusion; but guess, what they could not give it to her; but they offered a 400.00 synthetic relacement that would only last maybe a couple of days, if that. They did no xray of her abdomine to make sure there was no obstruction, or bladder issues. The doctor told me they could not do the cat to cat transfusion, because they are not that type of hospital. I would have to pay this ridiculous bill, and then take my cat who is already ill to another hospital to get a specialist treatment; which would have given me another huge bill, and waste time. What I am saying is They need to get rid of the "Hospital" name, because they are not!!! When my pets get ill I usually take them to the Triangle Pet Emergengy Hospital in Durham NC. Yes it may cost a bit more, but the doctors are awesome, and they are trained to diagnose, and get it done; and they do!! Can't say this about this Banfield place'; this is a clinic, where they prescribe medication, and diagnose what they can, & do grooming. Never will I take my sick pet there. If you want it to have a long life. Their Wellness program is a bunch of crock too; that's why I never sudscribed to it. I eventually had to put my cat to sleep, because she was already low when I took her there, and waisted a whole day; when she could have been at the Cat Hospital in Chapel Hill NC, being successfully treated, by professionals. That was her regular hospital until they moved too far from my home. This is why I chose banfield. So sorry I did!!!
Vrem73 May 22, 2011
All about the money
I took my cat to Banfield because he stopped eating and was very lethargic. The vet checked his temp and did a visual exam. She could not tell me what was wrong with him but went on to discuss all the horrid, terminal things it could be. This was in front of my eleven year old daughter. After the vet had us both in tears, she said blood work needed to be done at the additonal cost of $250 (the fee was already up to $185). While I love my cat, I just did not have that kind of money. After questioning the vet further, I found out that the immediate treatment would be the same whether or not the cat had an incurable disease or a simple stomach-ache. I tearfully made the decision to pass on the blood work and hope for the best. My cat was fine after three days of forced feedings and antibiotics. I look back and realize the vet was just trying to get the extra fees from me - with no regard for my or my daughter's feelings. Simply a horrible experience! I'll never go back.
kaversa May 7, 2011
Lack of CAre for my dog
I had the most wonderful dog a yellow Lab named Rocky. Rocky was only 11 years old and was seen at Banfield Pet Hospital in South Philadelphia from 12/17/2010-4/29/2011 for the same problem he was unable to put any weight on his front left leg and was limping badly and dragging his leg. The initial vet took xrays that did not reveal anything was broken and prescribed RX for Tromadol for him to take for pain, she tried to talk me into having him come in twice a week for acupuncture to relieve and manage his discomfort for $100.00 per visit. I declined wanting to see how pain meds will work.My dog was feeling a little better by middle of Jan into end of Feb. by middle of March he was again brought to Banfield for same problem different vet saw him this time and she diagnosed him with arthritis and placed him on Rimadyl. This is when everything started to go downwards he was great taking Rimadyl actually started to walk on leg a little. When we went back for reeval and bloodwork his Bilrubin count was above normal and he was taken off Rimadyl and placed on Tromadol and Consequin DS for Arthritus never once was the leg re x-rayed. When Banfield prescripted Rimadyl for visit in March it cost me $48.00 for 14 tablets. So when they wanted me to purchase Tromadol I decided to have Vet phone in prescription to Dr.'s Foster and Smith. The RX came from Dr.'s Foster and Smith and I began to give to my dog and noticed after a few days that he was still in pain. Crying all night and panting I contacted Banfield and was told to cut back on tromadol and he will have follow up visit on May 17th to retake blood count and maybe we could place him back on Rimadyl. I knew something more was going on with my dog so I contacted an outside vet who was not with banfield and we saw him ON may 2nd, 2011. The moment my precious dog walked through this vets office he diagnosed him with Osteosarcoma and took me he would comfirm after he took x-ray. Sure enough when x-ray was taken it was confirmed my dog was dying with Osteosarcoma of his front leg and I was devastated and upset that I have been seeing 2 vets at Banfield Pet Hospital and neither Vet was able to do the same diagnosis. My poor dog was in extreme pain and I had to make the decision to put him down on Thursday May 6th. I refuse to take any other dog I get to Banfield pet Hospital and their wellness plan is just a way to make a profit from dog owners never once was my dogs health a concern especially all the weeks that he was unable to sleep with extreme pain and me thinking it was only arthritis pain and having him endure pain for months. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND ANY ANIMAL SEEKING TREATMENT FROM BANFIELD PET HOSPITAL OR FOR ANYONE TO PURCHASE A WELLNESS PLAN FROM THEM PERIOD.
