Banfield Pet Hospital

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Banfield Pet Hospital Reviews

rupie2maxie May 15, 2009
Unnecessary Charge
I took my chihuahua puppy in to Banfield for an eye infection. They told me to leave him there for a couple of hours for antibiotic shots and to scrape his skin for a culture. No sooner did I get home, then they called and said he was ready to go. By the time I got there, ONE HOUR had elapsed from the time I dropped him off. It wasn't until I got home and looked at the invoice (you pay before they even print it out!) that they had charged me $30 for "Hospitalization Ward Fee. "HUH??? I drove back and asked for an explanation. They said it was something new and that, if I wasn't on their Wellness Plan, I had to pay it. I wrote to the corporate office and someone called me back, saying that they should have been charging it all along, but had dropped the ball. That's why I was never charged for my cat for the last year and a half. I said "Fine. From now on, I'll just hold my pet out in the waiting area until you're ready to do shots or lab work." I was told I'd be charged anyway!!! NEVER have I had a vet in private practice take my animal in the back, then try to tack on a "hospitalization" fee! My dog was there for only ONE HOUR!!! They told me they'd take off the $30 charge just this one time, but when I went back to pick up pills for the dog a few days later, I had to go thru the whole thing again, because they had NOT made the adjustment. The vets there are fresh out of school, and very quick to suggest going to a specialist, or running unnecessary tests. I don't have $500 every 2 months for this! It's ridiculous, to say the least... I will NOT be going back.
Jimmy Barlas May 10, 2009
The Banfield Pet Hospital in Daytona Beach is nothing but a scam to get you cash.I took my dog there for an ear infection, it was on a sunday the only place open.They diagnosed him, prescribed medicationat a cost of $149.00.Yesterday when i went to take him outside i noticed his ear bleeding, so i called, they said no problem bring him in .So i didand thats when they tried to screw me to the wall. They examined my dog, and the tech said she wouldbe right back with a plan.When she came back in the room she told me my dog needed surgery right away at a cost of$1360.70 to$1700.87. I told her she was out of her tree, but before i could leave they made me pay for the office visit$33.95.So i paid for the same diagnostics twice.So when i left there i went to Val-u- vet around the corner .They diagnosed my dog, treated him with a shot of penicillin .and cleaned his ear for$86.60 The dog is feeling better, im happy .The lesson is Stay away from Banfield Pet Hospitals .This one needs to be investigated by the state of florida
Eddy May 3, 2009
Scam charges
II went to Banfield with two of my three dogs for wellness care. I was encouraged to join the plans and I did at $59.00 a month. Well the first time they saw my older dog (Bear a 9 year Pompeian) they kept him for a physical and when the dog went home he was really sick. His left side hurt when he was picked up and blood was coming out with his stool. I contacted them and they told me it was nothing to do with what they did to the dog. I still took the dog to another vet and he said he was probably sore from the restrains they use at times to hold dogs to examine them. The blood in his stool was related to stress cause during the 7 hours spent at Banfield that day. I called Banfield and they denied using any such procedure with my dog.

Well, it is a lot of money to pay each month without service and I decided to take the five-month-old puppy to be neutered, since this was included in the plan. The day they examine him I was concern because he had a cherry eye. They recommended fixing his eye during the time he be being neutered. Now the neutering procedure was included in the plan and they were only going to charge me for medication. Well, when I picked up my dog his eye looked full of blood and he had a huge amount of discharge coming out of his eye. I was concern the next day and stayed home from work to see if giving him his medicine would alleviate his eye. He was worst-when I talk to Banfield they did not offer to see him, but sent me to a specialist that was going to charge me $250.00 for consulting services. I told them I could not afford to take him and they recommend another doctor 20 miles away from where I live. We need to get so type of class action sue against these butchers. How many more animals are going to be hurt or kill in the hands of these people.
az1998 March 31, 2009
Unnecessary treatment and costs significantly beyond plan
We took our puppy in to Banfield in early February when she was almost 8 weeks old. I had read about the wellness plan online and it sounded like a good way to get preventative care at a manageable cost. And although we now know that Banfield is not owned by Petsmart, at the time it seemed like we could trust them based on their affiliation. The first visit seemed fine (except for the 1 1/2 hour wait from our original appointment time), we were told that based on her breed and small size they recommended a diphenhydramine injection prior to all shots to avoid allergic reactions. It would be an additional $19.95 each time. We agreed, she had her corona vaccine that day and did fine.

