In light of the Ross and Brand situation and the foul language used and the unacceptable behaviour, I would like to make an additional general complaint. The language used on post 9pm programmes has now become unacceptable. The bad language used has crept in in small measures to start with, being subtle, thus making it more accepted. But it has got to the stage where the bad language has got so bad and so frequent that we can't watch any TV programs after 9pm without feeling uncomfortable with all the swearing and smutty talk.
There is the "Water shed" of 9pm, but children under the age of 16 don't tend to go to bed before that time and tend to watch TV before they go to bed. I am very concerned in particular, the age group 9 - 13 are watching these programmes with such foul language and they think because it is on TV, then it must be acceptable to use this kind of language. There is a knock on affect that people like the police get verbal abuse from young kids because they think using this kind of language show on TV is usable in their life.
I would like to see this kind of language and smut wiped out off programmes, or at least bleeped out even on the post 9pm programmes, as media is a very powerful tool and needs to be used carefully, as it can and is setting the standards of how we act because TV is a big thing in a lot of peoples lives.
Please can something be done to protect young people before it's too late. Don't be naive and think young children go to bed before 9pm nowadays. They are still up watching TV and getting polluted with all the bad language and smut, which in tern makes them think it is acceptable to use this in their lives.