Checked out business online after submitting payment 0f $150.00 (have proof of money order) received second phone call with Francis with the exact same message as first call. The following is from /URL removed/
My claim is for mail fraud as all transactions were done through the mail.
Sent $150.00, to Francis Zaglifa for independent marketeer for Big Bear Advertising, found after second phone call from WIn December 2006, we met with an advertising salesman for the Grizzly Newspaper to discuss placing an ad for a store clearance sale. We gave specific instructions regarding the content of the ad. We told the salesman that we were flexible on the decorations, but gave very detailed instructions about the copy. We left town. When we returned the ad was published with absolutely no mention of the merchandise we were clearancing for Christmas. We refused to pay. Six months later we are getting anonymous phone calls from a private investigator telling us not to be alarmed if we see someone taking pictures around the business.
I feel that we are dealing with an incompetent newspaper that refuses to take responsibility for its mistakes. Its easier to justify attacking us with an aggressive collection agency.
DO NOT give your advertising money to this newspaper.
Big Bear Lake, California