Banfield The Pet Hospital
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Category: Family & Pets
Contact Information Countryside, Illinois, United States
Banfield The Pet Hospital Reviews
Paul Fitzgerald
May 26, 2011
Wellness Plans cannot be canceled
I have taken our two dogs to Banfield in Countryside, IL since we got them (13 years and 8 years ago). We got wellness plans on both. The service at the pet hospital was initially very good but has become just average, with increased wait times in particular. We never questioned the quality of the veterinary care our dogs received, including when one dog had skin cancer. Today we had to have our older dog euthanized ($117 including cremation) after a brief and somewhat puzzling decline that seemed to be a urinary infection (and was treated as such for three weeks, at a cost to us of over $500) but led to a rapid decline over the past two days. Today he was unable to control his bodily functions, unable to walk, unable to drink any water or eat any food, and did not seem to recognize us. He was also in pain and trembling. We knew it was time to euthanize him, in spite of the vet's offer of more tests (an ultrasound). So we lost a companion today.
My main issue is with the Optimum Wellness Plan. I had hoped that the store staff members (who were the ones, after all, who signed us up all those years ago) could cancel it for us. Instead, they gave me an 888 number to call. When I finally got a rep (after 20 minutes), he informed me that the OWP cannot be canceled. The reason he gave was that I supposedly “owed money to the store” from services provided under the plan. He said it’s not insurance and is instead an installment plan. His explanation was not at all satisfying, although I’m sure the fine print that we received somewhere along the line in all those years of automatic renewals and price increases must have said somewhere that we would not be given any credit for a dead dog. However, the store staff who sold us the plan clearly indicated that it was a discount plan for veterinary services, particularly preventive services; and each bill we got said “your wellness plan saved you $1, 000 today” or whatever unbelievable figure it happened to be. Well, how can the plan “Save” us that money if we can be dunned for that amount (that is, the difference between the out of pocket costs we already paid and the unbelievably inflated prices that we would supposedly have paid without the plan) after our pet dies? Anyway, the upshot is that we have to pay for our poor dog’s “wellness” until August, even though he is dead. The last three months can be “waived” which also does not gibe with the rationale I was given, which is that we really incurred the total amount in November and the monthly payment was just a way to finance it.
Obviously, the company has me over a barrel legally and there’s nothing I can do. They have my bank account information. But in the aftermath of losing a pet, it leaves a very bad feeling. I asked the rep not to renew our other dog's plan in November (which is the soonest I can get out of HIS plan) and we will take him to our old veterinarian in town whose fees are at least transparent and reasonable. And we can get the same vet each time instead of getting the luck of the draw at Banfield.
May 26, 2011
Rip Off
I received a postcard from Banfield stating that it was time to get my dog vaccinated. I called (like I have for the past 7+ years) to find out when their wellness hours/shot clinic was and was told they do not offer that service as of 2 months ago. In order to have your pet vaccinated now they are forcing you to 1) Pay for a normal office visit of $60 + the cost of the vaccines 2) Pay $40 for an office visit if all you want is vaccines + the cost of vaccines or 3) Join one of their 'Optimum Wellness Plans' which are over $60/dog each month and have very limited coverage. Come on- it's a recession!!! People are turning in their pets left and right to the pound, and Banfield has the nerve to increase the cost of basic care??? I am outraged. I called Banfield to question them about this newfound policy that I had not encountered in 7+ years and they stated that the Banfield is franchised, and they have no control but would find out if all (PetSmart) Banfield Hospitals had adopted this policy. I was told by Tom, a VP, that this was not a 'Banfield' policy and to call the PetSmart and speak to the Manager. I called the Aliso Viejo manager who was new, but was under the impression that all Banfield's had adopted this policy, and I assured her that they did not. Later this evening I received a call from the 503 area code Banfield Manager that defended the policy saying that they decided to try this NEW policy in Orange County, CA. Isn't that special??? We get to be ripped off in the name of 'better care that sets us (Banfield) apart.' Suddenly it is now necessary to have a full pet exam in order to get a vaccine? NOT! I called PetCo in Lake Forest and they offer a shot clinic every other Saturday. I also called the PetCo in Mission Viejo and they offer a shot clinic every Saturday. I have always gone to PetSmart, but until they disassociate themselves from Banfield, or Banfield changes the policy regarding pet vaccinations I will not be a patron. PetCo- thank you for meeting the needs of the community, and I will bring my rescued pets to you for all our pet supplies, grooming and care.
