-brought HTC Touch in to bell @ dilworth centre in kelowna in the beginning of october for the second time, first time the power button stopped working a week after purchase, now the second time, freezing and no reception
-made them aware I would be moving at the end of the month and asked if I would have the phone by then, or if not, if they would be able to send it to my new address when it arrived
-they stated yes that wouldn't be a problem, offered me a cheap loner phone.
-week before i moved I call bell @ dilworth centre in kelowna and they told me it should be in any day now
-now after having moved to elkford, i called them several times, and they state it still hasn't arrived yet, its on backorder, and should be in soon
-couple weeks later, they call me and state my phone has arrived, and asked if I could come pick it up, i explained that i had now moved, and asked if it to be sent to the address i gave them, they said they can't do that i have to come into the store to get it, now upset, i explained the whole situation to them, and that i was told when i brought the phone in that it wouldn't be a problem, and I can't afford to fly back to kelowna from elkford just to pick up a phone.
-they said they understand, took my address again, and said I should have it within a few days
-a week over a week later, i call them again, they state again, it should be on its way
-now weeks later again, i give them another call, the guy puts me on hold for a while, says he can't find any information on it, puts me on hold again, and they say to wait a few more days IT IS ON ITS WAY.
-now into december, i've started calling the *611 number and complaining about over charges on my account and at the same time, explain the situation with my warranty claim, they tell me there's no way the phone could of been sent to me, since there still on backorder?
-now sick of paying long distance charges to kelowna just to get told the same thing over and over again, and waiting on hold at the *611, I started to email about the problem, about perhaps getting another phone of equal value in its place, they state they cant deal with any of those issues, so I call *611, they state I have to deal with the store i got it from
-i then call kelowna, they state that the phones been on backorder for 3 weeks, i ask for them to clarify, only 3 weeks? i've been waiting since october! they state they can only help me if I come into the store! I moved damnit! paying a $500 return flight to fill out warrenty papers again is a joke, they tell me my only option is to goto the cellular store authorized to sell bell phones in elkford, and file another warrenty claim
-next day i go into the store, explain the whole situation, and they say there sorry, but theres nothing they can do for me, i have to goto the store i got the phone from! now extremely frustrated, i tell them somethings gotta be done about it now, explain the whole situation, they try calling bell head office, and at some point they get disconnected, another representative over hears and comes over, i explain to her whats going on, and she suggests the other representative calls kelowna for me, to see what they can do, after all that, they are told my warrenty claim appeared to of been closed, ask for my address once again, and say its on backorder, and i should have it in around 2 weeks. now almost 4 months later (thursday, january 29, 2009), and being tossed around like a pinball, im sick of chasing bell around, and want outta my contract!!