My name is Bhavesh. Raval. My mobile number is 9890279992/9860575713. [note my complain for this two number.]
Complain -1, I want to talk customer care executive but I is not possible because when dial 121, after the message I select 1, then select 3 and then I selected option 9 at that time the message come “send sms to 121 and type Airtel.”
I want to know why this service is not working. If I have some problem then to whom I contact?
Please start this service immediately ……
Complain – 2, without my permission you were started cricket pack etc. and deducting my balance RS. 10, 30, 5 etc. I am requesting you that please take care about this things in future. I am not interested in this package like cricket, hello tones etc.