Banfield Pet Hospital
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Category: Family & Pets
Contact Information United States
Banfield Pet Hospital Reviews
August 31, 2008
Pets are treated like cr*p
I am a past employee of Banfield, the Pet hospital located in Tukwila. This location is ran by Kris Ann Fazio DVM, who I feel is one of the most incompetent, uncaring persons ever to become a Vet. It is hard to imagine how or why she became a vet, as she only cares about how much money she can squeeze out of the trusting client that comes into the hospital. Pets are certainly not treated like family, even though some of the team members try to provide care but are generally not allowed to do much for their comfort or care. The sick and well pets are all held in a crowded, noisy, and often unclean "back room" of the hospital . Whether they need it or not, pets are subjected to numerous lab tests and these are being performed by undertained and unlicensed pet nurses. Many of these pet nurses have no training in pet care of any kind, and no medical training. Team members are well aware that it is not the well being of the pet that is the focus, but rather or not the client can pay for the services. Dr Fazio has many rules and protocols designed to collect more money from the client, and team members are punished harshly for not following these rules. The huge number of complaints fall on deaf ears as the Corporate office only hears what Dr Fazio tells them and clients are ignored. Dr Fazio will not even talk to the clients instead making team members take the abuse from very angry clients. Do NOT go to this hospital!!! Pets are treated like crap here and people are too!!!
August 27, 2008
They're all about making money
I got my puppy in April 2008 and got her Banfield's wellness health plan right away for a one-time fee of $180+ and $25/month. BIG MISTAKE! I should have done some research before going to them. She got her first round of vaccines soon after enrolling her. They offered the anti-histamine, which I was told is to prevent possible reaction to the vaccine, but it was going to cost $20! I accepted the first time. On her second round I declined it and guess what? My puppy was better after the shots than the first time. On the same appointment, I also requested Banfield to check on the 2 slightly balding spots on my puppy. I was told it could be demodex and that they have to do a skin test to confirm it. I agreed to the skin test. Banfield called me later and confirmed that it was indeed demodex and that treatment would cost $500 for 4 weekly baths! I was told it is not advisable to do it myself at home as it involves using a toxic solution. I did some research and read that goodwinol ointment is effective in treating demodex so I declined the treatment they were offering on June 19, 2008. They probably didn't expect that I would decline the treatment so when I came to pickup my puppy, I was being charged $23 for the skin test! I argued nobody mentioned that there will be a charge for the test. In the end I was told that I can't bring my puppy there anymore until I pay so I had to pay. I also asked about the option of canceling the health plan and was told that I would still have to pay the whole year because I signed a contract! By this time, I already know they care more about making money than caring for my pet.
My puppy was scheduled for spay on July 11, 2008. Her demodex was almost gone. When I came to pick her up, I thought she would have been spayed already but I was told that it was better to wait for her demodex to completely clear up. My puppy was turning 6 months on Aug 14 so I asked about the 6-month policy about spay - that there is a charge for it if the puppy is over 6 months. I was the one who brought it up so I clearly remembered what the guy told me - that it will be waived because it was their recommendation to postpone it for the sake of my puppy. Now, it is Aug 27 and I called to reschedule my puppy for spay. I was told that I will have to pay for it because my puppy is over 6 months! WHAT??? I told Darlene (Banfield) the story but she didn't "hear" a word I said. She was determined to make me pay. She then passed me to a guy. Same thing, didn't hear me. Then the manager, Maya. She said I would have to pay because there is a note in my puppy's medical record that I would have to pay if my puppy becomes over 6 months when she is to be spayed. Nobody at Banfield cared about what I just said. All they care about is making money!
I will just bring my puppy to a local SPC for her spay. I will never go back to Banfield ever! I will pay for the rest of the year and close my account. They are a nightmare!
August 25, 2008
Bad service
We purchased a puppy on 12-21-07 and within 24 hours we noticed that she was having some problems with diorama. I went on line, performed a fair amount of research and discovered that this is fairly common problem with puppies. Potential common causes were stress due to leaving mom or littermates, changes in food or drinking water and eating random things off the ground, which this puppy was prone to do. We decided to monitor her, continue feeding her and giving her bottled water (which we drink ourselves).
After about 24 hours the problem had not resolved itself. I researched on line and discovered that several reliable web sites recommended that Ã�½ teaspoon of Pepto-Bismol be given for ever 10 pounds and as she was only 2 pounds we gave her 2 to 3 drops out of a dropper every 6 hours for 24 hours. They said if she wasn�t better to take her to the vet.
We took her to Banfield Pet Hospital at White Oak in Garner NC, which is located in the Pet Smart at the White Oak Shopping Center in Garner on Christmas Eve.
