Banfield Pet Hospital

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Banfield Pet Hospital Reviews

MK1876 January 23, 2011
I have been scammed with this plan. I was a part of this plan for over two years and everything that was advertised to be included was not included. My pet was supposed to get spayed and instead of the spay being included, they wanted me to pay $160 out of pocket. The inconsistency is present at all clinics because they do not care about your pets, just your money. FUrthermore, I was just told today that my pet was allergic to vaccines, which was not conversed to me at the beginning, which is a huge liability as my pet could of died as a result of there lack of communication. I do not recommend this place to anyone and save your time and money from this expense. There are far better animal hospitals out there.
Native NYer January 23, 2011
If they treat pets like family, I'm glad I'm not in theirs.
My cat threw up four times in one week, very uncommon for her, so I decided to switch vets and take her to Banfield. They told me she needs a teeth cleaning, which could cause her to throw up if they were infected, a thyroid test because that could also be the issue and since she's over weight and a long-haired cat, she has a hard time cleaning herself so that needs to be taken care of. And they can do all of it while she's under anesthesia. They talked me into their 'wellness plan' (HA) and set me up with an appointment for the next day. I brought her in at 7:00 AM as they asked me to do and I was told they would call me at 1:00 PM with a status update and I'd be able to pick up Pepper at 6:00 PM and she'll be 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed', that's a quote. I sleep during the days so I made sure I left my phone on so it would wake me up. I woke up at 2:15 and they didn't call, I had to call them at 3:30. The person that answered the phone said "She's being examined now and she's doing fantastic. She's a wake and wiggling around but I'll have the nurse call you back with more details when she's done with the exam". The nurse called back at 4:00 PM and told me she's doing good and I'd be able to get her at 6:00. When I dropped her off, I didn't bring her in her pet carrier, just a collar and a lease with her towel so she has something from home. As I'm walking in, I'm picturing Pepper giving me a happy 'Hi, Dad' meow but I was greatly disappointed. They said they couldn't get her out of the cage and asked me to do it. When I saw Pepper, she started hissing and growling at me... AT ME!!! She has never done that in the four years I've had her. When I picked her up, she was screaming in pain. Then, I placed her on the exam table because I noticed she was wet on her belly from front legs to back but when I placed her on the table, she couldn't stand. She kept on falling. AND THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A CAT THAT'S DOING 'FANTASTIC'? They never told me to bring a pet carrier. Never told me or even given me the slightest inclination that she's in need of looking after. In fact, they had told me she was doing great. A cat that's hissing and growling, who has never done these things in four years, and has pissed herself and can't stand up, is NOT doing anywhere near great. They suggested that I buy a carrier, to which I said I'm not buying one when I have one at home and they should have told me to bring it. Then they went looking for a box to put her in. I'm disabled so I have to walk with a cane. I couldn't carry my cat out to the car with her in a big cardboard box so I had to get a shopping cart and wheel her out to the car. All the way home Pepper is trying to stand up but the motion of the car and her being still on the anesthesia, all she was doing was falling all over the place while crying constantly. When I finally got home, I had to call a neighbor to get him to come out to get my apartment key so he could get a wagon from inside so I could wheel Pepper in our home because if she fell, she would not have been able to land on her feet. As soon as she got inside she stopped crying knowing the comfort and safety of her home. Immediately she tried to eat. Understandably so since it has been over 18 hours since she last ate and she drank more water in one hour than she normally does in a whole day. Her eyes were dilated and I could tell when she started walking she was in a lot of pain. I found her more than a couple of times sleeping in her food dish. What would have happened if that was her water dish? For that whole night I had to keep her in sight and the Banfield reps never told me I needed to do that. When I finally went to bed (I couldn't stay awake any longer), Pepper tried to jump on the bed but couldn't and fell hard on the floor. The day after I brought her home, she finally became coherent but it was still clear she was in a lot of pain. She just lays on my bed and won't eat much because I can only guess her teeth are hurting her and her butt is hurting too because of he way she's walking. Had the people at Banfield informed me of this during the 4:00 PM phone call and said if I decide to take her home, I would need a pet carrier and she'll require close supervision for the next 24 to 48 hours or given me the choice to leave her there overnight, I would have