Americans with excellent payment histories are haivng their Bank of America credit cards that are iassued by FIA Card Services cancelled unannounced. One victim of this abuse has begun a national petition to begin a national class action upon Bank of America, ken Lewis, CEO, FIA Card Services and their agents. DJ Donnelly, had a Visa card from BOA with an excellent payment histiry for over one year, in Feb of 2009 BOA and FIA Card Services cancelled the card unnanounced which trying to make a purchase. Donnelly reveiced a bogus letter explaining why they closed the account which was not only fraudulent but very deceptive. Donnelly is spear heading a national class action to help other vicitms of this abuse that ruins your credit by hainv, "Closed by Credit Grantor". with no late payments, never over the limit, no cash advance abuse, this abuse is being done to excellent paying customers. To join the petition go to:
We need to change the "America" in Bank of America to Bank of Abuse...