December 10, 2010
customer service
I don't even know where to begin. I have been a client of Banfield, Eagan for over 5yrs now. I have gotten to know all the staff as they have helped care for my 5yr old Weimaraner. I was fairly happy with them so when I finished college to be a vet tech I decided to work for the company~against the advice of every single instructors/vet techs at my school. They all told me I would regret it. Well, they were correct. Not only was the level of animal care incredibly disturbing but the lack of knowledge and compassion by the staff was horrifying. Aside from that nightmare in the midst of the 5 months I lasted there (before I told off the office mgr ~who had NO PRIOR MEDICAL BACKROUND!)I fell in love with a little abandoned dog. The Dr. said that if someone didn't take it he would either be euthanized or sent to the humane society~this dog had spent the first 4yrs of his life locked in a laundry room. I decided to take him. The lead Dr. gave his permission to put him on a wellness plan so we could neuter him. A few weeks prior to me adopting this dog, Banfield had rolled out a new wellness plan that was specifically designed for dogs that had not been spayed/neuter prior to turning 6 months old. So, we neutered him, a few months later I wanted to get him in to have a dental so I upgraded his plan. I talked it over with the csc(receptionist) the morning I brought him in for the dental and also had requested a few additional services that I was happy to pay for. The treatment plan that I signed that morning was for $72.00 but when I came back to pick him up his bill was suddenly $378.00!!! I waited for an hour so they could try to find out what this 250.00 charge was that appeared on my bill and no one knew. The csc even called corporate 3 times and they had no idea what it was either. So knowing me for 5yrs she said that I should go ahead and go home and she would work on finding out what this $250.00 charge was for. TWO weeks later she calls and said I was being charged for his neuter. I have upgraded my other dogs plan to the highest plan which is the optimum and NEVER had this happen. I have argued with them stating that had I known that morning when I signed a treament plan for $72.00 that I was going to have to pay for the neuter I NEVER WOULD'VE UPGRADED HIS PLAN!!! Why should I pay the price for their incompetance? Their policy is that when a client signs a treatment plan they are basically signing a contract agreeing to pay the amount that is listed on the treatment plan and IF there are additional charges they will call you before they proceed. I'm so angry and disappointed in this company. I do not understand why no one informed me that if I were to upgrade his plan I would have to suddenly pay for his neuter. Why has that never happened when I have upgraded my Weims plan? They have now sent me to collections and are destroying my credit. I will never take my pets back there again. I'm so disappointed that my 5yrs of loyalty meant nothing and that this is how they treat their clients. Not only was I traumatized but the horrifying lack of animal care but now this bull!!! As a previous vet tech with Banfield...I BEG ALL OF YOU TO NEVER TAKE YOUR PETS TO ANY BANFIELD!!! You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors!!! And you don't want to know!!!
August 14, 2010
Uneducated "Doctor"
I took our 4yr old female dog to get a yearly chek-up and rabies vaccination. She is VERY shy and timid (adopted pound puppy). She has had the vaccination before, no problem. She has NO health issues & is in great health. The vet said her heart rate was too high and would come back to re-check it after 10 minutes. She calmed down and after the re-check, her HR was "high-normal" (My dog was shaking and quivering each time he touched her). Because her heart rate was elevated, he DID NOT/WOULD NOT administer a rabies vaccination. I asked if there was a contraindication to a "high-normal" heart rate and the vaccination. He said no, but he didn't want to give it to her incase there's an underlying heart issue. My take-home impression is that my dog is better off contracting rabies AND having a very low potential for a heart condition. ALL states require the vaccination. No exceptions. If my dog does have (VERY UNLIKELY) a heart issue, she still needs the vaccination.
