I rented an at studio from Stacey Joy Elkin in the "Bergen Street Studios" located at 651 Bergen Street in Brooklyn, NY.
I was rending month-by-month, as those were the terms of her lease.
Two months later, I vacated due to some personal issues with the Landlord and her operations. We handled it civilly, and she explained that she would pro-rate me the three weeks that I had already paid for before I had to move. No lease was broken, there was no penalty, damage or any risk to my deposit.
Despite countless (seriously- countless!) frustrating attempts to collect the debt of several hundred dollars that Landlord Stacey Joy Elkin, she has neither paid me back nor given me any logical explanation about why she refuses to refund what we had agreed on.
Since, she has become aggressive, uncouth, abusive, slanderous and deceitful such that I feel that my only recourse is to post a complaint about her practices i na public forum, as I have begun to lose hope that I will ever actually get back the money she owes me.
So, if you are considering doing business with Stacey Joy Elkin BE CAREFUL and get everything in writing (and possibly notarized) before giving her ANY money!!!