Wow!! Wow!!...How this company is allowed to do business anywhere by any government is beyond my comprehension!! Where's that so called Credit Reform you ran on Mr. President?
A $19.00 late charge fee on a $138.00 charge that is only 10 days late? ... Lets see!... $1.90 per day charge, multiplied by 365 days...that is a total of $693.50 a year fee on a $138.00 loan. that comes to the astronomical" rate of 503.6% . Al Capone did not charge these rates.
Pity on the poor man who may be late on his payments with these "scammers" who are owned by "PayPal", shame on you all!! (including the government)
My next step is close the acct. ...then the BBB, and then the Federal Consumers Bureau and then...maybe a good law firm to start a Class Action Against PayPal.