I took the puppy in, requested an appointment and described to the receptionist her symptoms (diarrhea, not eating and difficulty drinking). The receptionist told me to hold my pet on my lap, not to let her down on the floor or touch the walls because the symptoms I describes were associated with Parvo which was highly contagious. She could hardly answer our questions or provide any level of service because she kept calling other customers on the phone to remind them of them of wellness appointments�like literally kept calling and talking to them right in the middle of talking to me. This didn�t make me think they were very concerned about my puppy or very customer oriented.
In any event I had to sell an expensive piece of personal property for practically nothing to raise the money to take her to the vet so when the nurse came back with a long list of testing to get me to sign up for I very politely explained to her that I had managed to scrape together $200.00 and wanted us to work together to prioritize testing and treatment options to try to help my pet as much as possible with my limited resources. I must admit that she was NOT very supportive of my plight, stated that �people come in here all the time wanting us to help them with their pets and have no money� and she was not helpful in terms of helping me prioritize testing and treatment on a limited budget.
We ended up testing the puppy for Parvo and for parasites. The office visit and testing ate up over half my $200.00 budget. The puppy was negative for the Parvo and positive for a large number of parasites. The nurse explained that for her to have that number of parasites she might have contracted worms in vitro from the mother. She was only 8 weeks old, weighed a little less than 2 pounds and had been de-wormed on 12-18-07.
The nurse came back with a long list of further testing, blood work, IV Therapy, Medications, Vitamin Supplements and Special Pet Food the cost of which was total beyond my reach. I once again explained that I had worked hart to come up with money I did bring and that I could not afford all the things they were recommending. I asked for help deciding how to prioritize. She was pretty stubborn and I eventually decided on the two medicines, a subcutaneous IV to get some extra fluids into her, the vitamins and the special puppy food.
I told the nurse that I used to work in an emergency room and that when people came in with similar problems the usual course of treatment was to give them something to treat whatever was causing the diarrhea (in this case the two kinds of medications), give them an IV to temporarily get some fluids into them (I opted for the subcutaneous IV) and then give them something like Donagel to combat the diarrhea itself (which was not given as an option). The nurse tried to convince me for a second time to leave my puppy there and pay several hundreds of dollars, which she knew I didn�t have for pet IVs to treat the diarrhea. I asked if there was anything like Donagel for puppies. At that point she refused to talk to me further, brought my puppy back to me and asked the vet to come in and talk to me.
The vet was very agitated, seemed upset and I very politely explained to her that I was not trying to be difficult but was just wondering if there was anything like Donagel for puppies. She stated, �you have to be very careful with the medication you are talking about because she is a small puppy�that medication is out of date and it is illegal to dispense out of date medication�we are not allowed to do that�. The vet again tried to talk me into leaving my puppy there and paying for over a thousand dollars of IVs and other testing. She told me she could not help me prioritize care because she might get sued if something went wrong. She further stated that if there was a bad outcome here they could not be held responsible because they had �offered� me additional testing and IV therapy, which I had refused (simple math equation: limited $ = limited medical care). It felt like there was little hope for my pet so they made up a long list of testing/treatment recommendations totaling over a thousand dollars (which few people I know could afford to pay in cold hard cash up front) specifically so that if anything happened they could blame it on the fact that the pet owner �declined� some of these services.
Let me just say that in people land if a doctor or hospital does not have the medication to save your life they are required by law to obtain it from another pharmacy or hospital. Banfield is a national chain with multiple locations in my local area and in retrospect they could have referred me to pick it up at another location. If I had gone to another location they would have charged me another office visit (I called another Banfield about 30 minutes from my home). Also in people land doctors and nurses are caring compassionate individuals who are actually interested in saving your life. This is apparently not so for the staff at Banfield who appeared to be more interested in monetary issues and avoiding being sued that whether or not my puppy lived. They seemed actually angry that I would not come off some credit cards and just charge up thousands of dollars in care for my pet. They did not even send me home with a pamphlet on purchasing pet insurance or their infamous wellness plan. In retrospect I realize this is because they did not expect my puppy to survive. Putting her down was an option I never got.
To be quite honest if I had that kind of money or charging capabilities I would have spent it to save my pets life because I loved my pet more than my money. I spent every single cent I had to my name that day at Banfield, they refused to let me pay them 3 days after when I got paid, I was treated very disrespectfully for merely asking for an anti-diarrhea medication and my puppy died a day and half later.
