Beverly Hills Psychiatrist Lana Milton M.D.

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415 N Crescent Dr Ste 210, Beverly Hills, California, United States

Phone number: 310.859.0526

Beverly Hills Psychiatrist Lana Milton M.D. Reviews

Hello Schizo Foundation June 16, 2011
Lana Milton M.D.
The Hello Schizo Foundation has added, Dr. Lana Milton to our organization’s “Hot Doc” Watch and Complaints List based upon the following disturbing and alarming negative experiences we personally had with her and countless poor ratings from other patients. We would not recommend this psychiatrist to anyone who has an interest in managing their illness or disability or achieving the maximum survive and thrive.

1. Dr. Milton whom we now believe may quite possibly just have a penchant for sadistic torture immediately suggested “ECT” or electroshock therapy for our client without ever even meeting him (the client/patient) personally. She spoke to the patients mother while the patient was in her waiting room. Dr. Milton attended a sub par medical school in Serbia that is definitely not on par with American medical schools. Serbia and Bosnia are known for their histories of extreme sadistic torture which would explain why she was eagerly advocating the electro shock therapy and was so thrilled to play her position as a Trigger-Happy-Sadistic-Nuke-A-Teer aka Electrocutioner.

2. Dr. Milton went into her closet in the interior of her Crescent Drive office and rummaged frantically almost through many boxes of "sample" medications from pharmaceutical reps (perhaps incentives from these Big Pharma dope companies when their partner psychiatrists can find a sucker - gullible, innocent, vulnerable patient to provide these toxic medications too), then finally she submerged after leaving the patient's mother waiting and gave sample medications to the patient’s mother without ever assessing the patient or assessing him in detail. ??? RED ALERT #2 !!! She spent the entire session journaling (OR probably doodling, writing her grocery list or balancing her check book - who the heck knows!) to suppossedly document the meeting with the patient’s mother, never once making eye contact. Dr. Milton stated that she would have to test out (use the patient as a Big Pharma Guinea Pig) many, many different medications until she found the one that worked best. She even stated that no one could even be sure that the patient had schizophrenia even thought no less than 100 psychiatrists over a period of five years all confirmed that he indeed did suffer from schizophrenia. The patient’s mother hesitated and refused to allow the ECT and stated that she owed it to her son and in due diligence she wanted to do extensive research before allowing Beverly Hills Psychiatrist' Lana Milton M.D. to administer or inject any new questionaable mind altering psychotropic medications into her son.

3. Dr. Milton suggested in a condescending manner during the next session that since the patient’s family was from affluence, and hailed from a family of ivy league physicians that the family then should be more than willing to pay over and above what the insurance companies allow psychiatrists to charge to "treat" the patients and to obtain medications or additional support services for their son. Dr. Milton seemed in favor of private patients who do not have, use nor rely on medical insurance and instead are willing to be fleeced into the nose bleed section to pay for psychiatric dope and treatments that categorically and factually do not and have NEVER worked nor EVER SOLVED one single case of schizophrenia or any of the other numerous mental disorders that American Psychiatry concocts. Dr. Milton made reference to preferring cash clients because she stated that then the insurance companies don't have to get involved and it often works out best. ??? How can paying cash and being fleeced for bad, toxic dope that doesn't work nor manage long term symptoms be better ??? You're still damaging the patient!