bee fine with it but they didn't. Instead, they're just another corporation that just wants your money and could care less about your four-legged family member. I went there earlier today to complain to the office manager but she wasn't there. Instead I complained to a vet and head nurse that wasn't there during the week so she had no idea about Pepper other than what's in their system. The head nurse apologized and I told her "sorry just doesn't cut it at this point because the damage has been done and is inexcusable".The vet wanted me to bring her in again for another exam to see why she was still in pain and to that I said "You're never going to touch my cat ever again." I plan on calling them on Monday and telling them this whole story. Since I signed up for their 'wellness plan' (HA), and used my credit card for the recurring billing, I plan on stopping by my bank before I call them on Monday to cancel my card to have another re-issued because reading the 'agreement', I have four business days to cancel but canceling also voids all discounts, which are over $300 right now. If they send this to a collection agency, I could care less. I'm not worried about my credit because they don't have my social security number and even if it does appear on my credit report, I can dispute it.
mlab January 15, 2011
wellness care refunds/fees when dog gets sick
You can get out of wellness plan only if you do it in 4 business days from purchase. A good idea is not to have the initial check done at banfield because of all the fees and charges. Once your pet gets a good bill of health...then shop around and ask prices..banfield pays to have the first year with all the shots and to have dog/cat fixed included. After the year..cancel one month before contract ends otherwise you continue to get charged the monthly fee. AFTER THAT YOU ONLY GET COUPLE SHOTS A YEAR SO GO TO PETSMART OR PETCO ON SATURDAYS FOR THAT. You only pay for the shot.
I had a problem because my dog was unfit and continued to get sicker so I returned the dog. Now, it could be a problem getting some fees back or to get charged more for a simple visit.
If you decide to go to banfield for puppies first check, dont let them do anything other than check the dog if healthy. If you must, allow check up only..all shots and sorts can be done later once you decide if dog is healthy . Dont let them pressure you in sales. Its a game.
Jenn December 25, 2010
Don't care about your pets
We will be cancelling as soon as our plan is up. At our Banfield there has been so many different “doctors” at our location that they do not even know our pets. They make so many appointments at one time that we have to wait forever. One of our dogs suffers from anxiety and we always ask for the first appointment so he doesn’t get stressed. After waiting for an hour just to get into a room and another 20 minutes to be seen, and having to hear my dog whine and moan for an hour the vet had the nerve to laugh saying he needs to be on meds. My heeler who I had dropped off a few times started attacking a certain vet. She has and had never attacked anyone before and has only attacked that vet! What did the vet do to her? At our last appointment the nurse came in and started poking on our heeler who has hip dysplasia and is not to have any shots in her rear end. I stopped the nurse and I asked her if she had reviewed the file. She laughed and said no and then read her file. Her reply was oh I am not supposed to do that. I was pissed. What if I had dropped her off and not been there? I am assuming that is what the other vet did. Or mix breed has stomach issues (he sneaks other food he is not suppose to eat) and when we took him into Banfield we saw a new doctor. SURPRISE! He had us believing it wasn’t the same thing that the other vet at Banfield said it was. I told him the dog had the EXACT same symptoms and he had been at someone else’s house and got into their dog food…no he told us it was life threatening and he may not make it…$700 later it was the same thing the other vet said that cost $30 to take care of! Yes in the end the $30 of medication is what he needed!!! None of the vets agree witht the same type of treatment either. One vet said to give milk of magnesia the other vet said no, that can make them sicker. Who am I to believe? They told us to pick the vet we wanted…did they log it? NO! One vet didn’t even document what she did for our dog and had no clue what we were talking about and agrued with my husband when we had to return for more treatment. I wrote everything down she said to do at the visit and her freaking name was on the prescription bottle. She didn’t want to look at it (this is the same vet my dog likes to attack now)! They do not treat your pets as anything else than an object that brings in the cash. I wanted to cancel our plan but we are in a contract and cannot cancel until the time comes. So here we are paying for horrible services. Our pets are our children every time we go to Banfield I feel like a horrible parent. Can’t wait till the plan is up! I have told everyone I know not to use the Wellness Plan!
concerneddogowner December 4, 2010
My Dog's Dental Cleaning
A Long Story, but Definitely WORTH reading for a few minutes if you are considering a professional dental cleaning procedure for your pet.