My Vet friend replied:
Well his attitude mystifies me. I can think of no rational medical reason not to vaccinate an otherwise healthy dog with a slightly elevated heart rate. If I followed that procedure in my clinic, I doubt if I'd give more than one of two vaccinations a month! Most dogs' heart rates are elevated in the clinic.I would suggest either you give him a call and ask for an explanation as to why he won't vaccinate your dog, or find someone who will, and that really shouldn't be too difficult.
June 4, 2010
Overcharging for Services
I had been using Banfield for a while, primarily because of the convenience of being able to bring my pet in on weekends. Stupidly, I enrolled in their "wellness" program. I paid the sum of around $29 a month only to be overcharged on services and medications.
For some reason, I have noticed that in both Banfield locations I used, the service declined to an unacceptable point not long after changing locations. Going in there with my dog was like going to a cattle drive, with the doctor packing in so many pets that its difficult to even speak to the vet directly.
The last straw for me was when I took in my pet Dalmatian about a month ago. She had managed to injure her rear right leg while I was out of the house, and while not a huge emergency, she was in pain. This was on a sunday afternoon, around lunchtime. I drove about a half hour through heavy traffic to midtown to take her to the vets. There was only 1 person being waited on, in the examination room, and I saw my vet through the window of the room. Upon explaining to the receptionist what had transpired, I asked if the vet could spare just a few minutes to look at my dog and perhaps prescribe some pain medication as I didn't have any on hand at home. She lied to me, stating that the doctor was not there, to which i replied, "Then is that a mirage I'm seeing through the window?" She huffed off into the back, presumably to speak to the vet, then returned and informed me that I would have to wait 1 1/2 hours to be seen as there were too many dogs in the back waiting. This was unacceptable, particularly since I had been paying on insurance with them for at least 4 years.
I ended up taking my dog to the emergency vet which cost me over $200. She managed to reinjure her leg several weeks later, so this time I made an appointment and took her in, only to have yet another bad experience. First, the tech and the vet neither one listened to me when I explained that my dog had an old bite scar on the paw that was injured where she had been bitten by another dog at one time. The vet insisted on keeping her for xrays, etc. which necessitated my making yet another trip back and forth. I was given an estimate of $364 for all services (this was supposed to include my discount). Upon picking her up that evening, I was charged $554!!! I was also told her paw was shaved, and "they couldn't find any punctures", which was not what I told them at all. The vet had also upset me, saying I needed to cage my dog to keep her quiet, etc. I also told the vet about how upset I was over my earlier experience, where I had to go elsewhere for treatment and spend money. She only shrugged, and said, well, I should have been accomodated, when it was probably her making that decision to begin with. No offer to make amends either for the additional money I spent.
When I got home and examined the bill closely, I discovered that they charged me on every single thing they possibly could, including hospitalization, nurse care, etc. The charges on that bill were ridiculous. A week later, although my dog was feeling better, I made the decision to dump these people and go to a private vet I'd had 16 years previously. I went over there yesterday and showed her the Banfield bill, and she was appalled. She stated that they had pretty much doubled or tripled what the cost should have been on these services. One of the medicines I was given at Banfield, I was charged nearly $45 for, which she refilled, and the cost was $15.
I have cancelled my contract with these people, and will never use Banfield again due to this. It's a shame that you pressure people into getting insurance with you with the promise of a discount, only to take the discount back with the inflated prices and lack of service when you do bring your pet in. The last three times I was in there, they ran my bill up over $300 each time!
September 29, 2009
threats to pets and bad business practices
Banfield the Pet Hospital
5956 Stetson Hills Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80923
Fax: 719-550-5771
This place, Banfield Pet Hospital, is a con game aimed at taking your money by playing on your love for your pet and your fear of not providing proper care when your pet is ill. The staff and vets seem sympathetic and caring but when it comes down to your making a decision as the animal's owner and responsible party they all work systematically to try to make you feel cruel, vicious, neglectful, and even dangerous to your pet. The truth is that they are dangerous to the truth, your pocketbook, and your pet.
Basically what they do is make up a figure, then charge you a "deposit", then keep you from knowing what is going on, try to scare the hell out of you, and then defy your instructions about the care of your pet to run the fee up to what they "estimated" as the cost. In the end it is all double talk and smoke-and-mirrors. And a huge bill even after you tell them to cease.
