I was admitted to the emergency room overnight, misdiagnosed, and released
in worse condition then when I arrived. The doctors Stuck needles in my
spine, put dye in my blood to run a cat scan, and gave me blood. All of
these services were not nessecary and very invasive. When I left the
hospital I had to return a few days later due to hives from head to toe.
During my first stay I was given something that swelled up my throat and
could have killed me and started these hives. Four years later I am
fighting the negative credit that has been stuck to me. I was unemployed at
the time I entered the hospital and was not made aware of a program that
could have reduced my bill to almost zero. I now have 7 derrogatories for
the two day stay at Bert Fish. I have suffered so much distress due to all
of this and want to tell everyone. I had simple mono and was taken
advantage of. If you compare Bert Fish to St, Johns Hospital (the best in
the country), you will find that Bert Fish is about 40% higher. All this
grief from a non-profit hospital. It seems to me that someone really
dropped the ball. I should have complained sooner, but I will start now!