I imagine this website is not very well known unless some of you folks
utilize online and telemedicine. Bestrxcare.com serves this community...or,
at least they claim to. Basically, what they do is scam users and steal
your money. They claim such things as same day consultations and overnight
shipping, and they partner with CRJ pharmacy, who seemed quite decent at
first, but now I even wonder if they are legal. This site is a scam
folks...stay away. It seems to me that they cater to drug addicts, not
those that are truly in need of affordable medical care and medications.
They have only ONE customer service rep, and to call her that is really
pushing the issue. Anyone who complains about the service on this site is
immediately labelled a "trouble maker" and they will not only refuse to
serve you, but they will also take your money. Very pathetic, and they
should be ashamed to represent themselves as being any part of the
healthcare field! Buyers beware, and steer clear of this one!