The following week she was given the DHLPP vaccine, after the diphen. injection at a 4:30 appointment. We took her home and within 15 minutes she vomited and her face began swelling. We rushed her back and they gave her more benadryl, steroids, and fluids through an IV. We were also charged for emergency care, with a bill totaling $113 for the return visit. Even though she was improving rapidly, they were closing and insisted they leave the catheter in and we take her to an emergency animal hospital they referred us to. Thankfully the doctor there seemed reasonable. In fact he told us that based on his phone call with Banfield earlier, he would not have recommended bringing her in to the emergency hospital at all unless her condition worsened through the night, which was unlikely given her improvement. He removed the catheter and sent us home, no charge.

We were then told by Banfield that our puppy would need to be dropped off for all day "monitoring" for every vaccination, even the corona which she already tolerated fine. My husband an I both telecommute on different days of the week and are easily available to monitor her at home, which is less than 5 minutes from Banfield. But instead we had to leave her there in a cage all day, and pay for "petnurse care", "doctor's supervision", and "hospitalization ward fee", which does not include any medications. For her second DHLPP vaccination, she was first given the benadryl injection and also the steroids BEFORE the vaccine. She had no reaction, we left $110 poorer, but glad she was okay.

We brought her in for her rabies vaccination last week, and at 10am they called us to tell us she had no reaction and was doing fine. Imagine our surprise when we picked her up that afternoon and they handed us an invoice for $170 without comment. When we asked, they told us she started having "a reaction" around 12:30 (3-4 hours after the shot) and needed benadryl, steroids, iv fluids... They never called during the day to tell us anything about this. After we got her settled down in the car, I started to look at the invoice more carefully. They had given her another DHLPP instead of the rabies shot! My husband waited in the car while I went in to talk to them. They acted like this was no big deal and they would just reschedule her rabies. Really scary. At no time did any vet come out to talk to us about her reaction or the mix up.

At this point I had already done quite a bit of research on Banfield and the DHLPP vaccination. So the next day I called to speak directly to the Banfield vet. I told her that it was my understanding that puppies were protected after the third DHLPP vaccination and given her reactions, was she done with those? She just kept repeating that "distemper was so important" and that our dog still needed at least one if not two more over the next 6 weeks. No where can I find that 5 is the standard practice. She explained to me that they could try given steroids before the vaccine to prevent a reaction, something I thought they were already supposed to be doing based on our invoices!

I had had enough. I research a few local vets and made some phone calls to those that were the most reputable. I learned that the "L" portion of the vaccine, lepto, is thought to possibly be the cause of severe allergic reactions and is never given by either of the offices I spoke to. It is not a life threatening disease and they had not seen cases of this here in over 20 years. Why is Banfiled still given this vaccine to low risk dogs, and WHY CONTINUE GIVING IT WHEN THE POOR DOG IS HAVING SEVERE VACCINE REATIONS?! I asked about their policy on "monitoring" pets with vaccine reactions. They explained that as long as the shot was done early in the day and someone could watch her she SHOULD be at home, and in fact the anxiety caused by being kept at the vet all day can actually help bring a reaction on! I was also told that they give the three DHPP vaccines and that is it until the boosters. So in their opinion our puppy only needed a rabies shot and would be done for the next year.

