Ronnie Weems of BSH New Bern, NC head of Security has sexually harrassed me with Al Jones a contractor. They have caused me so much stress and didn't help me when I was being harrassed by the mail lady, instead when I put a two week notice in they would not let me return to my job. I was only doing what I thought was right by the company by leaving since no one would help me.
They came on night and was asking us to do a bag check, that someone had stolen a palm pilot and the language they were using was just so insulting. They would say sorry I am not used to a girl being around, and that's an outright lie, there are women all over the company and since they are best buds with the plant manager Mr. Tucker, as they all ride bikes together.
They really treated me terrible, language, not helping me when I was being harrassed as they are supposed to. Which I have copies of my emails and sound recordings to back this up.
I even watched Al Jones lift a ladies shirt up, she had just married a man inside, but that activity should not go on in the work force, she was not married to him, and yet I think most are afraid of him being the plant managers best friend.
There are Forklifts left in isles with propane open and do nothing about it, we had a gas leak for a week and they didn't do anything right away to fix it. That was so dangerous for all of the employee's but most didnt know about it. Putting lives in danger is not doing your job.
I have contacted the NC Labro, WorkForce, Lawyers, Sexual Harrassment law suits and many others are taking this very serious.
This kind of treatment Must STOP!