Advertise a job on Craigslist, no job, no office in city advertised. Just a lure to get you to click on link to an IQ test / advertisement / fee required. Another Craigslist Scam.
Re: Your Job Application
From: Kristina Hubbard ([email protected])
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Sent: Wed 7/01/09 4:17 AM
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Dear Job Applicant, Thank You for applying for a post in B G Telemedia Services, a company richin experiences and bullish on the future. We have always recived a overwhelming response to out Job postings on CraigsList and to cope with the numbers involved we have tied up with a fewcompanies to perform a General IQ test ( pls note this has no bearing onyour Job related skills /aptitude), we try and use this test score alongwith your Qualifications and experience to arrive at the right candidatesfor the first Qualifying stage. Please go to the website mentioned below, where you will find step by stepinstructions: You would require a mobile phone number to undertake this test and wouldneed to confirm the Pin number recived via text or on the website. Pleasealso note that some of the Mobile Providers may choose to charge a smallfees for this service. Its not mandatory on your part to take the test orpay the fees However Please note also that once you do choose to take the test we maycall you on the mobile Number provided to verify your test score obtained. I thank you again for your interest in the position in BGTMS and lookforward to further interaction. Mrs . Kristina HubbardSenior Manager ( HRM), BG Tele Media Services.
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