Hello everyone If someone is out there can you please help us, We have been trying to work with our mortgage co when it was Countrywide back when Hurrican e Ike hit, I knew then that we were gonna have a proble making our house note sue to the way my husband works and he is a Truck Driver. Well I called countrywide at the time as ask if we could get helo but allt hey say we could do was special forberance, but being dragged along finaly someone tells me that the reason we had been in workout so long was because we had a fha Loan.
Now all this time we are gettig further a further behind, we were sending in money but jsut didnt seem like were making any heady way, well when BOA took over WHEEEEEW we got canceld out of workout, for whatever reason, the put back in, then cancneld then put back in, well this all went on for a year now. A of January 06, 2010 we were approved for a modification and they said that we had to wait for someon to call to go oover ther terms, nobody called . so we called on jan 28, to see what was going on and they said not to callfor it willdelay the process. I said ok, but after I hung up I didnt feel right I called back on feb 09, to find out that they say that the mod had been canceld due to our lack of respoonse in ending in docucumetn s.
I said to them waht documenst nobody has called us or sent us in letters asking for such, they said well there is noting we can do casue you didnt follow threw, .. I was floored!!!.. .. So they say we are gonna have to start allover again Im lik are you SERIOUS, then I call back 3 days later to find out not only did it canel but they sent my home into forclosure and the Sale dat o April 06, I dont want to loose my home, We have done everything that was requested of them and they dropped the ball by no communication, what are we to do pleae somebody help us > We have 2 sons and have been in our home alomst 8 yrs Where can we go t get help, someobdoy needs to shut them down or get someone in ther to sTOP them from doing this to peopl haave they no heart ...