4. Dr. Milton boasted about an organization that she stated has helped many highly functioning "very bright and even genius" (her words) schizophrenics including Nathaniel Ayers, a gifted musician and schizophrenic portrayed by Jamie Foxx in the film, The Soloist. Dr Milton then subsequently provided a personal recommendation and referred the patient and his family to seek additional support services from this sham of an organization called, Recovery In Action. This scam business of uninsured, unqualified life coaches and prior (by their own admission) severely mentally disabled patients with absolutely NO medical doctorate degree nor malpractice insurance or significant training or verifiable references where they could prove that their organization worked successfully with the mentally disabled and last but not least absolutely NO state, city or local license to even operate such a business! Recovery In Action flies under the radar and does not have the proper state or local license to operate or provide care or services to the mentally disabled. There is no evidence the staff of Recovery in Action or the other SCAM mentally disabled company operating under the radar : Life Adjustment Team in Culver City, CA entire staff is even licensed as psychiatrists, social workers or psychologists with the state of California nor do we even know if these fringe workers, many who are severely mentally disabled as well (by their own admission) people have ever cleared local, state and federal background checks or sexual offender registries!!! Who are these people that we are exposing our vulnerable mentally disabled loved ones to ? The Recovery In Action representative, Bobby who also has another sideline business called, The Come Back Kid, which he later provided a inexpensive brochure that was void of any accountability or valid credentials for the work he claims he is capable of doing. Bobby made several phone calls even after 10pm in the evening to the family and left over a dozen messages for the family of the patient then finally scheduled a meeting with the family of the patient in the wide open with out regard to any PRIVACY laws (HIPA) at Westwood’s California Pizza Kitchen to speak openly about their loved one’s condition. Apparently Bobby doesn't have an "office" ... (surprise. surprise) . Bobby, a self admitted prior schizo-affective patient (by his own admission) that was still on anti-psychotic medications provided a tear jerking boo hoo hoo sob story of his personal psychiatric adventure and fall from mental health grace but could not when questioned by the patients parents seem to clearly substantiate ANY definitive linear treatment or therapy plan to help the patient get back on track with his mental health and life. Instead Bobby, who is not a licensed medical doctor nor therapist nor social worker suggested the patient simply “try” 5mg of Abilify which works for Bobby. When pressed and after numerous calls were made, no licensed psychiatrist or medical doctor surfaced with this business nor would provide their malpractice insurance nor did they wish to assume any liability for the life coaching or mental health treatment and therapy through Recovery In Action for the schizophrenia client. In fact, Bobby suggested that the family (commit insurance fraud) advise their insurance company to do multiple billings to several companies and some companies even OUT OF STATE in order to compensate him (BOBBY) and Recovery In Action Team for these questionable so called treatment services ; By allowing several ‘shell’ companies to be billed by the families and patients separate insurance company and making up the difference in CASH, The total amount that BOBBY suggested as his fee was upwards of $2k to 5k per month. Imagine paying $2k to $5k per month for questionable therapy that they can't even provide documentation or evidence of this so called "treatment" ever working. After a through investigation, the family was made aware that this organization did not have anything to do with Nathaniel Ayers recovery nor was he ever a client or member recommending the organization to others. It appears that Doctor Milton was providing false information and referring her mentally disabled patients and their families for kick backs to an ROGUE uninsured organization with a staff of unlicensed individuals (potentially not even law abiding citizens who knows!???) and the staff of this ROGUE organization was categorically misrepresenting their qualifications and credentials to defraud and gain employment and compensation for questionable services with the mentally disabled. The kick back game works like this: Psychiatrists like Beverly Hills Psychiatrist Lana Milton M.D. refer their severely disabled mentally ill patients who come from affluent families or those with insurance, means and desire to PAY and go to any lengths to insure their loved ones are cared for ... these White Colla Poppin Dop Pushas prioritize profit over people and refer patients to these “feeder” organizations so that they can maximize OUT the insurance billing or receive compensation above and beyond for so called (FRAUD) therapy ‘services’ over and beyond what the insurance companies allow. Also the insurance companies will not compensate unlicensed individuals nor companies that do not have a staff of fully licensed and credentialed mental health professionals. Both RECOVERY IN ACTION and LIFE ADJUSTMENT TEAM in CULVER CITY, CA beat the system and are part of this kick back club! Then the kick back club feeder organizations continue to send patients back and forth to the same psychiatrist and compensate the psychiatrist with kick back compensation off the books. These organizations typically prey on the vulnerabilities of desperate families and affluent families or anyone with the means to cough up the extra compensation or who are STUPID ENOUGH to be FLEECED by these sham psychiatrists and so called therapy clubs. Sadly these families simply want their mentally disabled loved ones to get better and are sucked into the AMERICAN PSYCHIATRY VORTEX where the real SCHIZOPHRENIA is in the psychiatrists that commit blatant white collar fraud and worse dispense toxic, bad dope that they have known for their entire CAREERS has never worked! And in Lana Milton's case that is over 39 years dope peddling drugs that DO NOT WORK!!! SCAM ALERT! INSURANCE FRAUD ALERT! DANGEROUS DOCTOR ALERT!!!

5. Dr. Militon has been in America long enough to take English as a second language and achieve audible proficiency in the language. However, her heavy foreign accent is not only stressful, and often times her slurred foreigner accent is simply inaudible and the lack of enunciation in her speech its downright maddening and deeply annoying. She lacks the professionalism to excel by taking English proficiency classes or hiring an English language SPEECH THERAPIST and DIALECT SPEECH COACH to achieve mastery communicating and enunciating clearly in the English language. This alone is a disservice to patients and should be a requirement of all health care professionals who wish to be gainfully employed in the United States of America where our standards for health care should be amongst the highest in the world!

6. Dr. Milton offered her personal views that although she did of her own accord, without coercion or force sign up and go through a lengthy approval process to be a registered provided and ‘accept’ the patient’s insurance, Tricare ; Dr. Milton stated emphatically in the most condescending tone that she also considered TRICARE among the worst insurance companies in the country because they did not want to authorize higher payments for certain medicines or treatments and their processing was slow as molasses.

It is the position of The Hello Schizo Foundation that if you are a medical professional or psychiatrists that has ‘chosen’ freely to accept private insurance, you should maintain your "negative" personal feelings and inappropriate comments about that insurance or their accounts payable transactions between insurance company and psychiatrist in the strictest of confidences and never discuss these issues with the patient or their family because we are their for treatment not to be a sounding board for a psychiatrist's complaints about the insurance company. Perhaps there is a toll free number that Dr. Milton could call to deliver her grievances directly to the insurance company which would eliminate the patient or the patient's family from having been 'FORCED' to be Dr. Milton's therapists for the issues that apparently are ailing her!!!

