Fraudulent Charges through Bell mobility - June 20th, 2011
Thomas W. Chau
Bell Canada
Identity Theft by the name of "Lester Sien"
I received a call from a Bell representative this Afternoon at 1:40pm on June 20th, 2011. The Bell representative told me that my existing Bell mobility account had a charge owing for $2365.89 ( - 2366.00), and that I needed to pay for it. The Bell representative asked to confirm my Date of Birth and SIN Number.
I told the Bell representative that I never signed onto any Bell mobility services, and I had NEVER given out my personal information to any Bell representative. I asked the Bell representative to see how they had my Date of Birth and SIN number on the Bell account. The Bell representative said that the Bell information was signed on May 27th, 2010, and there was a name listed on the account named "Lester Sien." I do not know this person, and I have - NEVER - signed onto any Bell services in that Month, Date, and Year. The information I received from the Bell Mobility representative was that the account had been activated on May 27th, 2010 until Bell Canada decided to close the account on May 19th, 2011 because the credit cards, that have been used by Lester Sien, had all been sent through and later on declined. How is it possible for this individual (Lester Sien) to use and create this Bell account without proper identification? Did they check the actual Drivers License? Did they check the actual SIN Card? Or did they process all the information over the phone? I asked the the Bell representative for more information on how the account was created, and what were the previous account activities. However, Bell Canada could not give out this information.
My name is Thomas W. Chau, and I am 26 years old, and I've never been to Quebec since I was 12 years old. The number that was activated was (819)-230-5666 (Area code - Quebec). I've been with Fido mobility for the past 9 years. And I need a few questions answered before I escalate this Bell Canada mobility issue to the next level. Here are the questions:
How was Bell Canada and this individual by the name of Lester Sien able to sign up with Bell mobility with - my personal identification and personal security numbers? Does Bell mobility confirm personal indentification and personal security numbers through the phone without prior to seeing the actual proof of identification? Is there a detailed report on how the phone was being used during the calls that were made? Was there any information on the contract that was signed at the Bell Mobility location or ever a - recorded confirmation - over the phone? I need this detailed report including how the services was ended. I called several times to the Bell representative and all I received were wishy washy statements where they cant help answering these important questions.
I paid $23.95 to check Equifax for my credit score. My score did go down from my previous very good standing to fair standing. It's troubling me that I have to pay to check a PROBLEM THAT BELL CANADA had mistakenly done. I will keep all receipts and deductables that will cause me to spend extra on this case with Bell Canada.
I do commission sales in the day, and I have been running around all day gathering information about this "Bell mobility case", and I spent about 12 hours today trying to solve this issue with Bell Canada. I'd like to take further action with Bell Canada. If this takes up more of my sales hours and if this takes up more hour causing me moral distress, I will take this this case to court. It is costing me time and money away from my work and personal life to get this problem resolved. I plan on escalating this case to court with Bell Canada and the individual by the name of Lester Sien who had been using my personal identity since May 27th, 2010.
I want this person by the name of Lester Sien, if that is his real name to be caught and convicted of Civil Fraulence, and I want all information cleared on this Bell account. If Lester Sien signed up with Bell without proper identification, I would like Bell Canada to check all identifications (scanned and documented) before activating -- ANY ACCOUNTS. I would like my time to be "compensated, " from the amount of work and time that I have been spending on this case with Bell Canada. It is not my duty to take care of the chaotic mess they made on my credit score, account issues, and fraudulent charges that got me spending time out of work to investigate upon. I have a team of sales representative that need to be guided every day and this will take away my time and their time from the company. It is Bell Canada's fault for not being cautious about how they check "false" identification prior to activating a Bell account. Why is that a person named Lester Sien able to even use my account information that does not make any sense? This issue with $2365.89 and Personal Theft lies by the hands of Bell Canada.
I will take further action by sending this letter to every Bell Canada representative, Managers, and Head Office Regional Sales manager, Vice President, and President. I will post this letter on Facebook, Twitter, Blogster, Board of Business Bureau, Canada Court Justice, create a website and forum, and speak to as many people about this case possible through CGVancouver Toastmasters. I will create a petition if this case is not solved and compensated.
This case will be escalated.
Complaint sent to Better Business Bureau - Bell Canada.
"Your complaint has been received and routed to the following BBB:
BBB of Mid-Western & Central Ontario (Kitchener, ON)
354 Charles Street, East
Kitchener, ON N2G 4L5
Phone: (519)579-3080
Fax: (519)570-0072
[email protected]
Tom Chau
President of CGVancouver Toastmasters
[email protected]