The hiring manager John Pan sent an email stating that they reviewed my resume on craigslist and that they were interested in interviewing for an accounting clerk/data entry/admin clerk position. I was told to setup an IM through and after the interview I was hired by the personnel manager Khloe Graves. During the course of the three weeks while employed with this company they assigned various tasks for me to complete to make the position seem legitimate.
The Head of Operations Roy Basten or Bastne sets up the scam by holding online meeting to build working relationship with the employee to determine their work ethics and if they are trustworthy. These scam artist work this type of angle because it catches the innocent employee off guard.
Mr. Roy Basten mailed me my paycheck which was an overpayment of $3680.00 in a cashiers check and he instructed me to cash it at my bank and send 2000 to a vendor named Johanna Best in Jersey City NJ. He said once she receives the money transfer he would send me a tracking number for my office equipment. He also told me that the check was good and that it would not bounce.
However this was no the case because the check came back as a fraudulent check and the bank took all of the money that we had in out account which left us with a negative balance of $1300. Luckily we were able to contact western union and they were able to release the second wire transfer before it was picked up by Johanna Best. We also had to stop the delivery of the portion of the money from delivered to a Karen Monero in Aurora CO.
This company needs to stopped before someone else becomes a victim this scam.