I just wanted to report my personal experience with BetterTrades. I was a customer of BettterTrades and their Market Essentials (6-Month Introductory) options trading education program. I signed up in April, 2009. That month, I attended the same type of Financial Freedom Expo that most people attend. I financed the program through the financing program they offered that night (18% I believe).
When I attended the Market Essentials 2-day workshop (The closest was about 90 minutes away from me in Oakland, CA). It was held at a hotel ballroom. At the workshop I met other students of BetterTrades who had attended the workshop several times. Some of them really enjoyed the program and were making money in trading.
To make a long story short, after the 6 months I had placed 36+ real money options trades and overall I had lost a little bit of money. Per their Iron Clad guarantee, I opted to get my refund from BetterTrades. So, I went through the headache of getting all my brokerage statements notarized (They require this in order to get your refund). After they acknowledged that I was eligible for the refund (After reviewing my statements), they gave me the address to send the rest of the program materials (DVD's, CD's & Workbooks) to. I sent them, and waited. This entire refund process took more than a month, but in the end they refunded about 70%+ of my total investment into their program (Not including my actual trading losses - those are a trader's responsibility). They don't refund the interest you pay when you finance the program.
They never verbally hassled me throughout the refund process (In case you may be wondering). It just took a while and had a few bothersome steps (notarizing statements, two trips to the post office for me etc, and considerable time in waiting to hear that they reviewed my refund package. Then another waiting period for them to finally sent me my refund check).
All in all, I believe my experience was fair. I have no complaints or regrets. I didn't expect to get rich from their program. However, I did get a pretty good education from it, and I continue to learn about trading.
I hope this helps a prospective customer of bettertrades. I don't think they are a bad company, but their sales tactics can be slightly misleading. To me, the most important thing is that they gave me a fair refund per their guarantee.