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no stand over
June 29, 2011
Atm fees
Why is 1 guy making so much and they still charge the honest worker and low income families so many charges it seems that they do not care about there loyal customers in which stating this makes me quite angry when i get up for work along with the other millions of people who actually are trying to get ahead not to mention the economical crisic in the world today along with home less etc I hope you have a good sleep you jerks
June 2, 2011
all banks are awful
Banks are awful!!!
Actually, no. But it got your attention. For months now, I have been stating basic information about banking that my cousin provided (along with my own banking experience & knowledge). She worked in a bank call center and I found the information helpful. She finished her degree and is graduating. She gave her notice at work today. so with the restraints removed, I can give you a parody of what she dealt with:
Mr. customer, we are not your accountant. we can not balance your books for you. And why would I? You dont even want to pay $12 for your account each month. An accountant charges more than that. And why are you paying a monthly fee. Well, you keep a minimal balance and don't meet the minimum balance qualifier stated EVERYWHERE- so we should not waive the fee, we do not make interest on you, you are getting statements (postage, paper, ink, processing, manpower...), you have a debit card and we process those transactions (that is a service, otherwise why arent you using cash?). You lose your card and we replace it for free. Lets not forget when you insisted you get it overnighted instead of making a trip to the branch. That cost the bank over $100, but we didnt charge you. We processed your checks. Our branch staff spends time with you when you come in with a question or need help. Or to make a deposit. The branch has overhead like rent and electricity. You use online banking. That cost alot of money to set up and when you call in because you are online and don't 'understand' what you are looking at or locked yourself out, we have a call center full of employees to help you. But they need to be paid or we won't have employees. The more idiots that overdraw their account, the more we need to hire people to answer the phone. Speaking of overdrafting, we have to use special measures when dealing with OD or NSF. Notifications go out (that costs) and we have to specially handle those items. The Federal Reserve, lets not forget them. Sure it doesnt cost us $35 but it costs more than a customer knows. And who said the bank is a charity. Claims department. We will protect you but you have to protect yourself as well. We cannot take a loss everytime you don't read a website carefully or have buyers remorse (and cannot get satisfaction from the merchant because you are not eligible for a refund).FDIC insurance; your piggy bank and mattress do not have insurance. And why does Mr. Trump's millions and the interest he makes for the bank have to cover Mr. Smith's cost of having an account? I think that covers the issue of a monthly fee.
More calls to the call center- like why Billy Bob who doesn't or cannot have a bank account ANYWHERE has to pay a check cashing fee because he walked into a branch and wants his money. Hello? He is not a customer, so this is not an 'included' service. It is a service and service costs.
And the same customer who doesnt want to pay a monthly fee expects free checks even on accounts that don't qualify for free checks. No monthly fee, free checks and your balance doesn't make the bank any money. You are now costing the bank to service YOU.
Overdrafts, aaahh...There was a time when you had cash, deposit slips, checks and one monthly statement. And a bank register. You balanced your book. You used your account, you deducted from the balance. If you NSF your account, you were more concerned the bank sending you that dreaded slip, the merchant blacklisting you, and being prosecuted. Now, with debit cards and online banking, people lose their sense of accountability. They don't record anything and dont understand that pending/posting may not be updated electronically the moment they check their balance. So they spend. Then they get upset about cut off times and posting order. You spent it, deduct it yourself. The newspaper reports the news; it doesnt make the news. And for the hundredth time: we authorize the purchase but post it when the merchant batches out. Depending on your bank, most do post largest first. Read it, it is in your disclosures. No conspiracy. And if you track your account and only spend what you have, that is a moot point. Love the 'bank maximizes fees if they post that way'. Not if you do not overdraft. Maybe we will go back to the old way;post smallest first. We will pay your small insignifigant bills but since your mortgage was posting last (largest), we will return it. And checks? Only post overnight, so unless someone cashes it, you will never see it pending, nor does the bank. So make sure you account for it, because once your bank does, it is too late. BTW: it is against the law to play the float and write a check on money not in the account. Making a deposit the next day doesn't erase the fact. The fees. Most charge per occurence, no matter the dollar amount. Sorry it seems harsh, but we told you when you signed up. You had a choice. Two actually and one was NOT to overdraw and avoid the fee. The other?You decided to stay with us and agreed to the terms but now that you have the fee, you want to pitch a fit.
