My complaint is against all banks in general. The banks we deposit our money into use that money, it doesn't just sit in your account. Chase Bank - Now JPMorgan Chase pays a grand total of ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT in interest. Most banks are not much better. Those same banks also charge high interest charges for credit cards, use things such as default interest charges if you are late even one day, and have the ability to bump up your interest charges even if there was something that happened at a different company. For example, I had a bill sent to the wrong address (lazy postal worker put it in the wrong slot in the community mailboxes), I attempted to pay the bill, but it got there late. When I explained to that company what had happened they refunded the late fee and changed their records. I even faxed them the envelope to show that it had been delivered to the wrong address.
Discover Card bumped my interest from 17.9% to 29.9%. I paid it off to get out of the unrealistic fees, but this is now a daily occurrence and could happen to anyone reading this.
Oh by the way, these same banks are those getting YOUR DOLLARS to bail them out of trouble.