Do not give your money to this company. They bounce checks to suppliers in hopes of getting a product for free after it ships so the supplier has no recourse.
Belle Kitchen placed an order on behalf of their client for a kitchen hood, paid a deposit, and then paid the final balance to have the order fabricated to their specifications. When they thought the order was with the shipper and had left the shipping company's facility, they purposely reversed their payment and bounced a check. The shipment was fortunately stopped but they never responded to any emails regarding their intentions. Additionally, we were then contacted by their client who informed us that Belle Kitchen was blaming us (the supplier) for the problems with their client's order and not receiving it.
This is an unethical business that tries to purchase products from out of state suppliers so they can get items for free and so the supplier has minimal recourse to go after them especially since out of state law suits can be difficult. NOTE: Clients and other suppliers should be wary when dealing with Tricia or Jean-Claude, the owners of this company.