I got one for you. After one year at this property, my lease ended. After the leasing office agreed to lock my rent in for another year, I resigned the new lease. Before doing so, I read over the lease, it was almost exactly the same wordage (new concession was made as market rent increased, so that rent stayed the same).
I figured that instead of seeking counsel to ensure my protection before signing the lease, I would go see the company representatives in the leasing office. I spoke with a young African-American lady, who went over the various documents and assured me that the concessions would keep my monthly dues the same as the previous year.
When I received a "notice to vacate the property" five days later, I was flabbergasted. It appears that my water bill was due on the first. I knew this and had only delayed as there was a charge for natural gas on my bill. As I live in an all electric apartment, I was waiting till I had a moment to have the bill adjusted before paying.
Upon speaking with another young lady in the leasing office today, she informed me that I had to pay a share of the gas utility for the entire complex. I protested and was informed that I signed an extra sheet in the lease with this new clause. I explained that the representative earlier should stand by her word, then was told told that no such person ever worked there!!!
I started to feel that hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach, when you know you have been scammed, screwed, or taken advantage of. Seeking counsel now (though no doubt, I'll be bound by the new lease), but thought my experience may keep any apartment dwellers from signing blind...even if the property reps asure them of the content of the new lease!