And fraud. As is shown later the "estimate" that was compiled was compiled by a vet who did not know anything about Ivermectin, Ivermectin poisoning, and interventions. I know this because, as shown below, she had to look it up in front of me and read it aloud (she later referred to that as " the research we did earlier" -- WE? I saw you trying to figure out what the compound was - I already knew).
Keep in mind that this was a poisoning and the staff did not even think to tell me to bring the tube when I left the house with April. Huh? For this I got charged over five hundred dollars?
She had NO idea what it was or how much was ingested so rather than call a vet with experience (i.e. an equine vet) she drew a circle on the page and asked "was it about this big around?".
Very scientific there doc.
As for poisoning I have a Merck's Manual at home. Along with several other publications. What I needed was a diuretic and a check for any other neurological damage AND NO TESTS WERE RUN FOR DAMAGE and she admitted that she knew nothing about the drug. I had to call the feed store to get details because she would not call a large-animal vet to even ask. I had to write the information on my pet's intake sheet (it is still there) to give to her. Again, I paid for what?
When trickery and fraud do not work then they outright hold your pet hostage until you are forced to sign a false release form stating that your pet is in "critical condition" and that you are running the risk of killing your pet if you remove it from their care. The vet flatly stated that my dog was NOT in critical care (see below -- she is doing great and was at 5 p.m. that day) but that I could not have Aril back unless I signed the release. A little later she was brought out, fully sighted, happy, and jumping all over -- all in front of the staff -- so much for "critical". What liars.
My option was, I suppose, to leave April there when I didn't pay. Or cause a scene and get arrested.
I am happy to FAX you a copy of the release form so you can see for yourself.
My Dalmatian, best friend of ten years, recently ingested some Ivermectin which caused her to have neurological problems a few hours later and dilation of her pupils so her visual acuity was greatly reduced. She and I are inseparable so I was in search of a facility that could help her. I called some local veterinarians but they were not available until an hour later (8 a.m.) so I called this place on a referral from a local vet clinic's morning staff. Banfield (Kim speaking) would not give me any idea over the phone what it might cost nor could the technician I spoke with, but I was urged to get there "quickly". They refused to tell me what their standard charges are, or what a visit might cost. I should have been on notice at that point but the "fear game" had begun and they held the cards like pros at Vegas.
When I got there the veterinarian ("Dr." Michelle Coeful pronounced "so full" as in "so full" of trickery I think), was NOT familiar with Ivermectin or any poisoning by it and had to look it up while trying to estimate what dose might have been ingested.
I picked up the phone and called the feed store where I bought the Ivermectin and Bob at the feed store (they are great and I will tell you who they are if you contact me) read the information from the label -- they sell it -- thank you Bob -- then the doc tried to do some "math" to see how much had been ingested. That "calculation" was never completed.
Instead they took the dog into the back and then refused to allow me to remain or assist -- my dog is deaf and at that point temporarily BLIND so she was very confused and frightened -- and I opened the door and they had her pinned to the floor with two males on top of her. I would like to know which one of the bastards pulled her ears so hard that she cannot even tolerate being touched on her ears. I will gladly do the same for him or her in return.
I should have called someone i.e. police or Humane Society and taken the dog but with a poisoning looming I was passive which I now regret.
About 3/4 hours later the vet appeared with a statement showing $62.00 and she indicated that they were prepared to give my dog diuretics and watch her. I was also given an estimate of $700 to $900 if she remained for one or two days respectively. She also had a printout of lab results which showed that no liver damage had occurred, no blood changes had occurred, no dangerous conditions existed, red blood counts were normal, and the ONLY thing of concern was what she described as "mild dehydration". This was not surprising since the dog had been without water since the night before. At that point the bill was $62.00. Since everything was normal it should have ended at that point and an honest facility would have done that. Note the word "honest".
I was told to check in a few hours later to see how she (the dog not the vet) was doing and I told them THEN that I planned to take her home that day and as soon as possible. I explained this to the staff member (Kim) and the vet.