I adopted my poodle-mix Winston who was a stray at a Miami animal shelter. Winston was estimated to be anywhere from 10 years old + in Aug. 2010. His teeth had a lot of plaque on them, there was clearly green and brown decay in his mouth. However, he was healthy otherwise. Over the past 3 months he has continued to eat hard food, like Beneful, and his energy was going up more and more every week (the first few weeks he was very timid in the house, and would sleep almost all day), and by middle October he would run on walks and play around the house with our mini dachshund. He has been groomed 2x since I got him at Petsmart in south Fl, where they also brushed his teeth. When I took him 2 weeks ago to Banfield Pet Hospital located in a Petsmart near my house, they recommended that though he was healthy in all other aspects he should get dental cleaning. They said it would cost $189, plus the anesthesia fee of $40. I wasn't even concerned about the cost, but rather if it would benefit Winston in the short and long term to go under such a procedure, and I was extremely concerned about the physical pain and mental he may endure. I told them his appetite had been great, he maintained a healthy weight for his size (20lb) and he seemed really happy. They insisted that I do the dental cleaning, so as Winston being the first dog I am solely responsible for, I decided to go ahead and do the dental cleaning. In the middle of the procedure the vet called me (while he was under anesthetic) and told me he had 4 teeth that MUST be extracted, but they said it would cost $37 per tooth. I told them to go ahead and extract, (I trusted the doctor's judgment that the extractions would be in Winston's best interest) and I wasn't even concerned about the extra cost.
Now, after it has been done, I COMPLETELY REGRET my decision for a number of reasons that are worth reading about. First, and LEAST importantly, the cost ended up being over $400, which included the original dental cleaning, anesthetic, extractions, pain killers, and antibiotics. Secondly, Winston had constipation for days, he didn't want to eat even soft food, and barely drank water. I felt so sorry for him seeing his trying to go the bathroom for minutes and clearly in pain as he was unable to. After a sleepless night because for Winston and me, the night after the dental cleaning, I called Banfield and told them how much pain he was in, as he was whimpering and pacing all night. I brought him in, and the vet casually walked in to examine Winston after we waited over 1 hour, even though there was only one person ahead of us. She said that his pain was gastrointestinal and said it was normal, and she gave him a shot to ease the pain, as well as medicated to give him 2x a day to help his stomach pain, and improve his digestive system. Additionally, when I took him to Banfield that next day after his cleaning, he was shaking terribly as we approached the building. The pain relief only lasted a few hours, and Winston was again up all night trying again and again to go the bathroom. I asked the vet at Banfield if this was normal after, and she said not to worry, and he would be fine, he is just uncomfortable. If I would have known that Winston wouldn't be able to eat or drink normally for days, and be in constant pain so that he couldn't even sleep for 48 hours even with pain killers, I would not have done the dental cleaning. The vets at this Banfield completely ripped me off, and misled me 100% in terms of the pain Winston would have. As more and more studies show dogs can have psychological issues like depression, I firmly believe that the mental trauma Winston has gone through to address a health problem that wasn't even present was a terrible experience. I blame the doctors and staff at Banfield in Plantation, for causing Winston so much pain, and not warning me about the possibility. One of our other Maltese-mix female that was found on the street as a stray and tooth in 8 years ago had one loose tooth, and our vet in Sarasota said he could extract it, but at her age (which was unknown but assumed in 2010 to also be over 10) it may cause her some pain that is not worth the results. I wish I would have not taken Winston to Banfield. Another point, is that if Winston's teeth were that bad, then how come his energy level was great and improving, and his appetite was continually healthy day in and day out. I also had his teeth brushed when he got groomed, and gave him oral care at home with dental spray. Also, I had a panel of blood work done after the first week I got Winston to ensure that Winston did not have any worms, cancer, or any other type of disease that could harm his health. His blood work results showed he was healthy. If his teeth were to the point that he couldn't eat, OR if other health problems showed a connection to his teeth, then of course I would understand that the pain of the dental cleaning was an overall positive decision for Winston's health. But because he is an older dog, that clearly had been through a rough life, and given his drastically improved condition from when I got him a few months before, I advise a more hands off approach. I strongly suggest that anyone who is considering getting an older dog dental cleaning be warned of all the potential pain the dog may be in. I personally think that if a dog has to go through as much physical and mental pain as Winston did, then the professional dental cleaning is not worth it, and any vet that tries to tell a pet owner otherwise is not advising is the pet or pet owner's best interest.