I believe in their over zealousness to avoid doing things that might get them sued they failed to provide the minimum quality of care necessary to keep my pet alive. I believe that they should have made the medication I requested to combat the diarrhea available for me to purchase even if they had to contact another Banfield rather than suggesting I pay money I didn't have to keep her IVs for days on end or purchase vitamin supplements and special food when I had already told them she was refusing food. All she did was puke that all up anyway. Something to combat the diarrhea would have at least given us a fighting chance. If we could have controlled the diarrhea she may have began eating again. Also their attitude was really out of line. I have worked with nurses and doctors all my life and never have seen or heard of anything like this. Why in the world the nurse just stopped talking to me I will never know. In human land we have the right and responsibility to ask questions about our medical care but apparently at Banfield this is grounds for the medical staff to get antagonistic and refuse to continue talking to you. Also when the nurse stopped talking to me and sent the vet in I could actually overhear the nurse angrily talking to another staff about me. Can't tell you how unprofessional that was! I was actually nice and respectful when talking to their staff and unfortunately can't say the same about them. Who has the responsibility to be professional and courteous the customer or the healthcare professional? They actually seemed insulted that I walked in the door with limited amount of resources. I told them point blank that I was not expecting miracles but just some help prioritizing care because of limited resources. The impression I got was that they were actually insulted that they were being asked to provide medical care for only $200.00. I guess the sky should always be the limit because once you set that standard everyone understands that once you have a sick pet the money in your wallets and bank accounts will grow wings.
The kicker is that my sick puppy was seen on Christmas Eve in a store located in a Pet Smart and the lines were long. When I was given the medications the vet gave me a little card and told me to �give it to them up front and they will get the food for you�. I went up front, waited in a long line, gave the cashier the card and she looked at me like I had two heads. She sent me back to Banfield and the receptionist there showed me where the medication was. I then drug my sick puppy back up front, stood in the same long line all over again and was finely able to check out the food she never ate.
Sorry for the ridiculously long post but this whole experience was ridiculously long, tedious and the really difficult part was watching my pet die a slow painful death on Christmas when she probably should have been put down. She was 8 weeks old, weighed less than 2 pounds, had an excessive number of two types of parasites and received de-worming medication again prior to the recommended time frame. What do you think her chances of survival were? Would you have at least given me the option of having her put down? She whined off and on all of Christmas day, we spent all day holding and cleaning her. It was pretty pitiful. The message I got from Banfield is that only wealthy people willing to spend hundreds or even thousands on their animals should be pet owners.
August 9, 2008
Veternary abuse, company cover-up
Took cat in for regular check up. She was so bruised and muscles strained when she was returned, four hours latter than we were told, that she was in pain for a week. The vet that treated her was Roque Gonzalez. It turns out that he was fired by the City of San Antonio for maltreating animals in its clinics, has been the subject of TV investigations, is a regular in sanctions by the Texas board. Of course we complained, Banfield has more attorneys than the Justice Department. It is not worth bothering--these people have no standards, morals, or honor. We dis an investigation into the vet. he was at the bottom of his class in Neuvo Leon, Mexico, took several times to obtain a license, may not be in this country legally, and per the Banfield Hospital in Selma "Oh we love him, because we can't get any other spanish speaking veterinarians." Regarding the cat--well nobody ever asked how she was.
Here is the come on--buy their insurance policy. You never see the tests that they charge for but at every visit you get a document that shows that they are loosing, $1200.00 per year by treating you pet. As you can see by the math--there is a scam of significant proportions here. But as above, they are encircled by attorneys, and there is a call center that will never respond to you. So use their services at you own risk--but if you are on the web looking for them you will see a significant number of sites with multiple complaints like this. Many Many complaints for what is not a very large business. Draw your own conclusions.
July 28, 2008
My pet was never laid to rest
My 71/2 month old puppy was tragically hit by a car. I was a patient at Banfield pet Hospital in Paramus NJ. I brought my new dog Otis to his first vet appointment at the Banfield vet I used for Angus. I went and he was so good while they were examining him. I had my children with me and the vet assistant asked if I would have the children step out of the room so I said o.k. sure… they leave and she looks at me and says before we proceed with Otis you need to finish up the procedure with Angus… we still have him in the back and we need to know what you want to do and pay for it. I SAID WHAT???? You still have him here. I told you what I wanted… I am so upset I picked up Otis and left. I later spoke to the head Vet and she screamed at me stating she needed a signature. I then went to the head medical doctor for Banfield and told them what happened. I am so appalled by there handling of this and so upset for Angus that he has been overlooked like he is nothing!!! This Vet has no regard for Pets lives unless they are living and she is making money. Think twice before using Banefield and Dr Frezzo!!!
July 20, 2008
Billing practices
Anyone wanting to join in on a class action lawsuit against Banfield Pet Hospitals should go to:
Once there clink on "Inquire About Your Potential Case" and fill out the online form giving specific details of your problems regarding Banfield. Please, make sure that you include either your phone number or send them an email on the link within the "Inquire" link.
Please, make sure that you share your experiences regarding billing issues, pet care (or lack therefore of), names of staff, location of hospitals and if you've ever written to the corporate offices and if so, what was the response if any. We're going after Banfield to force them to operate using more specific contracts, fair billing practices and better pet care policy.
