Despicable behavior...
The local board here decided a few weeks ago that the little signs which have an American flag and the words "We the people" printed underneath are prohibited signs. They originally chose to allow them in the yards of residents provided that they were placed within ten feet of the house.
Because of this decision, they informed the manager to send out an employee to take the signs down immediately. He came while I was gone and took the sign and put it on my front deck along with a bag of paperwork explaining the "rules".
I was never notified of any change in the rules and never given the chance to vote on it. There were apparently several other changes since then and I was not notified about them.
I say that it is trespass when someone comes onto my property without my permission and destroys a sign that I put up with the express approval of the management. I bought a house here to have a place where someone could not trespass onto my property like they do in the city.
It is a waste of my dues money to pay someone to do this.
This action seriously affects my property value because most people will not choose to live somewhere where the manager or some unknown employee can enter their property and do something like this at the whim of a few radical anti-American tyrant board members.
I have no way of knowing who will come here next and what they will take or do next.
There is no notice of changes to the rules and no opportunity to correct a problem.
The association board and management here is a bunch of incompetent fools as well as cowards and traitors to the US Constitution.