On January 3rd 2011, I order a refurbished desktop PC on the Bestbuy web site. After 3 weeks waiting for delivery, I inquired Bestbuy customer services if they would deliver or. On January 25th I received a writtten confirmation from Bestbuy customer services through email that they could note deliver, that the order was canceled and I wil not be charged for the order. I though it was case closed.
Suddently, on March 10th, I received a written advice that the order got shipped same day. On the same day I asked the Bestbuy customer to cancelled the delivery since the order was suppositely cancelled. I got a reply telling me it was too late since the order got already sent. On March 11th I noticed that my credit card got charged for the order.
This clearly apears to me as a fraudulent pratice from Bestbuy.
Bestbuy customer services cannot be trusted in any way.
Bestbuy cannot be trusted in any way as this company has no respect for their customers.
I recommend to custormers to avoid from making business with Bestbuy in any ways.