I happened to shop at Big Bazaar on 6th july 2007, as it was the 3rd anniversary of big bazaar they had introduced buy one take one free.
I did my shopping, but i found most of the items were not buy one take one free, only a few, that too you will have to buy the specified brand, in multiple.
for example: Buy DARA oil 6 pkts and get 5 kg sugar free.
You buy any other brands you don't get any thing. Then this brand which is provided with free package is just about to expire. Say 20 days more for the date of expiry.
FINALLY I GOT THE BILL, THERE ARE some items buy one take one free and i got hold of one item in my whole purchase it was ON JUST FRUIT JUICE and its printed clearly on the pack buy one take one FREE by the company itself.
I took 2 packets. After reaching home i find the clerk has billed for both... so no free.
BY BILL NO IS T 82/1442
BILLED AT 20:23:16.