June 8, 2009
Company goes by "big cash express" Company real name Synercess INTL- http://www.bigcashexpress.com ----------------------how it works- you pay $695 for an e book "Digital Gold"- about marketing online. then you get a big cash express website, just like all the other members- you have to get your own domain to link to their global website. So you end up purchasing .com, .biz., .net, etc who is, etc from go daddy or whoever you choose, ending up spending almost $175.00/ ok so thats $695 plus $175 so far- + $870. then you have to pay $59.00 a month to be a member, to have access to your cookie cutter website/ and a back office. So the amount now is approx $930.00 wasted... You have a sponsor big deal -THE CATCH you have to get two people to sucker in and betheir Sponsor, those two people have to get two suckers, and so on. Then you get $1200. Sound so easy- NOT- Most people who are trying to learn marketing as beginners cannot figure this out in a month two months or even longer. The ebook just blabs on about nothing, and it is confusing !!! So you are just trying to figure out the ebook - and not marketing the product "Digital Gold" because you don't know how!!! There is a 2x2 matrix payout which I described before. Then there is a second way you can make your millions... A 4x6 matrix Global payout. Even your own sponsor cannot explain what this means. Supposedly as the company gets bigger and bigger you move up in the matrix. They forbid anyone in management telling any member where they stand in that Global Matrix. You will be extremely lucky even if you get $20.00 a month from the 4x6 global payout. Sounds strange. Oh the $59 a month payment goes into a GLOBAL MATRIX payout pot for everyone to share. They also will delay your monthly payout due to problems in the GLOBAL Matrix such as people getting compressed out. People who have been with the company since its start in June 06??? still barely get a $20 global payout. You can add a marketing plan for an extra $30 a month, making your monthly payment $89.00. The global payout is monthly- never on time because of always some lame excuse. I never saw dime one from it. You also (which they don't tell you upfront) have to sign up with a company named Speedy Wallet and they have a fee for you too. I've never heard of them and I'm sure most people have not. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO GIVE THEM YOU SS#, BANK ACCOUNT INFO, ETC. You do not get a check in the mail, if anyone actually does makes a profit, you get a money card?????? What is that???? So the company uses an outside off the wall company to pay you. No checks come from their Company Bank. the companies address is a UPS address postal box. One member said he got 137 people to sponsor... SOUNDS LIke he probably made a mint. Well guess what he made... 1 sale out of all those people. $1200 ... This is set up this way by these companies, because they always profit and you loose money and time. SCAM!