This woman is clearly has mental health issues. She professes that her ex is a certified player, yet begs him to come back to her time and time again. She utilizes trickery to try to trap him, including, but not limited to getting pregnant. This man has tried time and time again to end his negative relationship with Betsy, but she uses his child as a pawn in her sick games.
She claims he uses women? She uses every man she can get her hands on and that's quite a lot of men! She has no morals and lacks clear judgment. It is no wonder the courts are considering removing her children from her home. If you encounter this woman, you should immediately protect yourself and your family. She is vengeful and nasty in nature. She creates drama and problems for all of those whose life she squirms her way into. DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD THAT COMES FROM THIS WOMAN'S MOUTH. SHE WOULD NOT KNOW HOW TO SPEAK THE TRUTH IF YOU PAID HER.