Lastly and least important to a customer. We only ask security verifiers to protect your account. It also protects our job, because we are monitored. so if we do not protect YOU, we could lose our job. We do not do it to give you a hard time or to have fun. But a customer yelling because they cannot be bothered to answer the questions or do not even know their own info pales in comparison to letting a customer slide past security; your account could be compromised and/or now the agent is unemployed. Not only yelling, but demeaning. I cannot believe the things that have come out of a person's mouth. Because they don't know (example)what security word they chose, they cuss at the agent. One example of many of such. Or because the customer overdrew their account and cant get this 1 credited like the previous 10. The cuss at the agent. They say the agents are stupid. Who overdrew their account and who is stupid? The demeaning insults are even better when the customer says' you don't know what you are doing, get me a supervisor' because they cannot be bothered listening to the agents' instructions, for example, how to reset their password. They want the Staple's "EASY" button or they want the agent to wave a magic wand. Every person should have a customer service job at least once in their life.Maybe the company itself get you mad, but it is disgusting how some people think they can talk to the person on the other side of the phone. Most of time, the agent cannot even argue back politely. They have to apologize for the customer not understanding " I am sorry Ms customer that your balance said $100 so you spent it but you forgot you wrote a check for $80" " I am sorry we are not psychics" would be more like it. An actual answer from the customer was 'well, my online banking was supposed to be up to date and I saw a balance of $100. It seemed to high and I didn't look to see if the check cleared. But YOU the bank never told me I should balance the transactions.' OMG, common sense! I went to school, have a degree, and never overdrew my account. Even if i did, I would hold myself responsible.But the idiots that overdraw their account with less intelligence than me feel that they can call me what they like? Well, I am glad I was able to help those who asked for it and really wanted it. That is why I chose customer care over a mall job or McDonalds. I thought it was about helping people. Not very often, unfortunately. For all the others, the customers I described above, this is why my graduation gift to myself is to never have to lay down for your nonsense again.
Wow, I didn't change a word she wrote. I can now see why the banks are 'awful'... LOL
February 19, 2011
Can't sell my mothers house cause the Banks don't like the area it is in and won't give anyone a morgage for it.
I am so peeved at Banks. They charge us for checking, using debit cards and charging us for it, interest on loans, make money in the billions, but if they don't like the area that you want a morgage for a house, they refuse you. What gives them the right to put a curtain area of town down as low income or slum area. They are not an insurance company and if the house burned down they still get paid for it! What gives them the right to tell us whether we can buy or sell. It's not a risk to them, they get their money one way or another.
My mothers house has been on the market for a year now. Realestate tells me it's cause of the area and the banks don't want to give the people the money. What it's paid for taken care of but the area is not to their liking? What is that about. I have been taking care of my 87 year old mother so she is safe and taken care of. She put her house up for sale so she can get a chair lift and a walkin Bathtub to make life easier at my home, but beacause of greed of the banks or maybe their waiting for her to lose the house through taxes so someone can make money on a house that a widow with 2 children paid for all her life and now can't sell cause they don't aprove of the area hmmmm...please explain to me if there is an explanation...I've heard all varibles but no true answer...give it a try!
December 6, 2010
overdraft fees
I peruse the boards and I see ALOT of bank complaints.
Not saying that banks never make errors and sometimes reps can be rude (let's not even get into this HAMP issue) BUT...
Why is it a recurring theme that people complain about overdraft fees? Example:" I made my deposit at 5 PM but my checks came in at midnight...they are wrong!" Wah Wah...
I have seen many posters try to re-explain cut-off time to the complaintiff. Afterall, if the check came in at midnight, it was written before the deposit. Simple: Bank roulette with the clock and the customer lost. How is that the bank's fault?
I have had my share of fees I didn't like paying. Maybe some I didn't understand at first. But once I realize it is my fault, I hold myself accountable. Instead of spending the time yelling at the bank and whining to others about it, how about taking the time to talk to a rep and ask them to help you understand how to avoid the problem and spend time trying to read and understand how your account/bank operates.
Recurring theme doesn't necessarily mean all the banks are big baddies; it most likely means too many people don't understand and refuse to be accountable for their actions.
