I just got done trying to have a conversation on the boards with a disgruntled customer of a bank. I am a customer of the same bank he complained about and my cousin works for them. I have had normal experiences; some bad, most good. Some of the bad ones were based on my own mistakes. But I know how to react like an adult.
But this customer acts like a customer never makes a mistake (nsf or od). Only the bank and its employees make mistakes and claims they are stupid and intentionally cause problems for their customers. He is violent and feels justified in being abusive because of his experience. I myself have seen it in a branch when a customer forgot his ID and yelled obcenities in front myself, other customers, and children. It is inapropriate yet this particular individual thinks a customer like that is justified. Why are the rest of us subjected to this behavior of these 'postal' individuals?
Why do the rest of us customers have to be burdened with the mean tempers of people, whether their anger is justified or not. Please weigh in if you have thought on this complaint. After all, companies aren't the only entities that can cause discomfort and I find being subjected to sharing the same air with these disturbed individuals to be objectionable.