PS: I do not suggest going to the Banfield Pet hospital in Plantation, FL, as they showed no individual interest in Winston, they had slow service, and I misguided me in how to care for Winston. I do not know how other Banfield Pet hospitals are, I only hope they are much better.
Judy November 9, 2010
Scamming people
DO NOT TAKE YOUR PET TO BANFIELD ON 82ND!The nurses and doctors are nice, BUT...

I took my cat there this past week and here is what I experienced:

I was first given a quote for services in the $900 range for cleaning and stitching an abcess, pulling a tooth and flea/worm meds (which already seemed pretty high compared with other vets we have been too).They told me if I joined their wellness plan it would drastically reduce the costs, which then totaled in the $700 range, but included a year of care on the wellness plan. However, after services were performed and I went to pick up my cat the bill was somehow over $1, 000.00???!!! In shock, I paid and left almost forgetting my cat! I called the next day several times and spoke with the office manager, the hospital manager, and called corporate. No one can really tell me what the difference in the charges are. But they are sending me out a copy so I can figure it out:) At one point, they actually offered to have me bring back the medications for a refund! Now, what kind of animal hospital does that? It seems unethical. When I said no, that the animals NEEDED the medicine, they offered me $100 as a compromise. I'm sorry but $100 is not the same as the difference between the amount I was quoted and then charged. They keep telling me oh, they must of forgot this or that and well, actually you got some services for "free" that they forgot to bill you for. This place is a mess. This is not how you do business. I specifically asked that everything to be done and the price of the wellness plan to be included on the invoice before services were rendered. The employee doing so hand-wrote the amount on the top of the invoice. I had faith in her that she was doing it correctly. She claimed I was supposed to stop by the reception to get my total price. I was not told anything different upon check-out. When I called corporate they told me I could cancel the wellness plan within 3 days for a refund, but would have to pay the retail price for services then, which now is over $1500? How does it go from $900 to $1500? Wouldn't you expect a phone call if your bill was going to be more than was expected? How often do you buy something at a store and when you go to pay for it it is 60% more than what it is marked at? Um, NEVER. When your animal is sick you expect someone to do the right thing, not take advantage of you when you are stressed or emotional about the situation. They very easily could have admitted their mistake and refunded me the difference, but refuse to do that now. I was told there was nothing they could really do, but the hospital manager would talk to the doctor and staff about the miscommunication. So, unless you want to pay and extraordinary amount for pet care, DO NOT TAKE YOUR ANIMALS TO BANFIELD ON 82nd!
rshortie November 3, 2010
Scamming of contracts
On 10/19/10 I went to my appointment at Banfield The Pet Hospital at
12836 Citrus Park Drive
Tampa, Florida 33625
I wanted to give my newly adopted kitten, Simba a physical exam and I had concerns about her scratching her ear, her stool was loose, and she was coughing and sneezing when I got her but lately she sneezes only once in a while. I was interested in the Wellness Plan from the brochures it looked like a good deal.
I wanted to join the wellness Plan first when I arrived but the clerk at the desk stated that I could join after the visit. I arrived at my visit at 4PM . They weighed Simba and then proceeded to take me to a room and stated that the doctor would arrive soon. The doctor took maybe 30 minutes to arrive. I stated to him that it must be busy. He did a quick full exam on Simba that lasted approximately 3 minutes. He then said he would return to take a stool sample. He returned approximately 30 minutes later and took a sample from Simba's behind. He stated he needed to examine this. So he went outside with the stool sample and returned maybe 20 minutes later telling me the stool was negative. He then took an ear swab and told me he would return after examination on his telescope. I waited another 20 minutes and thought I heard him talking to another client. He returned and told me the exam was negative and thatthe ear mites could still be there and he could flush it out himself or I could do it. I choose to do it not realizing of course there would be a fee for it.
By now, I was concerned that I would be in the wellness program so I thought everything would be covered. I had a 30 coupon off a Wellness Progam from the adoption agency. He recomended antibiotics for her ear and general antibiotics for her. The fecal exam and ear swab would be covered by the wellness plan that I could join when I would leave his office. I was not too impressed with the quality of the exam. But I still figured it would be a good deal.
Then the doctor proceeded to tell me how much the medications would cost. He quoted a fee in the of about $100 with discounts from the plan. My first reaction was yelling
"What". I thought medicines would be covered but he stated that medicines are not covered. He told me to come back in a week.
I then proceded to the front desk. When I was told that the regular fee is $280 and
by purchasing the wellness Program I would pay a price of $160 which included my fee for the wellness plan and first months payment. I used my debit card to process the transaction and he stapled the receipt to about 10 pages describing Simba's illnesses. There were some loose papers on the bottom but they handed me the whole package and I made an appoinment for next week. I do not remember signing anything except for my debit card payment.
About 4 days later I see Banfield Insurance on the web. I was looking for pet insurance to supplement Banfield so I would be covered fully. My god was I shocked by multiple website after website depicting fraud negligence and various horror stories. My first reaction was to bring Simba to my old vet to check her out, as after I read all the stories I did not want to stay in Banfield.
My vet examined her and did a fine thorough exam with the help of and aid, he used a scope for the ears and took a stool sample with the aid. He told me all I should use was the Trasoderm Drops, not because of ear mites but because I should clean out her ear as it was dirty. He told me that I did not need the other medications. I left with Simba and payed the fee of $90 which sounded allot better than Banfields $280 or $160. Either way the exam took 10-15 minutes and it was allot more thorough. She was also checked for microchip and written down in record about the chip. Banfield totally omitted this even though a sign in the office said check each client for microchips.
After I bring Simba back home I send out email to Banfield that I wish to quit the program. From Reading all those statements on the web, I figured I should change my Debit Card and get a new one so Banfield cannot take any more funds. The next day I recieved a response from Banfield that I needed to pay $120 more as it would cover the true price of the one office visit they say. I called Banfield relations and they told me I could only quit on the 4th day. My Fiance told me she would not sign a document like that. I figure that $160 more than covers the price of quick office visit and medications. Banfield seems to inflate their prices.
Finally I say to myself that I am a sucker for falling for this scam. It was the coupon for thirty dollars off plus the fact that Banfields are located in PetSmart's which I thought were reputable. Well I go look at my contract and low and behold is my name printed on a piece of paper that tells about the Contract in a paragraph with a horrible contract beneath it. Nowwhere is my signature and I do not remember ever signing such a horrible agreement. I would never knowing do so.
I call back Banfield which I think is probably a waste of time. I told them that I believe that I did not sign a contract. I have no papers with any signature on it. The only thing I signed was my debit card. They refer me to cancellation line, where I waited 10 minutes and then phone went dead.
Alright, so now I will probably be assessed large fees and will have my credit ruined if a majority of the internet people are right. I am trying to join a class action suit as instructed on the website. I live on disability. My other cat just died I spent all my savings on her surgery and then put her to sleep at my vet place. So I do not have the funds to waste on Banfield. I cannot even afford her shots now after Banfleds prices but I would never bring my pet there money or no money due to the treatment and practices of there corporation which is all over the web. I am a sucker for falling for a coupon and what I thought would be a good deal for someone without funds. With my debit card I guess they could try to collect funds from my account and when they fail they will ruin my credit.
But when Banfield falls and they will someday my credit will get cleaned up I hope. I cannot believe they have been around since the fifties with their practices.
I firmly believe they will not survive.
Ms_esha8 October 29, 2010
Full of ****
Stay as far away from them as possible.1st it took them 4 hours to see my dog although the associate convinced me to purchase the wellness plan and make an appointment. The associate answered. My questions

