When posting the truth about a press release regarding Encrypt-Stick Benchmark Reviews continues to delete the truth about ENC Inc. and Encrypt-Stick's false and misleading statements.
Don't Believe Benchmark Reviews. They are paid to conceal the truth with regard to ENC Inc. and Encrypt-Stick.
I once worked for Ed Rusnak, ENC Inc. & Ed Rusnak & Associates Ltd.
Their software is not the best. I spent countless hours consulting for ENC only to be told that the pay I received was "Loans" I was duped into believing Ed Rusnak's rederick. Now I am Better educated and no longer believe anything coming from his company or affiliates.
See proof of better free software here: http://www.rohos.com
The claim to be the highest 512bit encryption is also false. http://wwwAladdin.com and http://www.Safenet.com are Gov. certified and besides having a "Global" presence they offer 1024bit & 2048bit Encryption that works on ALL platforms including Linux and is not "Browser" specific See for yourself, request the Witepaper from Aladdin.com
Don't buy into Ed Rusnak's rederick, in my opinion he is a boldface Lier!
Don't be fooled like me
Seek & reveal the truth!
Fight the "Man in the browser"