I canceled her appointment at Banfield, and took her to the new vet for an exam and rabies shot. The vet was great and it was much more personal. She had an exam, a benadryl shot, a rabies shot, and 6 months of heartworm meds for under $60! To compare, we paid under $8 for the benadry at the new vet, Banfield's "member" fee was $18. Banfield sold us ONE heartworm pill for $10, 6 months at the new vet was $20. INSANE. We have already spent more than $600 ABOVE AND BEYOND the wellness plan costs in less than two months.

Please don't misunderstand me as I have spent a lot of time talking about $$ because it is easy to quantify. Our puppy's health is our primary concern. I have no idea what all of these steroids and the unnecessary vaccinations have done or will do to her small body. I am incredibly angry that she has been put through all of this. At this point we can only move forward and tell ourselves that at least we put an end to it when we did. We will continue to pay our contract until it ends. She will be spayed at the new vet and we will never set foot in another Banfield "Hospital" again. I just hope this story along with so many others can keep other pets and their owners from being taken advantage of.
blombardo21 March 22, 2009
I took my dog into the hospital too many times!
I don't suggest to take your dog/cat to Banfield Pet Hospital at Petsmart. At first I thought it was such a good deal but then problem after problem occurred. I thought you paid this one time fee of like $300.00 but that's not the case, everytime I go into Banfield I pay.
Okay let's get to the actual story. I took my puppy into Banfield to get fixed. The first couple of weeks after surgery she was fine, until I noticed a huge hole where the incision was made. I immediately called Banfield and told them about the situation. They told me to bring her right in. We took her into Banfield and they said that it was an abscess. I asked what we should do about it. They said it will cost nothing they were just going to cauterize it. In my eyes it was a huge hole and I definitely thought that it needed a suture. I also thought she would need an antibiotic but they said she would be fine. I figured they knew what they were talking about though since they work with animals on an everyday basis. Well two days later I was bringing my puppy back into Banfield because the cauterizing didn't seem to work. By this time I was very upset. I called Banfield again and let them know what was going on again they said to bring her right in. I took her into Banfield for the second time. This time they said she was going to need a suture. I thought with them making all of these mistakes on my puppy I would not have to pay, well I guessed wrong. They ended up charging us almost $30.00 for one suture. I made a huge stink about it because I didn't think I should have to pay. I wasn't the one making all of these mistakes they were. They told me either I was going to need to pay or they weren't going to work on my dog. I ended up paying the $30.00 because I wasn't going to walk out with my puppy having a huge hole in her stomach. Like a week later my husband took her in to get the suture taken out. He had notified them that she was putting off this off awful smell. They said it was part of the healing process, which sometimes after surgery there is a smell but this was horrible. Weeks later again my puppy was still having problems. I looked at her stomach everyday and nothing seemed to be healing. Weeks later her incision should've pretty much been healed. I waited a little while longer. Then I noticed two bumps where the incision was. I then called into Banfield again. They said to bring her right in as they did two other times. Again I took her right in. I had told them she's been throwing up...licking at her behind..and still having problems with her stomach. (I think the reasons why she was doing all of these things is because of the infection on her stomach). They didn't really say much they just said they need to take her into the back room. So 20 minutes later they come in to tell me Paisley (my puppy) still had two sutures stuck in her her anal glands needed drained. They took out the two sutures and also did something with a anal glands. Meanwhile no one came and talked to me about anything that was going on until what they had did was finished. They then charged me for both procedures. Well enough said. We are definitely switching after our yearly plan is up with Banfield. We just had way too many complications. Thanks so much for reading what I had to say I hope it helps anyone who is trying to make a decision on where to take their pet.
Miss My Cat March 16, 2009
Overcharged for poor care, led to cat death
Like so many others, I feel like I was led by my heartstrings to open my wallet, not only to come up empty but to lose my darling cat in the end!

We'd been taking our cat to Banfield for about 2 years and while the care seemed a bit brisk, the staff seemed nice and the hours were convenient. One complaint regarding overcharging was when they charged us $35 for an office visit to vaccinate our cat, not telling us beforehand that if we'd walked in between 2-3 THAT SAME DAY they did vaccination clinics without charge! We were miffed but let it slide.

