To, June 15, 2009
The Banking Mohtasib,
5th Floor, Shaheen Complex,
Subject: Complaint against Bank Alfalah LMD against forceful debiting of my account at Jaranwala branch (2009-328).
On November 04, 2008, State Bank of Pakistan issued Fair Debt Collection Guidelines To Banks & DFIs For Addressing Customers / Borrowers Grievences. Relevant guidelines to my complaint are as under.
1: If any bank / DFI has already developed its debt collection code of conduct, the same shall appropriately be modified in line with these guidelines.
2: Advance notice will be required to be served to the customer when bank / DFI staff picks up the payment and if it is done on customer’s request then it should be properly recorded.
3: Their Collection / Recovery staff don not transfer or misuse any personal data of customers / borrowers without their prior approval.
4: Strict action shall be taken against the Bank / DFI for non-compliance of the above guidelines.
On November 17, 2009 my account at Bank Jaranwala Branch 01000571 was debited for an amount of Rs. 193, 736.50. No request was forwarded by me as to this regard nor was I served any advance notice by this bank before debiting of my account, that amounted to a forceful, illegal and unethical extortion of this amount from my account.
Under the light of the above mentioned guideline issued by the State Bank of Pakistan earlier, I made a complaint to the Federal Ombudsman and was duly referred to your office subsequently.
On April 16, 2009 I received an acknowledgement letter from your office undersigned by Mr. Ashraf A. Mozaffar Advisor and was assigned a complaint number 2009-328. On May 14 and June 4, 2009 I received two letters undersigned by the same adviser only to tell me that my complaint has already been handled by the State Bank of Pakistan and will be treated as closed.
The fact is that I have never been contacted by any official of the State Bank of Pakistan, nor did any correspondence take place between me and the bank. Not to speak of handling or disposing of my complaint by the SBP, I was never called to be heard either through correspondence or a telephone call. Nor was I ever asked to appear in person before any incumbent or authority. I am a complainant in this matter and I don’t know when did SBP pass a judgment in violation of its own guidelines issued earlier without letting the main complainant to know the judgment passed in this matter.
You are kindly requested to personally look into this matter and take necessary action to bring to book this bank for committing this illegal action violating the SBP guidelines.
Yours faithfully,
Ijaz Butt,
Electro Mart,
Water Works Road, Jaranwala.
0345-7771571([email protected])