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Khorram June 25, 2011
Barclays Bank and Iran
I have had bank account with Barclays Bank PLC for many years. I was disappointed to learn that their international team closed my account as I asked them to temporary change my address to Iran.
I have been complaining in the last 2 years and asking for explaination but did not receive any.
One would expect a responsible behaviour from an international bank and all I can say that Barclays bank has behaved in an arrogant manner by treating me in such way.
Please, do not bank with Barclays.
pawan_pkd August 18, 2010
demand of Processing charges/income tax
I have been declared as a winner of GBP 250, 000/- and to deliver the demand draft and certificates Mr.JEFF MOASON call me to submit the processing charges of Rs.25, 000/- in to a/c no. . i have transfered the money to the said a/c sbi a/c 30772508579 (a/c name Thingreila Thumra) and it was conveyed to me that the same will reflect into my a/c no.20021452171 but only after depositing of Rs.86, 400/- as income tax. So please help me out in remmitance of this money into my a/c.
Elie Goldman August 2, 2010
Don't use that bank you lose your money
This bank no one know what is going on with it you call they tell you your transaction is with this people you get transfer to the other people to tell you ahhhhhhhhhhhhh we know nothing about it.

I have had parchest and item from eBay and it was sent to i don't know whom after contacting paypal more then 15 time i was told that if it was sent to any where is the street that you live on matter is solved for them. so i contact my bank barclays and filed un-recieved item three days later they refund the money back to my account on april 10 2010 then they send me a letter to say if It is not my transaction send it back and they will finish it for me so I did, 10 days later the money was taken back from my account by barclays so i contact them and they told me we sent you letter but you didn't reply i told them that i did any ways they told me if i fax it will be faster so I did then they told me i need to wait for 10 working days after 10 days they told me that they are waiting on my fax no matter what i told them they told me the same send it again after 10 days again send it again after other 10 send it again finally they send me other letter saying to view sign and send it again this one was received after 3 time faxed and the customer service with me on the phone and she told me she filled it her self and was not in the file or the system now on the 29 of july they said it is with the fraud department and that department know nothing about it a customer service from the fraud department contact the debit card they told her we are not going to talk to you so she filled a complain and today is the 2nd of august and no one in barclays bank know what is going on at all I will be scanning all letter and documents i received from barclays bank just gonna take the account number off for security and put it all in the open for the public to read and for all to avoid barclays secrets and what they are doing in that bank
Suresh Agarwal December 11, 2009
Unnessecary Late Payment Fee
Dear Sir,

This is with reference to my card number: 4339501695770892, payment of last statement received. I made a Cheque of Rs. 15252 and dropped the cheque on 4th November'09 in a dropbox location - Hpcl Petrol Pump Sector -10 Rohini, as I could not find a Barclay Bank location near by.

I received current month statement stating that I made the payment on 12 November and have to pay Late payment fee for the same of Rs. 1519. It is not our fault if the cheque gets picked up late from the drop box location so we would like to request you to revoke the charges or cancel the card as we are not ready to pay these unnessecary charges. We had had a word about the same with your customer relation officer but got no support from them. We hope for a favorable reply at the earliest.

Thank you,

Suresh Agarwal
Deepak Wadhwa November 10, 2009
This is to bring to your notice that what is happening in the collection department of the Barclays Bank,

I was holdong a Credit Card from Barclays Bank due to problems i was not able to pay monthly installemnts In between a lady called me and she said she is from Barclays Bank and she can help in settling the card her name is Miss Mala later on i came to know that she is not from Barclays Bank and she is from some Bilkeesh Agency and she spoke to bank and give me a settlemnt amount of 2700 AED, to re-confirm i went to Barclays Branch Maktoum Street Ground floor there i spoke to the Executive Mr. Dominic and his Team Leadr Mr. Khalid after that i arranged the money and As Mr. Dominic Told me i put the money in Cash deposit machine and after that i have been told that i will be given settlement after two days only, as i was dealing with the bank so i said o.k, after two days the bank refused to give me settlement letter and start demanding more money, i didn't understand what is happening, i spoke to Mr. Dominic, Mr. Khalid they all know full and final settlemnt is done however they are stating that i have to go the agency and speak to that lady and when i tried to speak to that Mr. Ramesh Negi who is the team leader there is abusing me and saying do whatever i want i will not give you a settlemnt letter
lisa j martin October 24, 2009
customer service online banking
I have applied for an online banking pin code for approx 1 year with 4 codes being sent out from the UK to Lebanon, with none arriving.
Each time I called back to check and it was confirmed they have been sent.
14th October I applied again and by 21st Oct still no post from Barclays.
21st Oct spoke to manager Emma Reynolds who told me she could do nothing to help and maybe my brother in law could take an extension on his credit card to cover my banking problems!!!
23rd Oct I called custom relation manager, Joanne Grieves, from the complaints dept, who also said she could not help me. After a 10 min argument she asked if she should come to Lebanon herself to deliver my pin number!!!

