I have had Long Term Care for our child for years. Now he is an adult and had had a breakdown, Paranoid, Cognative Disabilities after finding his frontal lobe is degenerating. He also has a 17 mm Pineal Cyst in his brain. He suffers from Complex Migraine Syndrome.
I contacted Bankers and asked if they would cover his having a caregiver in home after his breakdown. They said yes and also approved the company I chose.
When applying for the claim the started out with not being able to cover mental illness. Then it progressed to not being able to cover anything but cognative disablility. When we proved that was one of his issues they moved on to refusal to pay us back for not having the right kind of personal care.
No matter what we prove they stonewall us with another reason why they should not have to pay.
According to my agent, she is finding that Bankers Life and Casualty cronically does this and is being sued for this issue all over the country.
Beware of Bankers Life and Casualty. You can never speak to the same person twice, they constantly loose your documentation and make you resend your paperwork several times then deny you anyway.