As a first-time customer of, I would like to warn anyone who is considering doing business with this company of its fraudulent business practices including:
1. advertises products as available on their website and does not tell you the item is on back order until the items delivery due date has expired. Then fraudulently refuses to cancel your order, saying your item is “in shipping” only to tell you later that it is again on back-order.
2. routinely restricts customer complaints by preventing calls to their customer service via the only contact number on their website: 1-800-821-5744. If you call this number it will always tell you: “We are currently experiencing unusually high call volume and are unable to handle your call at this time. Please try your call again later.” This message has gone on for two months now! Call it and see for yourself.
On 11/28/08 I purchased items as Christmas gifts. The shipping policy on the website clearly states: “In-stock merchandise typically arrives in 7-10 business days with standard delivery.” After 3 weeks of not receiving my items, I tried to contact at the number on their website listed above. This is when I first encountered the message ““We are currently experiencing unusually high call volume and are unable to handle your call at this time. Please try your call again later.” After trying to contact them by phone for a week, I completed the Contact Us form on their website. It took 5 days to get an email back from someone at the company who said the item would be shipped in the next few days. By that time, it would be too late to receive the items before Christmas. So, I sent an email back requesting that they cancel my order. Here’s the response I received:
“Thank you for contacting Blair.
Unfortunately we are unable to cancel your order as requested because it is in the shipping to be shipped. We experienced some shipping delays but are working diligently to get orders out as quickly as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Blair Customer Service
Five days later I received the following email from
[email protected]
We value your business... that's why we're sending this message to make sure you're up-to-date on the progress of your order. The current status of each item is listed below. Any recent changes are highlighted in red. Your online order was submitted: 11/28/08
ITEM 1 Back Order 12/13/08
ITEM 2 Back Order 12/13/08
ITEM 3 Back Order 12/13/08”
After receiving this email I sent a second request by email to cancel my order, but never got a response. I tried once again to contact the company at the customer service phone # provided but just kept getting the same phone message to tray back later.
After two more weeks of failed attempts to cancel my order I contacted my credit card company. Luckily, they were able to reverse the charges made to my credit card by
If it’s too late and you’re reading this because you are in a similar predicament, try contacting your credit card company and getting the charges reversed. Then, if your items ever do get shipped to you, refuse delivery. If the items are delivered when your not home just return them to the Post Office, UPS or whoever delivered them – and GOOD LUCK!