I called Bill and Rods Appliance Repair in Livonia, they are about 4 miles from my home. I described the problem, they said it was probably the thermal fuse. They came the same day, with the fuse.
I found it for sale on the internet for prices between $4-$10. I had the dryer in the middle of the room so they didn't have to move anything or unhook anything. The guy unplugs the fuse, plugs in the new one and turns the dryer on. Says all fixed... here's the bill. $30 parts, $59 service call, $60 labor. $151.75 for 10 min. in the basement.
These people do not seem to be integrity driven. But they are driven. If you call them for parts they are totally higher for almost everything. My husband had been off work for 9 months and waiting for his pension to finally kick in and so he called a repair place when he got his first check. What a mistake. Bill and Rods only care about 2 things. Money and how to get more. I don't know how they can say honesty is even involved in their repair ethics. I'd use a clothes line in January rather than be ripped off again by a business like them.