I now have photographic proof (& evidence in print) that BofA alters dates for scheduled payments causing clients to potentially overdraw their funds and BofA then collects a $35 fee every time it happens. Curious if anyone else has reported something similar?
The first time it happened to me I assumed I had made a mistake in the date that I set for the payment. Recently I have gone in prior to the set date (I get paid every other Thursday) and made sure that everything was correct. Several times I have noticed that my scheduled Thursday outgoing payments were all of a sudden set to go out on a Wednesday instead! I am now scheduling major outgoing payments for every other Friday instead but this week it happened again (BofA set the date back one day). I am attaching photos of this recent incidence. An $859 transfer scheduled by me to go out on July 15th was changed by BofA to suddenly go out on the 14th instead.