suekolcz May 1, 2011
health insurance
I TOOK my dog in for a checkup I was told he needed alot of test which were pricey, I was nervous, scared for my dog, stressed out how i was gonna come up with the funds, thats when the vet tech. came in the room and informed me about there wellness plan IT sounded great I was never given time to really read the whole contract, i was leary about autmactic payments taken out but if he did have heart worms it was going to be way to much for me. so i agreed for first couple of months it was o.k. then they started taking out payments at a diff. date i incoured late fees, etc.. well NOW IM TOLD if you cancel you have to pay all the cost for a year, IT seems they get you when your vunaable NOW I HAVE A REAL MESS I GET CALLS FROM THERE COLLECTION COMP. wanting a full years fee NOW ITS ON MY CREDIT REPORT .. plus its no savings EVERYTIME I WENT IN IT COST AT LEAST $200.00 comon its the biggest ripoff ive seen. I refuse to pay for services i dont have.
Wolf127 April 27, 2011
Injured My Cat
Took our cat in for a "routine" exam. (We were on their comprehensive annual plan for 10+ years.) They cleaned our cat's ears, at their option and, apparently, punctured his eardrums. The cat lost all sense of balance -- could not walk, stand, eat or use sandbox. Just wobbling, stumbling and falling down constantly. Took him back for follow ups (not on emergency basis --required us to make appointments) and they would not or could not diagnose. They just recommended a "specialist" 15 miles away and, of course, at our cost. They refused to discuss or provide any information for us to pursue complaints, seek compensation for out of pocket cost ... not a single shred of useful information.
We did take our cat to another local vetenarian, who did a thorough exam, explaining the process and possibilities every step of the way. Of course, the diagnosis was the most logical -- burst eardrum. This vetenarian gave our cat meds for vertigo, nausea and pain and he is responding to it, but it will take him weeks to heal.
fhl April 24, 2011
- Was promised a 39.95 monthly plan but continuously being charged 69.95
- Was promised that there is no contract and can cancel at anytime obviously that is not true, but I have no problem paying them 39.95 a month for 12 months. Except that is not the case.
- Doctors there are extremely incompetent and inexperienced.
- Immediately called after the first bill to correct the issue of being over charged. Customer service rep can not do anything to help, ever! since then (Nov 2010) been refereed back and forth between the POS and Call Center.
- Was informed the extra charge was tagged on because of some sort of neutering program. Even though I never asked for it, and the dog was never neutered at Banfield, everyone at Banfield seems to understand that I am being over charged, but no one can do anything about it.
- After a 3 months battle between the Call Center and POS, I involved American Express premium dispute service.
- Banfield put the dispute service representative on to the same infinite loop of ping pong tactic between themselves and the Point of Sale.
- American Express decided to Block them from charging me and credit back all the charges until the issue is resolved.
- Banfield now calls me once a week since March 2011 asking me to pay them. Each time I explain the situation patiently and each of them sympathized and wanting to help with promises of "someone will call you back with a higher authority." Unfortunately, no one ever calls me back.
- 4th week of April 2011, again received another call asking me to pay them. but this time the representative said she can get me customer service supervisor on the phone, but all she did was cold transferred me to the regular call center, on hold for about 8 minutes decided to hang up.
- Hey Banfield! you do know you have no personal information about any of us right!? some of us don't mind paying you the pricing that was promised for convenient vaccine and teeth cleaning services. but instead you rather have us stop paying you than resolving a simple issue.
- So... please, if you have an issue with Banfield. Just block them from charging you. problem solved.

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