United we stand and Banfield needs to either resolve their business practices or close their doors!!!
July 17, 2008
Terrible experience
On July 9, 2008 I took my puppy in to Banfield animal "hospital". The reason why I took him there is because my puppy was sick with Parvo. All he needed was his treatment. When I took him there they took him in, they wouldn't touch him and acted like they were going to help us and told us not to worry about anything and they would call us back.
They called us with an estimate, and I explained to them that I wouldn't get paid till Friday. My intention was not to leave him there get him treated and not pay. I just did not want him to die. She said I had to come pick him up! While I was trying to find other resources to see what other options we had, we kept him there thinking that they would at least give him fluids. You know keep him well while he was there.
Before we went to go pick him up, I had a very rude phone call from a worker there named Liz. She was being very smart alec with me, and her and co workers were all laughing in the background. When we went to go pick him up he was still in the cage where I had place him in, laying un touched.
Because of them my puppy is now dead! They could have done something to prevent his death, but instead all they did was ridicule us and laughed in our face. The reason why we went there is because on their website, it says they treat Pets like family. Well I'll be the first to tell you, that’s a false advertisement. They do not practice what they preach!! The place I went to go get his treatment the first time was really helpful and assisted my puppy right away. They also said that by law they should have done something to help him. Instead, they let him sit in a cage for 10 hours and feel every second of his suffering pain. This is a form of cruelty and neglect. They are a business and they are supposed to be there to help animals. I hope this is not the way they treat other pets because no one deserves to be treated that way. They treated him like he was just a nasty piece of trash!
We took him there in hopes that they would help him, instead we got a bunch of rude, insensitive, and uncaring people. I would not even take anything in need there ever again. That place was a big mistake in my part. I hope that what happened to my puppy, will not happen to anybody else.
They should seriously change their advertisement on their website to, "Have money? Come on in!!" Cause that’s the way they treated me!
I want this email to be forwarded to anybody and everybody that can help me put these people out of this profession, because the way they treated my puppy shows that they are not professional, or trained in their occupation. I will not stop until my voice is heard. And I will not let this die down the way they let my puppy die. It's a shame how people who are supposed to care for pets can be so cold hearted to an innocent little puppy!!
The place I went to was in Fort Worth, Texas
Pets Mart Banfield Hospital
415 Carroll St
(817) 870-1865
The girl I would especially like to report is named Liz!
I will also proceed in pressing charges!
July 7, 2008
Stay away from them if you want a healthy pet
For those who say "gee they get busy" try going to a GOOD vet and see how they handle being busy. You'll actually get good care--unlike at Banfield. They rush you into signing paperwork for their health plan (which people should know is good for ONE location--if you don't like that one you CAN'T just move to another one, they won't let you take the insurance). They then give your pet an unending list of needless tests every time you bring them in to justify the cost of the insurance. Yes, insurance makes sense, but only when you are working with a reputable vet. That would not include Banfield Pet.
July 4, 2008
Do not use them
Banfield Pet Hospital near Barrett Pkwy Marietta GA is a dangerous place to take your pet based on my experience. I signed up for a wellness plan and followed their schedule for preventative treatment. What I discovered was that on every visit the staff had changed and you are dealing with completely different people. So with every visit you have to fill out the paperwork and are treated like a new customer. So it appears to be revolving door for new vets. Now on to the dangerous part. My pet received a rabies shot on his hind leg by one of Banfields "rookie" vets that cause a scar which is still present after a year. The hair on the injection site has never grown back in and probably never will. At this point, I should have quit taking my pet to this clinic but I found out that when I signed up I had not read the fine print, and discovered that I would be billed every month even if I tried to cancel due their incompetence. I still had 9 months to go so I stuck with them. This was a mistake. I took my dog in for a routine vaccine and fecal exam. When I picked the dog up he had fingernail gouges on his stomach area. He was clearly grab and held violently by someone at the clinic. That night he started to bleed from his rectum. I had to take him to another emergency clinic. To say the least I will never take my dog or any other pet to the Banfield Pet Clinic located at Barrett Pkwy Marietta GA. The real kicker is that when I called them and told them why I was cancelling my plan they told me that they are sorry for the problem but that they will still be charging my credit card till the contract expires. My advice is DO NOT USE Banfield Pet Hospital !!!
July 2, 2008
Need more training and better communication
Banfield has been seeing my Chihuahua since birth. I was never informed that she had a heart murmur. I only found out back in March 2008, by the way she is 14 years old, when she dislocated her hip. They took x-rays to see why she was in so much and then they said she has a heart murmur, by then it was too late. All they could say to me was, "yes, she has a heart murmur" repeatedly as if reading a statement and not even listening to my questions. IF YOU LOVE YOUR PET DO NOT USE BANFIELD.
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