To have management level use sarcasm and be totally unprofessional seems to be a common trait for Barclays Bank PLC customer relations dept. You should be disgraced to speak to a client in such a way and to offer no help or result with a true banking problem.

elsie parkin October 7, 2009
text win promotion
we are still waiting on you to tell us if the text winnings are true .some one sent us a e-mail back and claim they are you the complains board and give us this reciever sahley vaughn from so called barclays bank plc 175 high street stourbridge west midlands dy98le but this is not a real bank please help us to get a looks for us that some one in your company are helping the people that scam every one
Dutta October 1, 2009
From: BARCLAYS BANK PLC UK ([email protected])
Sent: 10 August 2009 19:02:24
To: [email protected]

Attachments: 3 attachments | Download all attachments (430.7 KB)
BRITISH-P...JPG (159.8 KB), CERTIFICA...JPG (132.5 KB), INSURANCE...JPG (138.4 KB)

FedEx Billing Invoice Processing
Barclays logo
Barclays Bank PLC. Registered in England.
Registered No: 1026167.
Registered Office: 166 Hyathe Heatherwold,
Newton Newbury Berkshire, RG209BG UK.
Phone :+44-703-184-1686

Attention : Subhash Chandra Dutta,

We acknowledge the receipt of your informations tendered to claim the (SPDC) award prize, having confirmed the receipt of the filled form in good condition, the managment and staff of this Barclays bank wishes to express our sincere congratulations to you as one of the (SPDC) international award winner.

With reference to the email receieved from you, we have confirmed your position as the legal beneficiary to the sum of 500, 000GBP from SPDC, which is deposited in a temporary (C) accaount with our bank . We wish to inform you that the govering body of this bank have approved to release your prize by cash payment to you on the auspices as the legal winner of the prize.

Your temporary account balance with us at today stand at (Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds Only).

Sequel to the decision of the govering body of the BARCLAYS BANK OF UK based on the approved payment order received from Shell Petrolum Development Company(England), we hereby inform you that the final approval is given to release your fund of 500, 000GBP by cash to you.The complet sum has been packed and sealed in the Barclays special cash security -box for despatch to India.

The Barclays bank cash security box contains your complet cash awarded prize, will be despatched as "DIPLOMATIC PARCEL" on the security coverage through the British Govermental Delivery Immunity.

Hence we have informed a British Diplomat who is presently on active service in India to assist you in India " to use his diplomatic influence to complet the clearance /clearing formalities of your Diplomatic parcel at the airport for your convinence and to safely deliver your Diplomatic box (YOUR CASH PRIZE) to you at your given home address(HOME DELIVERY)

It is very important to inform you that the diplomat ( MR PHILIP GORE.R) is a man of influence and dignity, working for the British government on govermental level.He is a very busy official equally, so kindily accord him with due respect and follow his instructions for effective service and assistance.

The British diplomat(Your delivery person) Mr Philip will contact you immediately your diplomatic box arrive Indian airport.

Your box will be released by the airport authority to the diplomat Mr Philip Gore R and your box will be delivered to your home address by the delegated diplomat Mr Philip Gore within 3-4 hours after the clearance by the airport authority.

You dont need to be at the airport at the time of the clearnmce, we we have ensured a HOME DELIVERY TO YOUR ADDRESS.The delegated diplomat Mr Philip will deliver the box to you in person at your home address after clearing the box on your behalf.So you stay at the comfort of your residence for the arrival of Mr Philip to your residence for delivery of your box money.