Our cat had been checked every few months (he was fat and had anal issues) but hadn't suffered from anything serious until January when he suddenly stopped eating. After a day or so, I got really worried and took him in.

We took him in and after many tests, the vet diagnosed him with diabetes and a respiratory infection. The total for this discovery was over $500.

We had to bring him back the next week for a glucose check. That was another $75 or so. Then we had to bring him in the week afterwards for a glucose curve to pinpoint his proper dosage. That was ANOTHER $200 or so.

Meanwhile, our cat initially showed improvement, but then started going back downhill within 2 weeks. Four weeks after his first diagnosis, he had lost several pounds (an average of a pound a week after being on a diet for over a YEAR and not losing that much weight), he was much more listless, he was dehydrated, and he was showing increasing loss of balance and vision. We took him back and they did yet more tests on him (Another $300) and said it was because his glucose wasn't regulated. More glucose checks. Within another week, he was in even worse shape - he'd stopped eating on his own and had become incontinent and needed to be hand fed and watered. I made ANOTHER appointment and begged the doctor to see if there were any other factors or illnesses that needed to be addressed. The vet did a once-over and was like, "Well, I don't see anything." But he did need to be hydrated. That was another $80.

All this time, the vet acted cavalier, like my cat was just inches away from being cured (even though he seemed somewhat clueless as to the cause of our difficulties in actually doing so), while simultaneously suggesting that he needed hundreds of dollars of tests to "pinpoint" what was going on. This happened until I was literally out of money except for my next month's rent and said so. Then I got the guilt trip that I obviously wasn't willing to go the extra mile for my cat. I was kicking myself for sticking with Banfield by this point, but felt that I just didn't have the time or money to seek alternative care. I was stupidly optimistic that the vets seemed confident that they were on the right track, and I decided to trust them. Big mistake!

I wish this story had a happy ending, but it doesn't. The sixth week to the day, my poor precious cat was so weak and ill that we had to let him go. We never were able to stablize him medically and it seemed obvious to us that he was suffering from some other illness that the vets either misdiagnosed or just plain missed.

Even during that last appointment, though, the vet on staff had the nerve to ask us if we were "finished with treatment" (while we're crying and the cat is barely breathing) AND overcharge us for the euthanasia, including an office visit, of course! The quoted price was around $100 but we were charged over $160 in typical Banfield fashion, where they quote the price of dinner as $25 but don't let on that they'll be charging you another $5 each to use the plate, fork and knife.

After so many visits and so much money spent for nothing, I strongly suspect that Banfield isn't in the business of actually diagnosing and curing animals. Banfield is in the business of testing animals. From what I've read of the other complaints, it seems that Banfield is happy to test pets pretty much to death unless you're smart enough to go to a real vet.

I just find it hard to believe that it cost well over $1000 to essentially FAIL to treat my pet for a relatively common disease. At no point beyond the first week did my pet show any signs of improvement- quite the opposite- yet the vets acted like his deterioration was business as usual and displayed no sense of urgency in modifying his treatment or recommending alternative care. In fact, even the week before when my cat was in even worse shape and the plan was to switch medication, they decided instead to "wait and see." Basically, they waited until they could see him get put down!

I just can't wrap my mind around it. Either my cat was suffering from a common illness and the vets were too incompetent and/or financially unmotivated to treat it properly, or my cat was suffering from a serious illness and they just bled me dry until the inevitable happened. Which is worse?! Either way I was traumatized and my cat, who had the loving patience and temperament of a saint and hardly complained even when the needles were coming fast and fierce, was made to suffer for weeks. I can't even think of that without feeling my heart break all over again.

We have a new cat now and Hell will freeze over before he sees the inside of a Banfield.
Vjones40 February 24, 2009
Never again!
We took our puppy in for an exam. Our puppy needed to be treated for loose stools as a result of intestinal parasites. They put the puppy on 2 antibiotics. 4 days later, our puppy started having seizures. We took her back, to get another bill $175, and ran more "diagnostics" which they couldn't determine why she was having seizures. They ran bloodwork and stated she had low red blood count (probably because of the prescription diet she was on and low protein), then her white blood count was low, due to the parasites and to monitor the seizures and call back if they continued.

