Now you see them... now you don't!! Interesting how the President, Bill Cloyd, and little co-captain conspirator Vice President, Ray Cloyd, so proudly displayed thier images and personal respectives on thier newly presented scam website, Jupiter's Chariot, but then all of a sudden, someone recognized who they were... and POOF... those images came down faster than Bill Cloyd's last three corporate failures... or should i say triumphs, I mean he DID walk away with 6 figures of stolen funds in his pocket, 20 or so lawsuits attached to his name and a disgusting and vial reputation that should far proceed them.
"Ever Wonder where his campaign scam slogan SIX FIGURE SALES TALENT came from"
Bill Cloyd, Billy, William... my how it's been some time since i last hear from you as you lied your pathetic ass off to all of us while you skated off to Florida to start another 'credit repair scam'. You know what, the MLM trick really does work, but when the shit hits the fan and you screw over all your supposed friends, and collueges by steeling our hard earned money and then twisting your story around to make it look like everyone else stole from you... MAKES ME SICK!
As i just read in another blog somewhere, you'll get what's coming to you, and when it finally catches up with you that you feel the pain and suffering that each and every other person who was tricked by you and who put thier trust in you felt as you betrayed each and every one on every and any level conceivable. Thier families, thier livlihood, the time and sweat they put into someting you tricked them into believing just to have it
taken out from under them as you trampled them, thier families, thier livlihoods, into nothing because you are a SELFISH COWARDLY PIG.
I personally will not divulge who i am, but Bill Cloyd knows. He knows all too well as i am one out of hundreds just like me who were treated like pieces of crap totally disposable. Bill Cloyd stole over $60, 000.00 that was my money, that i earned, that i made... and he ran off with it just as he ran away from his superstar credit repair business that he single handedly ran into the ground. Once he realized he had spent all our our money and couldn't pay us he created an elaborate scheme telling the world everyone stole from him and made him shut down. Well well, look who just resurfaced. Just another statistic when it comes to dealing with this sad excuse for a man.
He built up a magnificent sales team selling credit repair packages under several created business names, the superstar business being dubbed NFORC. The sales forc sold these credit repair programs and packages by the hundreds at about $1000 a pop to which the sales force made a commission off each sale. A few months into it he stopped giving the team thier commissions and said that someone had gotten into his bank account and cleared the funds, claiming HE was a victim of fraud. Shortly after that, he dissapeared... NO ONE got thier earnings and everyone who bought a 'credit repair package' was left high and dry. Cloyd never intended on following through on actually providing the credit repair services... he just wanted to sell the packages in mass
quantities, collect the funds as business got to it's peak, and then take off with the money before he ever had to make good on any of his contracts. Today, we know that Bill Cloyd and his brother Ray cloyd (Michael) skated off to Florida and started the 'credit repair program' all over again with fresh faces and sales team. Where is the old sales team... waiting for him to bring his head out of the sand so they can get thier money. Where are
all his old customers that paid thousands each in hopes of repairing thier credit... well, they were just simply ripped off!
It's not only one business, ITS HUNDREDS OF VICTIMS and NUMEROUS BUSINESSES shut down and discraced all because of one person, Bill Cloyd. The only SIX FIGURE SALES TALENT circling around this party is Bill himself, when he brings in enough revenue to get him to his next vacation/hideaway destination, consider yourself scammed.