Incorrect. When my dog was stolen I could not opt out my plan. They gave me the run around. In the end I paid $204 for a dog I no longer have. I endured terrible customer service. The supervisor never returned my calls. They charged me for services I received in the plan. I did not even want them, just a check up. They are liers. God don't like ugly they will not be in business very long. The worst dog

wellness place I ever dealt with.very unethical!
MartaCa October 25, 2010
Dog KILLERS who should NOT be allowed to practice
Dr. Rodriguez at Banfield Pet Hospital on 117th street (NYC) almost KILLED my chihuahua puppy. As a result of her malpractice I had to spend 5k to hospitalize my dog until he got better as a direct result of Banfield's malpractice. I have filed several complaints with their Corporate offices and they just refuse to take any responsability.
Ana Delgado October 20, 2010
Bad surgery
Last week 9/23/2010, my dog Miley was sick and I took her to Banfield, Dr, saw her and told me she has ear infection and allergies I spent that day $429.41., days later Miley had diarrhea, I took her again to the dr. and she took some X-ray and told me Miley swallowed a ring and she need a surgery, I was shock, dr. did it, later she called me and Dr. said she found nothing in Miley stomach and I paid $2277.30, next day I took her to Banfield again and the nurse told me Miley is very sick and they sent me to Palm Beach Veterinary Specialists, a Dr saw her and told Miley has pain for the surgery Banfield did to her, Miley stayed in that place and Dr took again X-ray and sonograms and he sow a penny in Mileys stomach, they took out the penny with out surgery and now Miley is in that place, Drs are trying to do everything to recover my dog, right now I have to spent more money in Miley, Palm Beach Veterinary is charging $3, 800.00 for her, my complaint is why Banfield make a big mistake with my dog, she went to surgery for nothing and I spend $2277.30, I am not a rich person, why I have to paid Banfield $ 2277.30, if they did nothing to may dog, now I not trust that place anymore, I have 2 more dogs and my cat in Banfield plan, but now I want to take them out of the plan because I don't trust Banfield anymore. Can you do something for me, my dogs are my children, I am not a rich person, dogs have rights

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