My primary concern was her sight since the literature stated that death was not common and there had been only some 660 poisonings in the US that year and that blindness usually occurred in high overdoses which this was not, so I tried to check on her sight and got evasive answers -- this was at approximately one in the afternoon. I was told that she "has really improved and is doing nicely" which implied that her sight was improving. In fact, I was told that she was doing "really well" and that they were "really pleased", "surprised" with the change (really?) so I informed them that I would pick my dog up in an hour. They were told not to continue any more treatment since I would have her at home.
The vet tried to talk me out of it and asked for "three or four more hours" for "observation". I told them that the treatment should stop since she was improving and I was concerned about the length of the stay and continued treatments before I got there. I was NOT told that they planned to initiate additional treatment without my consent so that they could try to force me to leave the poor dog there for several additional hours or even overnight.
What they were doing is running up the costs to match the deposit I had placed, which they did within $50.00 which they "refunded" to me at 5 p.m.
Three hours later I called them to tell that I was on my way and I was told by "Kim" that I could not pick up my own dog until after 8 p.m. at the earliest. I told her that this was not acceptable, that I left instructions for my dog's care, and that I would be there before 5 (in about 30 minutes) to pick her up.
Jumping ahead -- when I finally got April released as I will describe following -- she was happy, acting normally, and ready to go. No tremors, no eye sensitivity, and was GUESS WHAT thirsty for water. She drank a quart (measured) when she got home and immediately peed (poor thing) so why did she have an IV after IV all day and a catheter? But I digress.
One thing that concerns me is the fact that this dog is ACTIVE compared to there dogs her age and the idea of her staying still that long without sedation (none show on the bill) is incredible so one concern is that I was charged for IV's which were not proved, especially in light of her drinking a quart or water when we got home (ten miles away). The whole claim, since she was over the problems and they had to have one to keep my pet hostage, was "dehydration" and the need to use IV's to solve that. Instead I gave her a free drink from the tap in a bowl in the kitchen. Also, why did she have to endure a catheter which did no good as evidenced by the fact that she did not produce any urine from the IV which was supposed to avoid dehydration but peed when she drank a quart of water from a bowl? The answer is that the treatments were unnecessary and a waste of time, money, and simply put the poor dog through unnecessary suffering to pad their pockets.
And she ate a normal meal at home. Soaked in water of course.
April had fecal contamination on her, urine on her fur, and her face and muzzle were black with the charcoal that she was dosed with -- so for over five hundred dollars she didn't even get cleaned up or wiped off.
She has been resting comfortably since she got out of there. None of the nonsense that I was threatened with or intimidated with occurred ("seizures, convulsions, and death, oh my!!" -- apologies to the Cowardly Lion)
I was not even shown or told what her urinary output was even though I was charged an arm and a leg for the "catheter" even though anatomically she showed no sign of having been catheterized, and I was given no discharge summary for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS.
I was given no instructions and was only told "you know she might have seizures after you get her home so you are really taking a big risk by taking her home". It was at that time that I was told to either sign the false release form making me look like a danger to my own pet and a bad person or else she would "not be released". The veterinarian herself told me that, not a minion.
The dog was NOT in crisis, was NOT critical, and the whole episode at that point was shameful and should be stopped. I am contacting the State on that issue alone. To force a pet owner to sign a false statement in which the pet owner is made to look like a ghoul or monster is unspeakable and unacceptable. I am taking steps to end that to include requesting that all de-briefings be taped to prevent such business fraud and intimidation from occurring.
Funny thing is she was fully sighted ( their confession) by a little after one in the afternoon -- a mere hour and a half or so after she was admitted. Instead of telling me that at that time when I asked they lied -- yes the "L" word -- and kept her improved condition couched in general terms making it appear that more intervention was needed.
Again remember that they had over $570.00 in "deposit" and had to work theatrics to make that sum disappear. They came within $50.00 even though I told them to cease and desist. Pretty Vegas act in some ways. David Copperfield would be impressed.
Remember that even with debit cards ( used here to avoid being thrown out or arrested for challenging the bill) have a challenge procedure and that is being invoked here. I have informed my bank to deny the charge and leave the settlement to me.
The final message is DO NOT USE THIS FACILITY OR THAT VETERINARIAN. It is a systematic scheme of theft and manipulation based your love for your pet and their preying upon that to pay their mortgages. I am eating Raman noodles and dollar burgers while they charge me a week's pay for lying and preying upon my instincts to protect my best friend.