They continued the next day she had 6 seizures (which she never had until she started taking the medicine they prescribed). I called them, of course..."bring her in to be seen, but there is a cost involved, we need to run more diagnostics. I told them we didn't have any more money, we've already spent $400 in 4 days. Then it was the scare tactic, well it could be distemper (which they supposedly ruled out yesterday), then she may have low blood sugar from not eating (I told them she was eating and drinking water and her gums are pink). Then it was "if she is having seizures that is very serious and you need to bring her in to be seen". I told them that I felt it was the medicine because she didn't have seizures until she started the medicine.

I then searched online to research the medicine. Low and behold... Allergic reaction...seizures to the Albon. Why didn't they just say that in the beginning? Because they wanted more money. I'm furious and let them have a piece of my mind and will NEVER bring my puppy into them again. I called in to give them a piece of my mind and then some. She then informed me that she had to look it up in the medical book. What kind of crap is that?

Since when did they not care about the well being of an animal? It's all about money with them. I will take her somewhere else.
Yokondo February 11, 2009
They let my dog die
I took my 18 week old Siberian Husky to Banfield to be chipped, and he came out with PARVO. He died 9 days later. They admitted he could have contacted it in their hospital, but accepted no responsibly. They also refused to treat him without payment, which I had to put out to a Pet Emergency Hospital 2 days before. No money, treatment for your dog. Not even any compassion, they let my dog die, and they could have been the cause. I even offered to pay if I could have paid in a few payments, but OH *** NO! I am on a fixed income, so I had to watch my dog pass away. Sure they are the place that quotes: "We treat you like family"
LisaP. February 4, 2009
Wellness Care Program Ripoff
I took my dog to Banfield when he was a puppy. I signed up for the wellness care program. I was in there several times, wondering if they ever addressed the problem correctly, often leaving with a bill over $400 and a lot of unnecessary medical tests and procedures. I had to move and because I committed to the year, I relocated to another Banfield, not realizing they were making me commit to "another" year, thinking I could just fulfill that year. I was VERY unhappy AGAIN with the service. When I tried to cancel it, they did not cancel it so I had a 3 way call with my credit card company. My credit card company said if they charge me again to cancel the card. They finally agreed to cancel it (and stated i had to do so in writing) and then tried to charge me for the remaining year (which would have been 2 years) or the difference of what they claimed they "saved" me from previous visits. I refused to pay and they turned me over for collection. I am SHOCKED that customers continue to go there but obviously they have not checked message boards and do so for the "convenience" of being next to PETSMART. If you're SMART and LOVE your pet don't take your it there!
Dottie Riley January 20, 2009
Wellness Plan
I have a wellness plan with Banfield for both of my dogs and always believed that it was like insurance, not a contract for payments. I was wrong.
Last year my son died. As a result of this tragedy I incurred several thousand dollars in medical bills before his death, in addition to funeral related expenses after wards and could no longer afford the monthly wellness plan payments. My only income is disability. Due to the extreme extenuating circumstances I tried to cancel the wellness plan, but they have refused to allow me to do so. They 'forgave' a few months payments, but have insisted on me paying the balance of the contract at the previous monthly rate. As I can no longer afford that, I volunteered to pay $20 a month until the balance is paid in full. They have rejected this too and have declined to accept my checks for the lesser payment. I wish I had been aware of all of these complaints before I signed up for their plan. They are ruthless. While they have declined to accept $20 a month, they call me repeatedly with threats to ruin my credit, threats of turning the account over to a collections agency, rude responses on the phone, and have refused to acknowledge or respond to a single letter (or checks) mailed to their home office.
There are other options for pet care available. I urge anyone reading this to use them and to stay clear of Banfield!

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