With all the new regulations, I look forward to hearing people bitch how their checks didn't get paid (NSF instead of overdrawn) AND get a NSF fee! The government won't excuse that because that is bad checkwriting and it is against the law (can't complain that you made a book keeping error and get a hug). Check your state laws and you will see...
November 30, 2010
September 23, 2009
NO Kroner in ATM
when I insert my ATM card - it says the bank has NO MONEY - i am SEK-less in Sweden...need KRONER. Why are ALL banks out of money? :S
May 11, 2009
Customer abuses
Hello, ATTORNEYS? Where are you ? Or have the Banks bought you all out like they have our politicians? If you can sue McDonald for hot coffee and advertise all over the TV for action against Doctors and the Drug Companies ( not that some don't deserve to be sued), Surely some of you must see the injustices in the way the Banking industry is fleecing the American public. Isn't there any of you with some sens of justice and a little "cahoonas", willing to organize a just class action against those "Usury, loan shark" Banks? Americans voted for change! Where is the change?
Lawyers? Anyone out there?
Truthfull Citizen
March 17, 2009
What Banks are Planning
Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans own the U.S Federal Reserve bank and the governmental system and therfore, run the USA. THAT IS DOCUMENTALLY PROVEABLE!
Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans are all off-shoots from the British and European royalty and in Illuminati terms, they are subservent to them, so ultimately, the British crown runs the USA.
England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of London" not the Queen. The City of London is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. As the "Vatican of the financial world, " the City is not subject to British law.
On the contrary, the bankers dictate to the British Parliament. In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote that, "six or seven men can plunge the nation into war without consulting Parliament at all." Vincent Vickers, a director of the Bank of England from 1910-1919 blamed the City for the wars of the world. ("Economic Tribulation" (1940) cited in Knuth, The Empire of the City, 1943, p 60)
The British Empire was an extension of bankers' financial interests. Indeed, all the non-white colonies (India, Hong Kong, Gibraltar) were "Crown Colonies." They belonged to the City and were not subject to British law although Englishmen were expected to conquer and pay for them.
The Bank of England assumed control of the U.S. during the T.R. Roosevelt administration (1901-1909) when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business. (Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America, 1964)
According to the "American Almanac, " the bankers are part of a network called the "Club of the Isles" which is an informal association of predominantly European-based royal households including the Queen. The Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda.
The most powerful country on the planet today would appear to be the United States of America if you believe what you are told. But the United States has always been controlled from London and still is. America has never been the land of the free and it’s time it was.
The focus of the world has been on big, bad America, as the global villain while all the time the events blamed on Americans have been orchestrated by the Elite of the Babylonian Brotherhood in England and elsewhere. The apparent break up of the British Empire and Britain’s decline, on the surface, as the super power, has further obscured, on purpose, where the real power lies. I emphasise that by London I do not mean the British Government which is just another facade no matter who is in office. I
mean that for historical and other reasons the major operational centre of the secret society web of the Brotherhood is based in London or New Troy and, to a large extent, Paris, Brussels and Rome, also. Once again, to understand what has happened in the United States we have to go back a very long time.
The United States has never been free of control from London. Indeed, it was the creation of London. Britain and the British Crown has always owned, yes owned, the United States. If you are American and you have not heard this information before, and few have, it might be advisable to sit down quietly and have a cup of sweet tea because you are in for quite a shock.
historians have documented, the British military and naval operation during the War of Independence was incredibly inept. It wasn’t that the colonies won the war, it was that the British chose to lose it. Now we can see why, and the channels through which this was made possible. Look at the genealogy of American presidents, leading politicians, banking and business tycoons, military leaders, media owners, government officials, intelligence agency chiefs, etc, etc, and you will find they come from the same bloodlines which can be charted back to the British and European royal and aristocratic families At least 33 of the first 42 presidents of the United States have been related to England’s King Alfred the Great (849-899) and Charlemagne (742-814), the famous monarch of France, and 19 Presidents are related to England’s King Edward 111(1312-1377).
Where are you at the end of this ? A slave to a hidden black empire with tightly aligned bloodlines of royalty who own the Worlds wealth
and you are their slave.
October 26, 2007
banks regularly ask for loans & credit cards
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