Low prices, but definitely not worth the couple dollars you'll save. Unbelievably slow process... Their website clearly states "Please allow 8-14 weeks for your subscription to start. This is the industry standard." However, it is now 16 weeks after I placed my order and have yet to receive a single issue of either of the two I ordered. I emailed customer service, and finally got a response back after four days, saying that one of my magazines should be coming within the next "several weeks" and for the other one, an inquiry that will take two weeks has been sent to the clearinghouse.
They really need to revise their time estimate to reflect a more accurate picture of the horribly slow process - regardless of whose fault it is, whether it is the clearinghouse, publisher, or theirs. I could understand a rare delay in the 8-14 week process, but it seems delays beyond the 14 week upper end are the norm.