Have you ever bought something from a salesman?
I'm writing this in the hope of spreading the truth about many private schools in the business of revenue collection instead of providing a REAL education that leads to a job. The education this school provides is 75% general education. You attend eight months of schooling, only two months are toward your career goal. How many employers would take you seriously knowing you only have two months of training toward a Biotechnology career? The school makes many job promises. They do not deliver on any of their promises.
Seated across from a charismatic president and counselor they promise you the world. They offer tutoring, extra help, night classes and whatever you need while your there to keep you happy and blind from the fact that you won't be working after you graduate.
I would see former students walk in to see the job placement specialist. She is rude and does the absolute minimum to help you.
Like all good hustles you need enough staff members that are aware of the scam to cover up the game they play. Five out of thirteen staff members are recruited from his past 'sales' by the president, all speak the same language and have previous experience in selling you on an bogus education in the previous schools he's owned or operated. I call them staff since many of the teachers there have no teaching credentials. Who needs credentials if 80% percent of your graduates won't have a job anyways? Ask them how much their accreditation cost ? In a valley saturated in small business schools. Ask yourself "Do you attend a school to receive a quality education that will lead you to a job in a booming field?" That's the impression you are given the while your there. . The end result of my class as well as other graduates is one or two find jobs and most of them had fifteen years previous experience in a related field anyway.
All they want is your money. Once you graduate and are looking for a job. - -- they are no where to be found!
Remember they have been in business for years, the only employed graduates have pictures posted on the wall. (less than 200 of the over 6, 000+ graduates) LOL