5. Dr. Milton closed her office for several days during a normal business week without any known recognized national, federal, state, city or relgious holidays calendared without providing any prior notice in written or verbal correspondence form to the patient or their families. We found out that her office was closed when during an mental health crisis and emergency we got her answering machine with this message notification. Bizarre. Unprofessional.

6. Dr. Milton would state that she placed orders for the patients injectible form of Constra Risperdal but whenever the patient showed up for his injection, she would not have the medication. She is among the mitigating factors of revolving door psychiatric hospitalizations that cause the mentally disabled to suffer needlessly and have preventable relapses (being hosptialized and fleeced in excess of $200, 000k for doping and babysitting; all ineffective treatment) If psychiatrists were not focused on fleecing patients, insurance companies and their families for services these relapses often resulting in homicide or suicide could possibly be prevented altogether or minimized. Unfortunately, however, psychiatrists HAVE to make money off of the mentally ill and this business called American Psychiatry is indeed a racket.

7. On several occasions, the patient visited Dr. Milton, in severe distress to discuss some personal issues involving fears and other issues related to his mental illness, she refused to speak with him even by phone and instead HID OUT IN HER LOCKED OFFICE PORTION OF HER OFFICE, PRETENDED NOT TO BE IN THE OFFICE, HAD HER ASSISTANT CHRISTINA PLAY REBOUND AND REDIRECT POSITION TO THE PATIENT then Dr. Milton would covertly contact the patient's family member (because it was obviously too much trouble for her to take a single moment out to SEE OR SPEAK TO HER PATIENT WHO WAS OBVIOUSLY IN EXTREME DISTRESS ) ; she contacted the family member to state that the patient should not show up to her office and the only patients allowed to visit her at her office are those that are highly and HEAVILY medicated with anti-psychotic drugs. She stated she was fearful of her safety or the safety of her other patients. In short, Dr. Milton, by her own admission for not continuing the patients treatment as scheduled was partially responsible for his psychotic behaviors. The patients family had to reassure her that the patient was not a danger to himself or others at the time and he simply wanted to speak to his doctor. Isn't that what psychiatrist get paid to do ? See and speak to their clients who are in distress??? Apparently in Beverly Hills psychiatrists are paid only to dispense dangerous, toxic, bad top and refer patients to questionable unlicensed kick back clubs! Dr. Milton warned that the patient would be arrested by the police because he was out of control. The police never arrested the patient and Dr. Milton was incorrect in her (professional ?) assumptions. The patient had arrived to her, made several phone calls prior to get an appointment in an attempt to ‘reach out’ to his medical doctor but she consistently made herself unavailable to him. She also refused to see patients, even those in serious distress except for once per month as it is all the insurance company allows ... ????

8. Dr. Milton used a great portion of the patient’s sessions to remind the parents that she was an expert in schizophrenia. The patient’s family members questioned this assertion and continues to question anyone who claims to be an expert in schizophrenia or any of these so called illusive mental illnesses especially when for centuries let the record reflect there has never been a SINGLE CURE (ZERO CURES!) or a single case of long term management for these countless disorders that American Psychiatry concocts on the regular.

9. Dr. Milton made it very apparent that she was interested in ‘trying’ and testing out electroshock therapy on the patient. She eluded to the fact that when all medications fails electro shock therapy works. ???? Illogical. Of course all the medications will fail. Historically, case after case study none of these medications have ever worked and only made the patients condition worsen or transform them into catatonic schizophrenic zombies. However, the patient’s family and his advocate immediately questioned this suggestion for ECT and considers it TORTURE and later during research found ECT to erase memories or cause patients mental state to deteriorate . Interestingly the research also reveals that ELECTRO SHOCK THERAPY is among the largest insurance payout therapies, and this motivates psychiatrists to perform it so that they earn more money than "talk therapy" ... Many profit over patient psychiatrists prefer ECT. There is CATEGORICALLY NO EVIDENCE that ECT works for schizophrenia OR any other so called mental disorder/disease. The patients mother suggested to Dr. Milton that Dr. Milton herself should undergo ECT to determine if it is in fact safe enough for the patient.

In the end, The Hello Schizo Foundation finds that Lana Milton M.D. is not only “not” an expert in schizophrenia, she like most of her peers in marble medicine American Psychiatry are simply playing a guessing game regarding what ails patients and what psychotropic cocktails to dispense. Prescribing sample medications without seeing the patient, her sadistic, preference for torture and an eagerness to use ELECTRO SHOCK THERAPY, her consistent tardiness, indifference, lack of eye contact, inaudible foreign accent, and referrals to obvious SCAM kick back clubs of questionable unlicensed medical support services and their flim flam insurance billing tactics substantiate that she is more concerned about profits than patients.

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