My mother was admitted from Nov end to early Dec, 2007 for about 15 days. at the Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital.
She walked into the hospital by herself and had to be taken out on a stretcher. We have to buy medicines in the hospital pharmacy - later I come to know at huge prices.
Later I know that healthy people are scared into heart, this and that surgeries - all under guise of a charitable institution.
When I brought the unnecessary tests, cheating at heir pharmacy with examples etc my final bill was reduced by Rs 3000 and several of the tests disappeared.
I sent them a letter on 15.dec however they have not responded to date - with data.
This is going on at all major hospitals - doctors have become money crazy.
The triumvirate of Insurance + Pharma manufacterers + Hospitals is cheating people of their funds.
Why do docotrs have to think that the Med Ins belongs to them - so do tests , tests and tests - with commissions mind you all the time for the doctors for referring (upto 40% is paid for a MRI brain scan by the Scan centres) - if 2 days required, they are kept for 1 week.
Unnecessary Surgeries and on and on
In fact Med Ins is a bane with doctors gunning for the money and no treatment.
I wrote to the Jain Trustees - but no word. All are cheats behind the big talk, corporate facade and trusteesship etc.
And these guys say eating meat is a sin and very bad for health - what about cheating? It's fine with them I suppose.