This one is a train-wreck. Office address is fake, registrant address is fake, telephone numbers are not fake but, contrary to appearances, are cell phones probably not in the UK at all. One is a "premium" number for which they can charge you as much per minute as they like when you call. Product photos are laughable - MacBook Pro photo is of an empty box; Sony camera is a Nikon. iPhone 3Gs is an obvious fake. Claims? Buy 10 Mac Airs and get 2 free? ROTFLMAO and in any case they don't even sell fake Mac Airs, let alone real ones. The actual store mechanism is the only professional part, but they pay $19.99 a month to rent that. All the reassuring badges on the front page are fake, the site looks like it was designed and implemented by a 7-year old with only about an hour to spare for the whole deal, and who lost interest before reaching the Terms and Conditions - there are none. Last straw is the prices which establish beyond doubt that the goods are counterfeits, if they exist at all, which they probably don't.
Since all the published information is false, I'm going out on a limb and suggesting this one is either in China, or somewhere in the Russian federation. Hard to tell, because they don't use enough English to analyze. And that's probably intentional.