We did not reveal the real content of the box to any one, thereore keep secrect the this cash transaction until your box money enters your residence and dont even disclose the content to Mr Philip as well.

Upon receipt of your box (delivered) to you by diplomat Philip Gore R, you are to contact this department for the(password/code) to open your security box( THE BARCLAYS BANK SPECIAL SECURITY CASH DELIVERY /SECURITY BOX), to access your cash, receieved, You will be required to fill, sign, the receivers form, which we have placed on top of cash inside the box and return a copy to this department and copy to your claim agent(SPDC), to confirm receipt of payment..

Take note of the following:-

The despatch of your cash delivery -box diplomatic box has been scheduled for Wednesday 12th August 2009
Arrival date :Thursday 13th August 2009
The delivery agent from Barclays bank Uk
Delivery agent name : Diplomat Philip Gore R
Agent passport no: 039298456
Poster-Marg Delivery NBT99
his diplomatic file no 0011
Delivery file no 21
Your consignment delivery order no 09213-XZP-0111

Confirm the below information to us :-

A.Your complet names...
B.Your residence adddress...
C.Your direct contact mobile number...

If there is anything that you fail to understand, you are adviced to contact this office for interpretation, assistance and further clarification.

Thanks for your kind understanding
Patrick D
Bank Director.

1, Insurance certificate
2, Diplomatic passport of Mr Philip
3.Insurance certificate



gemma January 22, 2009
I have stumbled across this website, primarily to vent my frustration in having to deal with a bank who obviously have no concern for their customers.

I rang the customer service line over 4 weeks ago to arrange an appointment at my local branch to pick up £3500 in cash from my ISA. The customer manager assured me he had sent a fax to have the money ready after 48 hours. When i arrived at the branch the appointment had not been made and i was forced to wait and then the collection was given to me in £10 notes. thats fine, not a huge problem. I hav'nt dealt with my bank much, my expectations are fairly low, the fact is i got it and was happy. The cashier at the desk confirmed back to me that i wanted this amount taken from my ISA. I also found it strange that i was told on the customer service line that i would need two forms of ID and proof of address, which i had ready and yet was not asked for any of these, even when prompted she said it was OK.

I arrived home from work that evening and tried to make a top up on my mobile phone only to discover i had insufficient funds. The cashier had taken £3500 from my current account instead of my ISA and put me £2500 over my agreed overdraft limit! It amazes me how this girl was able to obtain authorisation to be able to do such a thing.

That night i called barclays customer service again to complain and request the the money be transferred into my current account. I am a very easy-going person and it takes alot to get me angry however after being told that they could not do this as i had to call the savings and investments team, although they were only open between 9 and 5, my patience began to fail me. At this point i asked them if they would be able to organise me a call back to be able to do this, as i do not have a land line i should not be expected to call a premium rate number due to an error made on their part. I was put on hold and subsequently hung up on. After calling back again to speak to someone else i was assured that no charges would be made on my account and that unfortunately i had no choice but to call this other number myself and that all they could do was lodge a complaint.

The next day i successfully managed to transfer the funds myself by calling the savings and investments team. Later i realised i had been charged for going overdrawn confirming that Barclays have done absolutely nothing to satisfy my request besides sending me one letter assuring me that i would recieve a reply to my complaint before a certain date and then a second letter extending this time by another month.

I have since received a letter from a customer relations case manager stating that they hope thay have answered all of my concerns (with no mention to the charges that gave incurred, reminded to them in a complaint by email also!) and that "in order to prevent this from reoccurring please insure that all of your transaction details are confirmed to you before they are processed." I can't help thinking that surely having had the cashier ask me "so you want this from your ISA then" should be enough confirmation for anyone and in order for it not to re-occur then surely i should expect more from a complaint resolution letter than what I CAN DO!

As i have not received these charges back yet i will be speaking to customer non-services again on Monday to attempt to resolve this matter.

I would advise anyone to stay away from barclays. I understand that the lack in real competition between banks and the hassle that can result in trying to change banks has resulted in them not having to even attempt to satisfy customers needs however this will not be stopping me from leaving them, i plan to do so immediatley after obtaining my charges back...which probably will not be anytime soon.

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