Shame on them and everyone like them and I am not finished yet.
There is more but the point for now is made.
Please contact me. Thank you.
Cheryl Cantillon
May 19, 2009
Unauthorized Charges
5-13-2009 I agreed to teeth cleaning services totalling $224.90 with an authorized range in writing of $230.15 to $287.68. Dr. Lerner called and said that he heard a heart murmur and that $500 to $600 in heart tests would be required before he would put my dog under general anesthesia. I declined and went to pick up my dog. Instead of charging me for an office visit $34.95, I was charged for blood work of an additional $103.50 which was not included on the original treatment plan nor was I called for approval for the blood work. When I complained, they refused to release my dog until I paid the charges. If the blood work is standard for teeth cleaning, then I should have been told about it up front and the costs included with the others on the treatment plan pending my approval.
July 30, 2008
awful spay and it gets worse!
BEWARE of Banfield and avoid them at all costs! Our 8 month old kitten, Mia, was brought to the Banfield Hospital at the local PetsMart at 8:15AM for a routine spay. She was released from the hospital that same day at 4:15! She was bleeding at the site of her incision before we even got her in the front door of our house and she seemed frantic from the pain! We immediately called and returned Mia to the Banfield hospital where the doctor nonchalantly stated that he had stapled through a blood vessel (the staples seemed HUGE-not cat sized) and that explained the bleeding. He wrapped Mia in a very snug elastic bandage and sent us on our way. When we arrived home Mia was bleeding through the bandage! Again we called Banfield and they put us on hold! After more than 5 minutes on hold I told my daughter we would need to bring Mia to the emergency hospital (CARES) for treatment to stop the bleeding. The kind folks at CARES saw Mia right away and she required anesthesia, staple removal, and ligation of the broken blood vessel. Her incision was closed with sensible sized staples and she was given pain medication (enough to last 3 days). The bill at the emergency hospital was $686 but they gave us a courtesy discount of 50% due to the fact that we provided all the health/surgery information from the spay done earlier that same day. It was a nightmare but at least Mia was feeling better after her ordeal.
We contacted the Banfield Hospital the next day and the surgeon agreed that Banfield would pay half of our emergency bill and he would also terminate our insurance contract with Banfield since we would no longer allow any of our pets to be seen at their hospital following this awful experience. After countless visits to the Banfield at PetsMart and phone call after phone call to the Banfield insurance department we haven't seen one dime from them. In fact, to add insult to injury, they have just recently turned over our account to a collection agency because we have refused to pay the premium on the cancelled insurance!! This company has no idea how to provide quality service and our experience all around has been terrible!! I believe I will now have no other recourse but to sue them for costs and damages! Please learn a lesson from our mistake!
October 2, 2007
Poor service!
We bought a puppy at the end of January, Roman. From the onset, he had respiratory problems and we took him to Banfield. They sold us on their Health Care Plan the first day we took Roman in to be checked under the premise that we had saved money the FIRST day and more than paid for the plan for the year. Also, we were told that we would receive discounts on meds and other services for the coming year if we signed up for the plan so we did. Our puppy died within the month in his sleep! We did not try to come back on Banfield for any negligence. They called to confirm his next appointment the following week and we told them he had died. About a month after, we got a bill in the mail for the balance of the health care plan. I called and talked to the office manager and she acted as if they did not know Roman had died and said the girl I spoke to did not convey the information. So, I relayed the entire story to her. She said she would take care of it. Now, I have a call today from a collection agency asking for over 200.00 to settle this issue. We have already paid Banfield a large amount of money for Roman's health care and were told that if he died the plan could be canceled. They have been completely uncooperative and mis-leading. Our dog passed (possibly due to questionable vet care) and we did not pursue it at all. Now they are trying to pursue us for a policy that was sold to us under wrong pretense and we did cancel the policy yet they are still trying to pursue us. The collection agency today told me that I had not canceled this and it auto-renewed for another year. This is ridiculous. Our dog passed in the first month, they did not cancel this, acted like they did not receive the phone call from me, repeatedly.
Beware people!
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